5JSC/Editor/RDA/Part B/Chapter 16

September 14, 2007

To: Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA

From: Tom Delsey, RDA Editor

Subject: Draft of RDA Part B, chapter 16 – Religious works

Related documents:

5JSC/Editor/RDA/Part B

5JSC/Part A/Chapters 6-7 (June 2006)

RDA Element Analysis (Part B)

5JSC/Part A/Chapters 6-7/ALA response

Comments on Sept. 2006 draft of Part B (attachment to e-mail sent by Barbara Tillett on May 15, 2007)

Comments on Sept. 2006 draft of Part B (attachment to e-mail sent by Marg Stewart on June 29, 2007)

5JSC/ACOC rep/1


5JSC/Restricted/LC rep/2

IME-ICC Statement of International Cataloguing Principles (April 2007 draft)

Attached is a draft of chapter 16, which amalgamates instructions on primary access points for religious works from the June 2006 draft of chapter 7 with instructions on access points for religious works from the September 2006 draft of chapter 13. The new draft incorporates the following changes:

1.  transfer of instructions on other information used to identify works and expressions from the September 2006 draft of chapter 14, and restructuring of the elements to parallel the RDA Element Analysis (Part B)

2.  changes to terminology: “controlled access point” replaced by “preferred access point” or “variant access point”, as applicable; “reference” and “see reference” replaced by “variant access point” and “variant title”, as applicable; and “subheading” replaced by “subdivision”.

3.  changes to examples to illustrate only the element addressed by the instruction preceding the example, and elimination of italics

4.  editorial (i.e., non-substantive) corrections and changes suggested in the constituency responses to the June 2006 draft of chapter 7 and by JSC reps in their comments on the September 2006 draft of Part B

Additional editorial changes have been made to accommodate the new numbering structure, to reflect changes in the naming of elements, and to improve consistency in wording, order of instructions, etc.

All changes from the June 2006 draft of chapter 7 and the September 2006 draft of chapter 13 (other than typographical corrections and numbering changes) are highlighted in yellow.

Examples that could be affected by decisions relating to the appendices on abbreviations and initial articles have been highlighted in green. Also highlighted in green are elements missing from examples in AACR2 that need to be added in the RDA examples.

Substantive changes suggested in constituency responses to the June 2006 draft of chapter 7, in the JSC rep comments on the September 2006 draft of Part B, and in the LC rep document on the internationalization of Part B (5JSC/Restricted/LC rep/2), as well as additional issues identified by the Editor that need to be addressed by JSC in reviewing the revised draft are highlighted below.


ALA has indicated that it would welcome additional non-Judeo-Christian examples or proposals for additional guidelines for this chapter. (See the comment at 7.10-7.11 in 5JSC/Part A/Chapters 6-7/ALA response.)

Sources of information

JSC needs to review the general instruction on sources of information at as well as the specific instructions on sources of information for elements covered in 16.2-16.6.

Required elements

The labelling of elements and element sub-types as either “required” or “optional” has been omitted pending review and decisions on required elements for Part B (see 5JSC/ACOC rep/1)


There are no instructions given under 16.1.2-16.1.3 on the punctuation to be used when making additions to the preferred access point representing an expression or a manuscript or manuscript reproduction. JSC will need to decide whether instructions on preceding or enclosing punctuation for elements used as additions in an access point for an expression or manuscript or manuscript reproduction of a religious work should be included in appendix E.

Titles of sacred scriptures

There appear to be inconsistencies in AACR2 in the font style (regular or italic) used for the titles of sacred scriptures and parts and compilations of sacred scriptures referred to within the text of instructions. Generally, such titles are given in regular font. However, in a number of instances they are given in italics (e.g., in AACR2 rules 25.18E3, 25.18F1, 25.18F2, 25.18G1, and 25.18J1). Is the use of italics appropriate in those instances? Works accepted as sacred scripture

An exception has been added at based on the footnote to AACR2 rule 21.37A proposed by LC (see rule change proposal number 9 in 5JSC/LC/8) and agreed at the April 2007 JSC meeting. Is the exception intended to apply to those books of the Old and New Testaments that are attributed to a single person? General instructions on liturgical works

ALA has suggested adding an instruction under to indicate how to handle multiple passages of scripture, to supplement the instruction on a single passage of scripture at (See the comment at in 5JSC/Part A/Chapters 6-7/ALA response.) Preferred access point representing an expression of the Bible

The instructions at,, and replace provisions in AACR2 rules 25.18A10, 25.18A11, and 25.18A13 for making added entries in the case of resources containing a work in two languages or in two versions, and for facsimile reproductions, respectively. JSC needs to assess whether the reworked instructions are appropriate, and if so, whether they should apply to works other than religious works.

The instruction at (based on AACR2 rule 25.18A9) is anomalous in the context of RDA, where Selections is treated as a subdivision of a preferred access point (see, not as an addition to an access point. JSC needs to consider whether the placement of Selections in between additions to an access point that reflect attributes of an expression is appropriate.

JSC also needs to consider whether the “do not …” provision in the instruction at is appropriate in the context of RDA.

16.1.3. Preferred access point representing a manuscript or manuscript reproduction of a religious work

There appears to be a contradiction between the instruction at (based on AACR2 rule 25.22B) and the instruction at a) (based on AACR2 rule 25.18A12).

16.2.1-16.2.6. Choosing the preferred title

JSC will need to assess whether the instructions under 16.2.1-16.2.6 (either as they stand or with the revisions proposed in 5JSC/Restricted/LC rep/2) conform to the current draft of the IME-ICC Statement of International Cataloguing Principles.

16.2.1. Sacred scriptures

The LC rep has proposed changing “English-language reference sources” in the instruction at to “reference sources in the language of the cataloguing agency”. (See recommendation 3 under General recommendations in 5JSC/Restricted/LC rep/2.)

16.2.2. Apocryphal books

The LC rep has proposed changing “English-language sources” in the instruction at to “sources in the language of the cataloguing agency”. (See recommendation 3 under General recommendations in 5JSC/Restricted/LC rep/2.)

The reference to in the instruction at parallels the reference in the AACR2 rule from which the instruction is derived. However, the instructions referred to have been significantly revised. JSC needs to confirm that the preferred access point for a compilation of religious works should be constructed according to the revised instructions on compilations given under

16.2.3. Theological creeds, confessions of faith, etc.

The LC rep has proposed changing “well-established English title” in the instruction at to “well-established title in the language of the cataloguing agency”. (See recommendation 3 under General recommendations in 5JSC/Restricted/LC rep/2.)

16.2.4. Liturgical works

The LC rep has proposed changing “given in English” and “well-established English title” in the instruction at to “given in the language of the cataloguing agency” and “well-established title in the language of the cataloguing agency”, respectively. (See recommendation 3 under General recommendations in 5JSC/Restricted/LC rep/2.)

The LC rep has proposed changing “given in a language other than English” in the instruction at to “given in a language other than the language of the cataloguing agency”. (See recommendation 3 under General recommendations in 5JSC/Restricted/LC rep/2.)

16.2.7. Parts of the Bible

The instructions under 16.2.7 have been left substantially unchanged pending further discussion and decisions on rule change proposals number 3, 4, and 5 in 5JSC/LC/8. Books

The LC rep has proposed changing “in its English form” in the instruction at to “in the form used in the language of the cataloguing agency”. (See recommendation 3 under General recommendations in 5JSC/Restricted/LC rep/2.)

16.2.10. Midrashim

Is “Midrashim” an appropriate caption for this set of instructions, given their placement under the subheading “Recording preferred titles for parts of sacred scriptures”? Would it be appropriate to change the caption to “Parts of the Midrashim”? Compilations of midrashim

The reference to in the instruction at parallels the reference in the AACR2 rule from which the instruction is derived. However, the instructions referred to have been significantly revised. JSC needs to confirm that the preferred access point for a compilation of religious works should be constructed according to the revised instructions on compilations given under Separately published components

The LC rep has proposed changing “the English name” in the instruction at to “the name in the language of the cataloguing agency”. (See recommendation 3 under General recommendations in 5JSC/Restricted/LC rep/2.)

16.2.15. Parts of the Avesta

The LC rep has proposed changing “English-language sources” in the instruction at to “sources in the language of the cataloguing agency”. (See recommendation 3 under General recommendations in 5JSC/Restricted/LC rep/2.) General guidelines [on parts of liturgical works]

The LC rep has proposed changing “well-established English title” in the instruction at to “well-established title in the language of the cataloguing agency”. (See recommendation 3 under General recommendations in 5JSC/Restricted/LC rep/2.)

16.3.2. Conventional title

The draft includes a placeholder for conventional title as a variant title, based on the FRAD relationship between a work and a “conventional name” by which the work is known. JSC needs to determine whether in the context of RDA a conventional title would ever be recorded as a variant title for a religious work, or only as a preferred title. If it is decided to retain conventional title as a type of variant title, JSC needs to provide direction on what would be included in that category.

16.4. Language of expression

Section 16.4 has been included to accommodate the specific instructions on recording language of expression for the Bible derived from AACR2 rule 25.18A10. JSC needs to assess the extent to which the instructions given under 16.4 could be generalized to apply to expressions of any type and be included under 13.13. The Bible and parts of the Bible [language of expression]

The instructions at (derived from AACR rule 25.18A9) need to be re-examined in light of the decision to eliminate the concept of main entry in RDA and in conjunction with the reworked instruction at (see comment under for creating access points for both language expressions contained in a resource.

The use of “Polyglot” in the instruction at also needs to be re-examined. (See Marg Stewart’s question at

16.5. Version

The element covered by the instructions under 16.5 is not listed as an attribute of a work in FRAD. However, it has been included in chapter 16 to accommodate specific instructions derived from AACR2 rule 25.18A11 for recording version in access points for the Bible and parts of the Bible. JSC needs to assess whether a separate element for version should be included in chapter 13 with general instructions on recording version. In the current draft of chapter 13, a term designating version would presumably be treated as a distinguishing characteristic of the expression following the instructions given under 13.5. The Bible and parts of the Bible [version]

Is the “do not …” provision in the instruction at appropriate in the context of RDA?

The clause “or if more than two versions are involved” in the instruction at (derived from AACR rule 25.18A12) needs to be re-examined in light of the decision to eliminate the concept of main entry in RDA and in conjunction with the reworked instruction at (see comment under above) for creating access points for both versions contained in a resource. The Bible and parts of the Bible [date of expression]

The instructions at (derived from AACR rule 25.18A13) need to be re-examined in light of the decision to eliminate the concept of main entry in RDA and in conjunction with the reworked instruction at (see comment under for creating access points for both the original and the facsimile.

16.6. Date of expression

Section 16.6 has been included to accommodate the specific instructions on recording date of expression for the Bible derived from AACR2 rule 25.18A13. JSC needs to assess whether the instructions given under 16.6 could be generalized to apply to expressions of any type and be included under 13.12. If so, section 16.6 could be eliminated, and the references to 16.6 in the instructions at and could be changed to refer to 13.12.