Level: Early Elementary
Subject: Language Arts
Theme: Bugs
Lesson Summary: As a group, students will read the book “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” by Eric Carle. Throughout the story, students will explore sensory and interactive manipulatives paired with the stories vocabulary and plot.
Benchmark Focus:
Focus benchmarks:
- R.NT.e4.P.EG03a - Answer simple questions such as who, what or where related to simple story elements in narrative text – Students will be asked to identify which picture is a caterpillar (versus a picture of something else), identify which picture is a butterfly (versus a picture of something else), recognize a picture of a sun paired with the word
- L.CN.e4.P.EG01a - Follow one and two step directions – Students will be asked to feel the “egg”, wear the puppet, put puppet through the various foods eaten by the caterpillar
- R.WS.e4.P.EG02a Use semantic and/ or syntactic cues to recognize familiar words paired with pictures and/ or objects
- R.FL.e2.P.EG03a - Understand basic concepts of text messages
- R.CM.e4.EG04a - Identify key ideas using words, pictures and/ or symbols from content area text
- R.MT.e4.P.EG02a - Use simple processes to convey meaning
- S.CN.e5.P.EG03a - Recognize the need for appropriate voice volume in familiar settings
- S.DS.e4.P.EG01a - Engage in and focus on conversations in a variety of settings
- L.CN.e4.P.EG01a - Follow one and two step directions
- L.RP.e4.P.EG03a - Respond to speech and/ or text in a way that reflects understanding
- S.CN.e4.P.EG02a Use language to communicate effectively with a variety of audiences and for different purposes
- Activity kit for “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” (can be viewed at Activity kit includes: Caterpillar/butterfly puppet, large food props (caterpillar can “eat” though)
- Large “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” book
- Tray or small flat surface
- Pre-made “large leaf” – Green construction paper cut to size of large stemmed leaf, green marker to add detail to leaf
- Cotton ball
- Large caterpillar picture – hard laminated (picture attached)
- Large butterfly picture – hard laminated (picture attached)
- Large sun picture – hard laminated
Anticipatory Set: Students will be introduced by viewing the cover of the story, “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”. They then will be asked to identify which picture is a caterpillar (versus a picture of something else)
Step-By-Step Procedure:
- Students will be introduced by viewing the cover of the story, “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”.
- They then will be asked to identify which picture is a caterpillar (versus a picture of something else)
- The story will begin, as the first page introduces the “egg” on a leaf. Visit each student with the “egg” (cotton ball) on the leaf on the tray and ask the students to touch the egg (describe as “soft”)
- Proceed through the story and ask students to wear the caterpillar puppet while putting their hand through the various food pictures as the story progresses.
- As the last page has the caterpillar transform into a butterfly, pull out the butterfly from inside the caterpillar puppet
- Last, ask students to identify which picture is a butterfly (versus a picture of something else)
Plan For Independent Practice:
Students can independently:
- Manipulate and explore the props of the story
- Identify the correct pictures (caterpillar, butterfly)
- Identify common food items (large food props in “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” activity kit
- Turn pages of the story
The lesson is closed by students identifying the butterfly (versus a picture of something else)
Students can also sequence the two focus pictures (First – caterpillar, second – butterfly)
Assessment Based On Objectives:
- Students are assessed on their ability to complete the focus benchmarks by: Identifying which picture is a caterpillar (versus a picture of something else), identifying which picture is a butterfly (versus a picture of something else), recognize a picture of a sun paired with the word, feel the “egg”, wear the puppet, put puppet through the various foods eaten by the caterpillar.
The whole group story is adapted by including sensory manipulatives (leaf, cotton ball) and large pictures correlated with the story for student understanding and vocabulary building.
Possible extensions include:
- Focusing on identifying the foods in the story, sorting healthy vs. unhealthy foods
- Studying the lifecycle of the butterfly more closely
- Sorting/studying living vs. non-living things
- Exploring additional Eric Carle books
- Raise a caterpillar to butterfly in the classroom
“The Very Hungry Caterpillar” has a number of possible extensions. Resources online provide a number of crafts, academic connections, whole group and individual activities.
Possible Connections To Other Subjects:
- L.CE.P.EB.III.1.m.1ADDe Discriminate between living and non-living things
- L.OR.P.EB.III.2.e.1a Identify observable characteristics and/ or body parts of a variety of animals
- L.OR. P.EB.III.2.e.3a Identify parts of life cycles of familiar organisms
- L.OR.P.EB.III.2.e.4a Identify some common healthy foods
- Compare size between two like objects (which is bigger or smaller) EX: Large vs. small block of the same color