Grove City Kids Association


Updated 11/08/17

Policy #001

Code of Conduct

  1. All associated with the Grove City Kids Association shall abide by and support the rules, regulations, policies and By-Laws of the Grove City Kids Association.
  1. All persons present at any activity sponsored by the GCKA shall abide by and support the rules, regulations, policies and By-Laws of the Grove City Kids Association.
  1. All associated with the Grove City Kids are to offer encouragement and support to players and refrain from negative comments. It is the expectation that parents/guardians as well as their guests adhere to these guidelines:
  1. Abide by a doctor’s decision in all matters of player’s health and injuries and physical ability to play.
  2. Encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, and official at every game, practice or other youth sports events.
  3. Place the emotional and physical well-being for all players ahead of a personal desire to win.
  4. Have control of my emotions, and be a respectable fan.
  5. Remain in the spectator area during games/practices.
  6. Assist and insist that my child play in a safe and healthy environment.
  7. Support coaches and official working with the children, in order to encourage a positive and enjoyable experience for all.
  8. Will not advise the coach on how to do their job, and I will address any issues before or after practice.
  9. Demand and encourage a sports environment for my child that is free of drugs, tobacco, and alcohol and will refrain from their use at all youth sports events. I will not drink alcohol at a game/practice or come to one, having drunk too much.
  10. Will remember that the game is for our youth – NOT ADULTS – and that participation in youth sports is a privilege, not a right.
  11. Show respect for all participants at all times.
  12. Will not coach my child from the sidelines during the game/practice.
  13. Assist and encourage my child to treat all other players, coaches, fans, and officials with respect.
  14. Will not make insulting comments to players, parents, officials, or coaches of either team.
  15. Will make sure that all issued equipment is maintained and returned in the best possible condition.
  16. Understand that if the equipment issued to my player is not returned, that I will be responsible for reimbursing GCKA for its cost before I am to register again.
  1. Good sportsmanship and clean play is required of the coaches in their instruction.

Policy #001 (continued)

Code of Conduct

  1. All associated with the Grove City Kids Association have the right and responsibility to protect the property, equipment and other assets of the GCKA.
  1. Smoking is prohibited on all GCKA property.
  1. Alcoholic beverages and illegal substances are prohibited on all GCKA property.
  1. All associated with and representing Grove City Kids Association could be subject to a background check.
  1. All associated with GCKA and its programs and events shall abide by the code of conduct, and will be subject to disciplinary action that could include, but is not limited to, the following:
  1. Documented verbal warning by ANY game day official, Head Coach, or Advisory Board Member.
  2. Written warning by ANY game day official, Head Coach, or Advisory Board Member to be kept on file.
  3. Suspension with written documentation of incident kept on file by organizations involved based on an incident review by the sport Advisory Board.
  4. Game forfeit based on an incident review by the sport Advisory Board.
  5. Season suspension, based on an incident review by the sport Advisory Board.
  6. Permanent expulsion from GCKA based on an incident review by the sport Advisory Board, and the GCKA Personnel committee.

Policy #002

Program Structure

The purpose of this policy is to provide a structure to:

-Encourage long range planning for each program.

-Promote continuity.

-Encourage participants and members to be involved in the decision making process.

1.Each approved program must have:

A.A Commissioner

B.An Assistant Commissioner

C.League Chairpersons (if the program has more than one league)

D.At least one coach per team as appointed by commissioner/league chair on a season by season term

2.Each approved program must have an Advisory Board, which consists of:

A.The Commissioner, who serves as chairperson

B.The Assistant Commissioner

C.The Chairperson of each league

D.Program Liaison

E.Budget coordinator(appointed by the commissioner)

F.Additional members as deemed necessary by the commissioner

Note:No person may serve in more than one of 2a, 2b, 2c, or 2d at the same time.

3.Each program Commissioner must submit a completed Program Structure to the GCKA Office Assistant for approval by the GCKA Board no later than one week after the first game of the season.

Policy #003

Commissioners of Programs

1. Election of Commissioners

A.It is the responsibility of the Commissioner of a program to hold nominations and election according to the following schedule:



SoccerNovember to take office in June


BThe Commissioner is to be elected by the coaches (one vote per team) by a simple majority vote.

C.In the event a program does not elect a Commissioner, as outlined in item 1; the GCKA Board will appoint one.

2. Eligibility

  1. A person serving as commissioner of a programmay not concurrently serve as Commissioner or Assistant Commissioner of another program.
  1. A commissioner must be at least 21 years of age at the time of the election.
  1. Will have a background check which must be reported to the Sport board and GCKA Executive Board. The Executive Board has sole discretion in rejecting anyone if reasonable grounds are discovered to justify a concern for the safety or well-being of any individual involved with GCKA. The Board’s decision on such a matter is final and not appealable. Individuals who have not completed a background check will not be permitted to interact with players on the field or at any GCKA function.
  1. Be in good standing with GCKA, having not been on probation or under suspension with GCKA during any part of a two year period prior to nominations

3. Responsibilities of a Commissioner include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Provides leadership in the operation of the program, under the direction of the GCKA Board, and its policies and By-Laws.
  1. Appoints coaches and assistant coaches to teams (from signups through the last game).
  1. Attends GCKA Board meetings while the recreational program is in season.

Policy #003 (continued)

Commissioners of Programs

  1. Maintains an inventory of all equipment in the program and submits a report to the GCKA Board within thirty (30) days of the end of each season.
  1. Conducts participant’s registration.
  1. Supervises the player draft.
  1. Assigns late sign-ups.
  1. As a budget manager, complies with the items contained in policy #009.

I.Submits,within 30 days of the start of season, the Recreational Program rules & regulations for the following season, marked up with any proposed changes, to the legislative committee for review.

J.Must provide all Chairpersons, coaches, assistant coaches Advisory Board members, and parents with theinternet location of GCKA By-Laws, Policies, and the program’s rules and regulations.

K.Has authority to discipline anyone present at a GCKA activity associated with the commissioner’s recreational program.

L.Chairs and maintains minutes of all program advisory board meetings, holding at least twomeetings per year. Submits meeting minutes to the Board Office Assistant within two weeks of each meeting.

MArranges for at least one (1) fund raising event per year, as approved by the Ways and Means committee and the GCKA Board.

N. Other duties as assigned by the GCKA Executive Board

Policy #004

Assistant Commissioner

1. Election of Assistant Commissioners

A.Elected by the coaches (1 vote per team) of that program by a simple majority votesecret ballot. In the event an Assistant Commissioner is not elected, the Commissioner will appoint one.

2. Eligibility

  1. Aperson serving as Assistant Commissioner of a program may not concurrently serve as Commissioner or Assistant Commissioner of another program.
  1. An Assistant Commissioner must be at least 21 years of age at the time of the election.
  1. Will have a background check which must be reported to the Sport board and GCKA Executive Board. The Executive Board has sole discretion in rejecting anyone if reasonable grounds are discovered to justify a concern for the safety or well-being of any individual involved with GCKA. The Board’s decision on such a matter is final and not appealable. Individuals who have not completed a background check will not be permitted to interact with players on the field or at any GCKA function.
  1. Be in good standing with GCKA, having not been on probation or under suspension with GCKA during any part of a two year period prior to nomination

3. Responsibilities of an Assistant Commissioner include but are not limited to the following:

A.Acts in the absence of the Commissioner.

B.Serves on the Advisory Board of the program.

C.Other duties as assigned by the Commissioner or the GCKA Board.

Policy #005

League Chairperson

1. Election of League Chairperson

A.Any GCKA program that has 2 or more leagues must have a Chairperson for each.

B.League Chairpersons shall be elected by the coaches (1 vote per team) in each league by simple majority vote.

C.In the event the coaches of a league are unable to elect a Chairperson, the Commissioner will appoint one.

2. Eligibility

A. A person serving as League Chairperson of a program may not concurrently serve as Commissioner or Assistant Commissioner of another program.

B. A League Chairperson must be at least 21 years of age at the time of the election.

C. Will have a background check which must be reported to the Sport board and GCKA Executive Board. The Executive Board has sole discretion in rejecting anyone if reasonable grounds are discovered to justify a concern for the safety or well-being of any individual involved with GCKA. The Board’s decision on such a matter is final and not appealable. Individuals who have not completed a background check will not be permitted to interact with players on the field or at any GCKA function.

DBe in good standing with GCKA, having not been on probation or under suspension with GCKA during any part of a two year period prior to nomination

3. Responsibilities of a League Chairperson include but are not limited to the following:

A.Operates the league, under the supervision of the Commissioner, and within the rules of the program, policies and By-Laws of the GCKA.

B.Schedules league practices and games as approved by the commissioner or the commissioner’s appointee.

C.Ensures each coach in the league has a coaching application on file with the Commissioner.

D.Serves on the Advisory Board of the program.

E.Other duties as assigned by the Commissioner, Assistant Commissioner or the GCKA Board.

Policy #006


1. Selection of Coaches

A.Appointed by the Commissioner/league chair per season

2. . Eligibility

  1. A coach must be at least 21 years of age at the time of appointment.
  1. Will have a background check which must be reported to the Sport board and GCKA Executive Board. The Executive Board has sole discretion in rejecting anyone if reasonable grounds are discovered to justify a concern for the safety or well-being of any individual involved with GCKA. The Board’s decision on such a matter is final and not appealable. Individuals who have not completed a background check will not be permitted to interact with players on the field or at any GCKA function.

C Be in good standing with GCKA, having not been on probation or under suspension with GCKA during any part of a two year period prior to nomination

3. Responsibilities of a Coach include but are not limited to the following:

A.Teaches skills of the program

B.Maintains records of each player on their team as required by the program.

C.Ensures that original player applications are on site at all practices and games.

D.Creates an atmosphere that promotes good sportsmanship and safety of participants.

E.Takes action to ensure that Policy 001 (Code of Conduct) is adhered to during the program activities in which the coach’s team is participating.

F.Conducts team practices only when approved by the commissioner or the commissioner’s appointee.

Policy #007

Liaison to Programs

1. Purpose:

The purpose of the Liaison to Programs position is to facilitate the adjustment period for new Commissioners and to allow the Board to have additional communications to and from each of the programs sponsored by GCKA.

2. Selection of Program Liaison:

  1. All Liaisons must be GCKA Board members.


3. Responsibilities of a Program Liaison include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Informs new Commissioners of their responsibilities, including providing a copy of the GCKA By-Laws and Policies.
  1. Acts in the place of a commissioner, when the position is vacant, until a new Commissioner is elected and approved by the GCKA board or a new commissioner is appointed and approved by the GCKA Board.
  1. Serves on the program Advisory Board.
  1. Other duties as assigned by the GCKA Board.

Policy #008


  1. Uniforms for GCKA Recreational Activities must be approved annually by the GCKA Board.
  1. Modification of GCKA uniforms is prohibited.
  1. Uniforms for all GCKA sports programs must have the Board approved identifying logo attached to the upper body area (chest, arm or back to be determined by the commissioner of the sport.
  1. Logo sample

Policy #009

GCKA Budget Process

1.An annual budget is used to assist the Board in estimating income and expenses for GCKA. The Budget Committee, which is chaired by the GCKA Treasurer, prepares the GCKA Budget for a calendar year and presents it for approval by the Board at the regular November meeting.

2.The following budget managers prepare and submit the budgets, in the format required by the Budget Committee,for their respective areas of responsibility to the budget committee chairperson by October 1.

GCKA President (Administration budget)

Ways and Means Committee chairperson

Facilities Management Committee chairperson

Program Commissioners (responsible for both travel and rec budgets)

Bingo Committee Chairperson

3.The budget for each GCKA Recreational Activity must be balanced when presented to the Budget Committee.

4.If a Recreational Activity has separate travel and rec programs, the Commissioner must submit a balanced budget for each.

5.The Budget Committee works with the budget managers to produce the GCKA Budget, which must be balanced when, presented to the Board.

6.The GCKA Budget must be Board approved prior to the beginning of the calendar year for which it was prepared. No money is to be spent or purchases made until a budget has been approved.

7.All budget managers must submit at least 2 bids to the GCKA Treasurer for any purchase over $500.00. Although purchasing is not restricted to low bids, Program Commissioners should be prepared to defend other approaches to the Budget Committee

8.After the sign up period is completed for each program's season, a revised balanced budget must be submitted to the budget committee, which reflects actual numbers of participants. This revised budget must be submitted no later than two weeks after the completion of scheduled signups. The revised budget must then be approved by the Board.

9..Amendments to a budget must be submitted to, and approved by,the Budget Committee in order to be placed on the Board Agenda for approval.

Policy #010


1.All GCKA program participant awards must be approved annually by the Board. Awards include, but are not limited to, trophies, plaques, medals, patches, and decals.

2.Awards may not exceed in price the amount established annually by the GCKA Board at the August meeting.

3.All awards issued in a program must be of equal size. Only the color or engraving may vary.

4.No person is permitted to issue any award not approved by the GCKA Board.

  1. Travel teams may accept awards presented through their respective travel league affiliations or tournaments.
  1. No individual trophies may be presented to internal tournament participants.

Policy #011


  1. Contributions of five hundred dollars ($500) or more will be recognized with a certificate of appreciationfrom the GCKA Board. Sponsorship fees are not considered to be contributions.
  1. Contributions will be accepted only without limitations as to how the contributions will be used.
  1. No contributions will be recognized by name at GCKA Murfin Memorial Fields.

Policy #012

Conflict Resolution

When conflicts/disputes occur between or among those associated with the Grove City Kids Association, the following resolution procedure will be followed:

Step 1 -If possible, a conflict/dispute should be resolved by the parties involved prior to escalating the issue to Step 2. If the incident involves a child, the parents should be contacted immediately to discuss the issue.

Step 2 -If no resolution is agreed upon in Step 1, the complainant should enter the Conflict Resolution Process (see following page) at the appropriate level based on the parties involved. The issue will be assessed at that level, and a resolution will be determined and a penalty administered if warranted.

Step 3 - If no resolution is agreed upon after Step 2, the complainant may escalate the issue to the next higher level. If the issue reaches the GCKA Personnel Committee, the complainant must submit a written appeal to the Committee Chairperson. The Committee Chairperson will call a meeting of the committee to consider the issue within two weeks of receipt of the appeal.

Step 4 - The complainant has the right to appeal the decision of the Personnel Committee to the Grove City Kids Association Board of Directors, and may exercise this right by written request to the President of the GCKA no later than one week prior to the Board Meeting in which the appeal is expected to be heard. The President of the GCKA will bring the appeal to the Board at the next regular Board meeting.

Policy #012 (continued)

Conflict Resolution

The purpose of the diagram below is to illustrate the hierarchical structure for the Conflict Resolution Process.