SEE Change: Sustainable Early Engagement for Change

SEE Change State Leadership Team Meeting Notes

June 3, 2015 • 9:00-12:00

Plymouth State University, 2 Pillsbury Street, Concord, NH

Joan Izen, SLT Coordinator, Meeting Facilitator

Vision Statement: New Hampshire children, birth through five, who have or are at risk for delays or disabilities, learn and grow as actively engaged members of their families and communities.

Mission Statement: To build capacity of those who work with or care for young children with disabilities to implement evidence-based practices that promote child engagement in everyday settings and activities.

Participants were grouped by colors for small group work (MC=Master Cadre member, IS=Implementation Site team member, SLT=State Leadership Team Member)

  • Green: Pam Miller Sallet, MC, Audrey Epstein, IS, Katie McCarthy, IS, JoAnn Kelly, IS, Pat Cantor, SLT (Facilitator)
  • Blue: Liza Hewitt, MC, Kathy McKechnie, IS, Katie Ryan, IS, Jen Cunha, Race2K, Ruth Littlefield, SLT (Facilitator)
  • Orange: Ardis Yahna, MC, Sheri Goyette, IS, Kerin Fiore, IS, Dee Dunn Tierney, SLT, Kathy Gray, SLT, Kerry Wiley, SLT (Facilitator)
  • Purple: Kassie Eafrati, MC, Jen Doris, IS, Kathy Keene, SLT, Debra Nelson, SLT (Facilitator)
  • Red: Meg Rugg, MC, Sara West, IS, Joan Rees, IS, Mary Beth LaSalle, PTAN, Tammy Vittum, SLT, Michelle Lewis, SLT (Facilitator)

Meeting goal and objectives: To provide SEE Change participants with the opportunity to connect, exchange information and build the foundation for Year 2 of the initiative.

  • SEE Change participants will have a shared understanding of the initiative’s purpose and process.
  • Master Cadre and Implementation Site representatives will share the successes and challenges they’ve experienced over the past year.
  • The group will acknowledge and celebrate the accomplishments of Year 1.
  • The group will identify strategies and resources for Year 2 that build on the strengths and manage the challenges experienced in Year 1.

Agenda Item / Process - Discussion Points
Registration, coffee and refreshments / Meeting participants were seated in small groupings that included the Implementation Site representatives, their Master Cadre member and State Leadership Team Members.
Welcome / Joan welcomed everyone to the meeting and noted that it was fitting that we are closing out this first year of SEE Change with a gathering of the full SLT (minus Leslie Couse), all Master Cadre members and 1 or 2 representatives from each of the Implementation Sites TOGETHER IN THE SAME ROOM! She reviewed the meeting goal and objectives (see above) and reviewed the meeting agenda.
Check in / Joan explained the purpose and process of check in. She asked participants to take a few minutes to reflect on their involvement in the SEE Change initiative over this first year and share one thing they’ve learned that has changed their practice or how think think about engaging children and families.
Setting the stage….. / Ruth and Kerry presented an overview of the SEE Change initiative and accomplishments.
Small group work: Reflections and discussion on the work of SEE Change Year 1 / The purpose of the small group discussions was to surface the strengths and challenges of Year 1, to celebrate our accomplishments and inform the development of Year 2 and beyond.
Each group discussed 5 topics: the application process; program wide planning event; training events; team roles and functioning; and impact on children and families. For each topic the group answered the questions:
-What’s worked well?
-What can we improve?
Each group was assigned a facilitator (SLT member) and chose a timekeeper and scribe. The scribe documented highlights of the discussion/topic on chart paper (see attached for transcription of small group notes).
Large group: Review of strengths and challenges (areas for improvement); suggestions for Year 2 (Joan) / Participants re-assembled as a large group and we reviewed each topic with the groups’ facilitator sharing key points for each topic.
Celebration of accomplishments (Ruth and Kerry) / Ruth and Kerry summarized the teams’ accomplishments and gave gifts (books) to Master Cadre and Implementation Site team members with thanks for their participation.
Reflections / Very positive feedback about today’s meeting; request for more opportunities for continued conversation.