Health assessments and meeting the health needs of children in care
In Nottinghamshire County we currently have approximately 710 children who are in the care of the local authority. These are children who were registered with a County GP when they became looked after. We have in addition, young people placed here who originate from other local authorities. All these children and young people may be registered with your practice.
We know that children in care have poorer health outcomes than that of their peers and are at greater risk of offending, substance use and teenage pregnancy.
Social workers must make arrangements to ensure that every looked-after child has their physical, emotional and mental health needs assessed on entering care. Thisis an initial health assessment.An accompanying health plan describes how any identified health needs will be addressed. This health plan will be reviewed in line with care planning requirements or at other times if the child’s health needs change. A review health assessmentis then completed every 6 months for those less than 5 years of age and every 12 months until the age of 18 or on leaving care.
Nottingham County5 CCGs commission three healthteams to support with the completion of these statutory health assessments.
Initial health assessments are undertaken by a specialist medical team of paediatricians employed by NUH and SFHFT. Review health assessments are undertaken by a specialist nursing team employed by NHCT. The medical teams are based at Kings Mill Hospital, andCity Hospital, Nottingham respectively. The nursing team is based at Ashfield Health Village.
These teams may contact you requesting information to support the children and young people’s health assessment as described in the attached statutory guidance. They are also available for advice and support. Please see contact details below.
Sherwood Forests Hospitals Foundation Trust
Children in Care & Adoption Medical Team (Mid Nottinghamshire CCGs)
Kingsmill Hospital
01623 622515 ext.: 6460/6458
Nottingham Children’s Hospital at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
Children in Care & Adoption Medical Team (South CCGs)
Children’s Centre
City Hospital Campus
Hucknall Road
Tel:0115 8831177
Nottinghamshire Healthcare Trust
Children in Care & Adoption Nursing Team
Ashfield Health Village
01623 784767
Your roles and responsibilities;
- Know the looked after children in your practice.
- When seeing a LAC ensure you review the records prior to an appointment.
- Ensure the child or young person has the opportunity to participate in decisions affecting them, appropriate to their age and ability.
- Know the child or young person’s originating local authority and named social worker.
- Know who has parental responsibility.
- Contribute in a timely manner to statutory health assessments when requested.
- Contribute to the looked after review process.
- Consider discussing at the red card/magpie meeting if safeguarding concerns are present.
Tel: 0115 8831101