Department of Business & IT

BTEC National Level 3 Certificate/Subsidiary Diploma in IT /

Tutor: Student: Group:
Unit No: 43 Unit Title: Multimedia Design Unit credit value: 10
Assignment No: 3 of 4 Title: All singing, all Dancing
Date Out: 30.04.12 Date Due: 18.05.2 Date In:

Assessment Evidence

/ Achievement, as indicated by tutor
Y / N / P
You need to produce:
  • Distribute and test the final product and INTERVIEW testers, recording feedback.
AMEND final product in response to feedback, DOCUMENT changes and JUSTIFY reasons for change
  • A REFLECTIVEreport on the final product that suggests and discusses possible developments. A Bibliography as evidence of research sources.
You must ensure that each page is numbered, the criteria is visible and that your name is on each page.
NOTE: This assignment is designed to cover only part of the unit 43 requirements and you are required to complete assignments 1, 2, 3 & 4 to ensure that you achieve at least a pass grade.
Resubmitted work must include the original draft with feedback sheets. The additional work must be clearly identified in bold text or on a separate sheet titled ‘amendments’.
To achieve a DISTINCTION grade your work must show:
D1 / Produce a complex, high quality, fit for purpose multimedia product / Y / N / P
D2 / reflect on feedback, suggesting future developments. / Y / N / P

Assignment Brief IV’d by;

Signed: / Print: / Date: / Reference number:

I sign to confirm that all the work included in this assignment is my own. Where I have used the work of other people I have referenced it accordingly and provided a bibliography of all the sources of information used.

Student signature ______Date______

Your BTEC MTG / Grade for this assignment / Final unit grade & points if applicable / Total unit points
(Points x unit credit)
Assessor Signature / Date / Decision IV’d. Signed / Date / Ref. Number

Department of Business & IT

BTEC National Level 3 Certificate/Subsidiary Diploma in IT /

Unit 43: Multimedia DesignAssignment 3 of 4

Designed to cover:

Learning Outcome 3: Be able to develop multimedia products

Grading criteria – D1, D2

Date Out: 30.04.12

Date Due: 18.05.12


Your client is very pleased with your finished Multimedia Presentation and is now considering offering you the opportunity to produce further products for the college. In order to prove that you are the suitable person to take charge of this task, you must demonstrate your analytical and professional skills as well as your awareness of current and future development in the Multimedia Production area.


Invite input and opinion on your final product. DEVELOP your multimedia product where indicated in response to feedback. Be aware of current advancements in technology and

Task 3 (D1)

In order for you to meet this criteria you must now make sure that you have produced a complex multimedia product (M2) that is high quality and fit for purpose. Therefore it must meet the original user and client needs specified in the client brief and the technical quality reflects professional standards. Your product must be tested by users who are not familiar with the project and therefore have no preformed opinions and expectations.

Part 1

a)Test your product on 2 students/members of staff within the college (not BTEC IT students).

You must then interview them and ask for feedback on the following:


Ease of use (navigation)

Content (images and text)

Professional look

Suggestions for improvement.

Create a pro-forma to record the interview responses, include a date and signature section for your interviewee to sign.

Your completed and signed interview forms must be submitted as evidence of the interview having taken place.

b)You must now respond to the feedback and improve your product. Print off the amended product and annotate what has been amended and why (this should be done on a separate document).


Your final multimedia product is now completed. For D2 you must write a report that answers the following question.

If you had an unlimited budget and an unlimited amount of time, what else could you do to improve your multimedia presentation.

Areas to consider:

  • 3D technologies
  • Interactive Games
  • Bluetooth
  • QR Codes
  • Formatting for Smart Devices and Tablet Computers

Your report should be a minimum of 4 pages in length

You can incorporate small images

Text must be 12 pt and single line spacing


You must include an additional page at the end of your document to record all your sources of information. This must be completed using Harvard Referencing methods using the following website.

Department of Business & IT

BTEC National Certificate/ Subsidiary Diploma in IT /

Assessment Feedback to be completed by the learner


Name: Your BTEC MTG______Date Action set______

P1 etc / Action required to improve your assignment / By? /  X