Objective / Big Idea / Concepts / Vocabulary / Things to do at home / Online Resources
Compare daily and seasonal changes in weather conditions (including wind speed and direction, precipitation, and temperature patterns.) / Comparing Weather Patterns / *wind speed
*precipitation types
*temperature patterns
*interpreting temperature charts
*seasonal changes based on latitude and longitude / *air pressure
*precipitation (sleet, rain, snow, hail)
*temperature (Fahrenheit, Celsius)
*hemispheres / *
* Discuss weather changes on a daily and weekly basis and why these changes might be happening
*Chart Temperature changes at your home with a thermometer and make a chart to show change overtime
*Choose a city on an opposite hemisphere and compare our weather with their weather on a weekly basis
*Look up daily and weekly weather information on
Predict upcoming weather events from weather data collected through observation and measurements. / Predicting Weather / *weather instruments
*cloud types
*air pressure systems / *thermometer
*wind vane
*rain gauge
*cold/warm front
*high/low air pressure / *
*Ask your child what types of clouds are present in the sky on a daily basis, and what type of weather they are associated with
*Watch the morning or evening news weather report and identify weather map symbols and areas of high and low pressure and weather associated with each.
Explain how global patterns such as the jet stream and water current influence local weather in measurable terms such as temperatures, wind direction and speed and precipitation. / Global Weather Patterns / *jet stream
*air and water currents
*wind direction
*air movement / *jet stream
*global conditions
*gulf stream
*El Nino/La Nina
*Hurricanes / *
Explain how the sun’s energy impacts the processes of the water cycle (including, evaporation, transpiration, condensation, precipitation and runoff) / Water Cycle / *Water Cycle / *Evaporation
*Ground Water
*sun = energy
*Biotic / *Make up a water cycle song or rap to practice
*Ask your child where all the water goes after it rains
*Talk about dew on the ground in the morning and why it’s there
*Talk about condensation on cold glasses (when glasses start to sweat)
*Draw a diagram of the water cycle and put it on your fridge!
Explain the effects of the transfer of heat (either by direct contact or at a distance) that occurs between objects at different temperatures (conduction, convection or radiation). / Heat Transfer / *movement of heat (not cold)
*transfer of heat (direct or indirect) / *conduction
*radiation / *
*conduction (when the handle of a pot on the stove gets hot)
*Talk about how the microwave heats up food (radiation – movement of electromagnetic waves)
*Radiation (sitting in front of a fireplace)
Explain how heating and cooling affect some materials and how this relates to their purpose and practical applications. / Heating and Cooling / *Properties of materials
*Temperature Changes / *materials
*matter properties
*matter / *
*Changing properties (why does water turn from liquid to gas –steam – when heated and solid –ice- when it’s cooled?)
**Science EQT (end of quarter tests) and EOG (end of grade test) are ALL about VOCABULARY.
Make flash cards with your child and talk about science in real life!