GT Social Studies - 9/11 Project

Due on 9/16

Objective: The purpose of this project is to encourage students to find out more about the events of 9/11/2001. (Fifth graders will study terrorism in more depth later this year.) This project also allows students the opportunity to locate and analyze primary sources.

Project Components

Part One (20 points)

You will need to select two primary sources. One should be an image/video and one should be some type of written piece such as a document, diary, or letter. When you find ones that interest you, print them. (If you choose to analyze a video, perform a print screen and print one image.)

Part Two (30 points)

Use the forms (attached) to analyze the primary sources. You need to use one form for each primary source. Therefore, you will have two completed forms when you are finished.

Part Three (20 points)

Create a timeline of the events of the day 9/11/2001. It is not necessary to include the events that took place in the days and weeks afterward. Just focus on the events beginning with the first plane crashing into the World Trade Center and ending with the last plane crashing into Shanksville, PA.

(Hint: Google “9/11 timeline” and you will see lots of information. You can decide what to include.)

Part Four (20 points)

Arrange and glue this information to a poster board. Your completed poster board needs to have:

  • A title
  • Two primary sources
  • Two completed forms for analyzing primary sources (attached)
  • A timeline
  • (You can include more pictures that what is required as long as TWO primary sources are included)

Part Five (10 points)

Present your poster in class on 9/16.

Helpful Tips

A primary source is a document, speech, or other sort of evidence written or produced during the time of study. Some examples include diaries, interviews, letters, photographs, or film footage. The following websites offer hundreds of primary sources detailing the events of 9/11.

Click on browse in the bar across the top of the screen. Then you can choose from a list of images, documents, stories, or interviews.

Documents from September 11, 2011. Select any that interest you.

You can use Google and search images for 9/11. Photographs are considered primary sources.