$12 Art Fee Due By September 26th
You are in for a fast-paced, highly collaborative year. We will build upon your Illustrator and animation skills from last year, as well as introduce Photoshop, Adobe Flash animation, and sprite-building for game design. If you show up and actively participate in class, ask for help, support and respect your peers, and reflect upon your own interests and talents, you will leave class knowing how to use advanced drawing tools, having collaborated on a video game, animated a web gif, and having designed a poster. The DMAD curriculum is advanced. The pace of class is fast. The attitude and flexibility to create detail-oriented art requires hard work. YOU WILL SUCCEED because of your attitude and effort.
•Calendar: http://henricohighschoolart.weebly.com email:
•Art History: Once a week, take notes in your sketchbook for tests and discussions
•Drawing: Once a week we draw from observation. DON’T PANIC. Drawing is a learnable, necessary skill.
•Projects: Demonstrate your understanding of a topic or program through projects of various lengths.
•Sketchbook: Required. Turn in every 9 weeks. It will contain HW, classwork and personal art
* Homework: HW is due every Friday in your sketchbook or on Dells. 10 points off for every day late.
•Mids/Finals: Art History + Vocabulary tests are monthly. Mid-term/finals are scheduled school-wide.
• Grading policy is judged by dojo belt level achieved. See front page or website for details
• Extra credit provided in proportion to student effort. Based upon the policy below, see me with questions:
· Missed classwork is due 1 week from due date. Zero after that. Homework is 10 points off per day late
· Automatic 20 points off for sketchbooks turned in 1 day late. 50 points off for 2 days late. 0 after 3 days
• Tardies: Points are taken off your daily grade for being tardy or unprepared. 3 tardies = detention
• Referals: I will suspend your computer use and write discipline referrals for- Vandalizing lab equipment , Pornographic material, guns, drugs, gangs, violent images, Downloading applications/ music, headphone use, cell phones or texting, any breaches of Student Code of Conduct, disrespect or bullying of any type
• Detention: Lunch and after school Mondays. Detention is also assigned if you miss 3 homeworks
• Participation: You will leave my class and receive a zero for any of the above. Parents, guardians and coaches will be contacted. Please use your class time in a respectful, creative, and productive manner.
•5x7 or larger sketchbook. Must have a 3 ring binding or book binding. Try Target, Ben Franklin, Wal-Mart
•Colored pencils or markers or crayons at home
•(recommended) Flash Drive
• Extra Credit: 5 points per item per 9 weeks. Parent email, hand sanitizer, Lysol wipes/spray, tissues
Sign below that you’ve read this, you agree to meet its expectations, and that you will give the best of yourself and expect the same in return. Let’s have a great year together.
HHS Digital Media, Art & Design DOJO WAY