Authority to recruit, hire or make a change in a position requires the approval of the Dean of the School/College.
The Provost has reviewed and approved a 5 year enrollment growth funding model. Deans are provided additional faculty lines annually for the upcoming year in accordance with that plan. The Provost has also established a Faculty Funding Model that defined, by discipline, the number of faculty lines compared to the Delaware model benchmark. Deans may replace existing faculty lines using benchmark data, approved enrollment growth plans, and other college needs in order to meet the Universities strategic goals in accordance with the following:
- For replacements in disciplines that are less than 75% in FFM, Deans can hire within that discipline without additional approval provided:
1)hire is at the Assistant Professor level
2)no more than three years of credit toward tenurea
3)salary is less than 126% of Oklahoma State University Salary Survey
4)start up funding can be supported from unit F&A recovery allocation
- For replacements in disciplines that are at or above 75% in the FFM, Deans can hire in a different discipline without additional approval provided:
1)hire is in a discipline that is first, second or third strategic funding priority
2)hire is at the Assistant Professor level
3) no more than three years of credit toward tenurea
4)salary offered is no more than 126% of the Oklahoma State University SalarySurveyb
5)start up funding can be supported from unit F&A recovery allocation
aFor all hires where more than three years toward tenure is awarded the Provost needs to review the CV and reserves the right to interview the candidate
If any condition above is not met, approval must be obtained from the Associate Vice President for Academic Budget and Personnel. If A.4 or B.5 is not met, approval must be obtained from the Vice President of Sponsored Research.
All actions must be in accordance with FIU Human Resources, Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Academic Affairs policies/procedures.
Upon selection of candidates for interview, search committee chair will provide an interview list with CVs to the Dean for review and will consult with Dean on the number of candidates to move forward for interview.
Acceptable candidates require a majority vote of one or more recommending groups: search committee, department or college, depending on unit policies. If acceptable candidates do not meet the required number of candidates to move forward, search committee chair will meet with Dean to determine whether to continue search efforts.
Search committee or chair will submit an unranked list of acceptable candidates to the Dean for review and hire.