The eighteenth meeting of the eleventh senate was called to order at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday February 26, 2013.
Senator Chaney moved to approve last meeting's minutes. Passed.
Officer Reports
President Cory Dodds
The TA evaluation policy was endorsed by the academic quality committee of university senate. Election application is available on our website. Everyone must run again this spring if you want to serve in the fall.
Executive Vice President Keyana Boka
Healthy Days was today. SGA safe ride coozies were given away. I talked to the director of Preston for guest passes to start in fall.
Administrative Vice President Cain Alvey
Hello. I have calendar committee meeting Monday. Org aid meets every Wednesday at 4:30. Get organizations to apply. the library scan trons bill is up for second read tonight.
Speaker Christopher Costa
A few corrections on the agenda.
Staff Reports
Chiefof Staff-Travis Taylor
The application is on website so direct people to it. If you are wanting to serve send in your application.
Director of Academic and Student Affairs
Society nomination forms will go to department heads by end of this week.
Director of Information Technology-Sarah Hazelip
Uploaded the reports. Tuition fees link
Committee Reports
Academic Affairs-Hannah Garland
Quick meeting after this. We will go over applications.
Campus Improvements-Mallory Chaney
Campus safety walk will be April 2. We will collaborate with Natalie and Mac's committee.
Legislative Research-NickiSeay
We will meet at same time in the SGA office. Sign ups for up til dawn.
Public Relations-Mac Mullins
Sorry to miss. I have the flu. We were supposed to meet with Cody Murphy. Eat at Mancino's.
Student Affairs-Natalie Broderick
Up til dawn needs to finalize tonight. If you want to sign up see me after meeting.
Judicial Council
Seth: The election packet is up for second read. Get those forms filled out. Meeting March 19 to get the forms worked out. If you are going to miss fill out the online form. 3 excused 2 unexcused. After you will be brought up for judicial review.
Unfinished Business
Resolution 5-13-S To Amend Constitution and Bylaws
Senator Greenwell moves to vote individually on sect 9 of the bylaws.
Two nays
Two in favor. The amendment fails.
Vote on everything except section 9 of bylaws
3-13-S Org aid
One abstention.
4-13-S Scan trons and Blue books in WKU Libraries
New Business
Resolution 6-13-S To Oppose Study Abroad Application Fee
There was a motion to adjourn the meeting.Passed. The meeting was adjourned at 5:38 p.m. on Tuesday February 26, 2013.