
Agency: Meigs County Health Department_Grant #: 05310014CC0615____ Priority Community: Meigs County_ County Served:Meigs

Setting: / ☒Community / ☐Worksite / ☐School
Type of Objective: / ☒Evaluation
Long Term Objective #1: By December 31, 2019, Meigs County Creating Healthy Communities Coalition will perform two CHANGE tool assessments and determine the improvements in health factors and outcomes over the 5-year grant cycle.
Program Impact Objective #1:By June 30, 2015, the Meigs County Creating Healthy Communities Coalition will complete one CHANGE tool assessment.
4th Quarter Only: Has this Impact Objective been met? (Please indicate Yes/No, if No explain):
# of Process Objectives: 4 / # of Process Objectives Met:
Outcome Evaluation: The Meigs County Creating Healthy Communities Coalition can plan for policy,system and environmental changes based on the results of the CHANGE tool and then implement and evaluate the success of new policies using the tool again in 2019.
Process Objectives / Related Activities / Agency or
Person Responsible / Specific Dates
for Each Activity / Evaluation Measures / Progress/Steps
Start / End
1. Train CHC Coalition members to facilitate the CHANGE tool in Meigs County. / -Introduce the CHANGE tool at a monthly CHC coalition meeting
-Address questions identified by coalition members regarding facilitation of the CHANGE tool
-Form a sub-group strategy for conducting the CHANGE tool / Meigs County CHC staff
CHC coalition members / 1/15/15 / 4/15/15 / Coalition meeting minutes / Q1- The CHANGE Tool was introduced at the 3/10/15 Coalition Meeting. A Sub-committee was formed to carry out the CHANGE Tool Guide. The sub-committee met 3/31/2015 to select sites to be assessed, and to address any questions about the CHANGE Tool Action Guide. The sites were then distributed to the coalition and all members were asked to select a site to assess.
Q3-This process objective was completed Q1.
2.Facilitate the CHANGE Tool in three priority communities in Meigs County. / -Develop talking points about why we are conducting the CHANGE assessment and what help we need to complete it
-Identify key informants in each sector who can assist in data collection
-Identify and confirm sites to conduct assessments per the CHANGE Tool requirements
-Identify at least two data collection methods in each sector
-Identify existing local data that is 6 months old or newer that can be used in the CHANGE process
-Review national or statewide health data to create a comparison to the local information
-Complete CHANGE tool using a multiple data collection method / CHC coalition members
CHC Coalition
CHANGE Tool Sub-group
Sector key informants / 4/1/15 / 5/30/15 / Collected CHANGE Tool Data / Q1-
Q2- The sub-committee convened and formulated a template invitation to send to stakeholders inquiring their willingness to participate in a CHANGE Tool assessment. The coalition members at the 4/7/15 Coalition meeting selected the sites they wished to contact and assess. National and state data was reviewed. Local data and policy was gathered during the assessments as well. The CHANGE Tool was completed at 26 out of 30 identified sites as well as the second data collection method.
Q3-This process objective is complete.
3. Compile and summarize the CHANGE Tool data gathered. / -Collect site assessments from coalition members.
-Enter data into the CHANGE sector Excel file
-Compile sector Excel file into the CHANGE Summary Statement.
-Compile theSummary Statement into the Sector Data grid by priority community.
-Fill out the CHANGE strategy worksheet.
-Convene a coalition meeting to share data
-Report and review all of the data collected
-Identify evidence to support the scores that were generated / -CHC staff
-CHC coalition
-CHC coalition
Community members / 4/15/15 / 6/15/15 / CHANGE Excel Files / Q1-
Q2-Coalition members submitted their completed site assessment no later than 6/15/15. After the site assessment was completed and the data was submitted to the program director, the data was analyzed and input into the sector excel file. After all sector excel files were complete the data was then entered into the Summary Statement. Lastly, the CHANGE strategy worksheet was completed based off the findings. At the 6/30/15 coalition meeting the sector data grid, assets and needs were shared.
4.Create an Action Plan for the CHC Coalition / -Convene a subcommittee meeting to review the collected and analyzed data.
-Select high priority needs that should be addressed.
-Create an Action Plan with those needs listed by priority community.
-Discuss different ways the needs could be addressed through policy, system and environmental changes. / -CHC Coalition
-CHC CHANGE subgroup / 6/1/15 / 8/30/15 / Completed CHANGE Excel File
Meeting Minutes / Q1-
Q3- The CHANGE Tool sub-committee transformed into the CHC coalition steering committeebecause of the members’ knowledge of the CHANGE Tool data. A steering committee meeting was held and CHANGE Tool results were discussed. From the data collected, a 5 year plan was created to identify high priority needs that can easily be accomplished in an intermediate amount of time. The 5 year plan document is intended to be an ever changing document that compiles the attainable future project goals of the coalition. The 5 year plan has been uploaded in community commons.

Priority Community: __Meigs County______County Served:__Meigs______

Setting: / ☒Community / ☐Worksite / ☐School
Type of Objective: / ☒Coalition
Long Term Objective #2: By December 31, 2019,the Meigs County Creating Healthy Communities Coalition will be a high-functioning coalition.
Program Impact Objective #2:By December 31, 2015, the Meigs County Creating Healthy Communities Coalition will increase membership participationand member satisfaction.
4th Quarter Only: Has this Impact Objective been met? (Please indicate Yes/No, if No explain):
# of Process Objectives: 5 / # of Process Objectives Met:
Outcome Evaluation: An increase of at least four new coalition membersrepresenting priority communities.
Process Objectives / Related Activities / Agency or
Person Responsible / Specific Dates
for Each Activity / Evaluation Measures / Progress/Steps
Start / End
1.Determine a baseline for Meigs Creating Healthy Communities Coalition member participation and member satisfaction / -Identify questions for a survey that measures coalition member satisfaction perceived role in the coalition
-Administer an online survey about member satisfaction and their perceived role in the coalition to individual coalition through an online survey
-Follow up with coalition members to complete the survey / -Meigs County CHC Coalition leadership / 12/1/14 / 4/30/15 / Coalition membersurvey results / Q1-Questions were identified and a Survey Monkey was created. The survey link was distributed via email. Results and follow up to be reported in Q2.
Q3- This process objective was completed Q1
2. Identify stakeholder gapsin the Meigs County CHC Coalition roster. / -Develop a list of members from each priority community on the coalition.
-Identify key organization that are absent from the table that would be an asset in facilitating PSE’s.
-Identify within the CHC Coalition who will contact prospective coalition members.
-Develop a goal of the coalition, so member can appropriately explain the goals of the coalition. / Meigs County CHC Coalition / 4/15/15 / 5/30/15 / Coalition Meeting minutes / Q1-
Q2- As a result of the survey responses the coalition agreed upon one formal goal. Coalition members also identified organization that they felt would be an asset to the coalition.
Q3- New stakeholders have participated in the coalition and attended coalition meetings.
3. Establish a format for how the coalition will function. / -Identify opportunities for increasing member satisfaction,participation,and member diversity
-Identify ways to build coalition recommendations into the meeting format,reported progress,coalition member recruitment,and coalition orientation
-Create coalition guidance document / -CHC Coalition members / 6/1/15 / 7/15/15 / Meeting minutes
Guidance Document / Q1-
Q3- A coalition guidance document was discussed amongst the Steering Committee. There were questions regarding legality of the document and how informal or formal the coalition and the document should be. More research is being completed to determine what type of document is needed.
4. Implement coalition-building strategies for new member recruitment.
5.Evaluate the Meigs County CHC Coalition member participation,member satisfaction and key stakeholder representation for priority populations and settings / -Conduct monthly meetings to keep members engaged in the work plan
-Prepare meeting agendas based on recommendations from the coalition members.
-Prepare meeting minutes and send them out to all coalition members
-Hold a coalition meeting to plan for coalition evaluation
-Send out online member survey tool used at the beginning of the year
-Facilitate the DAC activity at the November meeting
-Share the coalition evaluation results and discuss findings at the December CHC coalition meeting / CHC Coalition members / 1/15/15 / 12/31/15 / Coalition meeting minutes
Q2,Q3 and Q4 Reports to ODH
Coalition roster
Member survey results
Q4 report to ODH / Q1- Coalition Meetings are now being held on a monthly basis as opposed to the prior quarterly meetings. Meeting minutes were prepared and sent out to members for review prior to the next coalition meeting. Members were told if they had an item to discuss it could be added to the agenda.
Q3- This process objective was completed Q1

Priority Community: Pomeroy County Served:Meigs

Setting: / ☒Community / ☐Worksite / ☐School
Type of Objective: / ☒Active Living
Long Term Objective #3: By December 31,2019,Meigs County will increase the number of Ohioans following the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans.
Program Impact Objective #3:By December 31, 2015,the Village of Pomeroy will increase the number of adults/youth who have access to places for physical activity as evidenced by an increase in repair of one community parks/playgrounds.
4th Quarter Only: Has this Impact Objective been met? (Please indicate Yes/No, if No explain):
# of Process Objectives: 3 / # of Process Objectives Met:
Outcome Evaluation: Residents of the village of Pomeroy will report an increase in physical activities by 10%
Process Objectives / Related Activities / Agency or
Person Responsible / Specific Dates
for Each Activity / Evaluation Measures / Progress/Steps
Start / End
1.Identifyone local community parks/playgrounds to be repaired and refurbished / - Make a list of parks and select one to be repaired
-Determine the list of things to be done
-Make a list of materials and supplies to repair the park/playground
-Sign MOU with village officials / -CHC Coalition
-Village of Pomeroy Mayor
-Village leaders
-CHC Coordinator / 1/1/15 / 6/30/15 / CHC meeting minutes
MOU included with Q3 Report to ODH / Q1-Two parks were identified to be repaired. A tour of one of the parks was facilitated by the Pomeroy Mayor. A vision for the park was established and a list of materials was identified to refurbish one of the parks. The second park was discussed via phone conversation with the chair of the board at the Meigs County Cooperative Parish. A list of supplies was identified to refurbish the park. MOU’s to be signed and materials to be purchased in Q2.
Q2-One of the parks in Pomeroy was selected for repair. The repair is to include a new concrete basketball court, new posts, backboards, rims and nets. Also, paint to mark the lines of the courts. A least one trash receptacle will be purchased for the site to decrease litter, and one bench for community members to sit on.
Q3-After discussing future initiatives with village administration, it was determined that a second court was desired. As a result of the expansion of this playground area, a MOU was not signed for 2015. A MOU will be developed prior to the expansion of the court in 2016 to include maintenance of the existing and expanded portion of the playground. Additionally, the posts, backboards, rims and nets intended to be purchased this year will not be purchased as a result of the intentions to expand. After the expansion next year,two sets of posts will be permanently set in the concrete for the courts.
2. Repair or refurbish one local community park/ playground. / -Identify a vendor that is skilled in forming and pouring concrete.
-Discuss with the village the timeline for repair.
-Purchase materials and supplies to repair playground/park
-Begin repair work at park/playground
-Report to media playground is completed. / -CHC Coalition
-Village Administrator
-CHC Coalition
-Village leaders
-Village Administrator / 3/1/15 / 6/1/15 / Photos / Q1-Inclement weather has not allowed for an activity to be held at a local park. Will host activity in Q2.
Q2-Forest Run Ready Mix, a concrete vendor, was contacted to help assist in identifying local vendors that are skilled in forming and pouring concrete. A list of vendors was supplied. Rick Wise with Wise Concrete was identified as the vendor to complete the new court. Dates were selected to complete the project that satisfied all involved. As discussed, the last week of June the village administrator and staff began removing the existing concrete court, so the grounds could be leveled and new concrete could be poured.
Q3-After the removal of the existing court, the space for the new court was prepared and framed for the concrete to be poured. Rick Wise poured and leveled the concrete by mid-July. Photographs of the construction have been uploaded in community commons. A newspaper article about the Health Department’s grantprojects included a section about the basketball court. The article is also uploaded in community commons.
3.Evaluate playground utilization rate / -Conduct process evaluation of playground use
-Periodically observe use of park/ playground
-Interview children or adults utilizing the court about their satisfaction with the new court. / -CHC Coordinator / 6/1/15 / 10/31/15 / Q1-

Priority Community: __Middleport______Countyserved:___Meigs______

Setting: / ☒Community / ☐Worksite / ☐School
Type of Objective: / ☒Active Living
Long Term Objective #4: By December 31,2019, Meigs County will increase the number of Ohioans following the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans.
Program Impact Objective #4:By December 31,2015, the Village of Middleport will increase the number of adults/youth who have access to places for physical activity as evidenced by an increase in one extended multi-use trail.
4th Quarter Only: Has this Impact Objective been met? (Please indicate Yes/No, if No explain):
# of Process Objectives: 5 / # of Process Objectives Met:
Outcome Evaluation: The village of Middleport will report a 10% increase in usage of Ferman Moore Park Trail
Process Objectives / Related Activities / Agency or
Person Responsible / Specific Dates
for Each Activity / Evaluation Measures / Progress/Steps
Start / End
1.One multi-use trail in the village of Middleport will be extended and paved / -Assess the condition of the existing trail at Ferman Moor Park
-Conduct a walking audit of the trail
-Assess length of extension to be added
-Consult with Village of Middleport Building and Grounds Department / CHC Coordinator
-Village mayor / 9/15/14 / 5/1/15 / Photos
Survey result / Q1- A meeting was held with the Mayor of Middleport and the trail extension was discussed. Because of inclement weather we were unable to walk the trail, but assessed the trail from inside.
Q2- Because of other political issues the previous contact is no longer employed by the village. In efforts to assist with the trail project the mayor said he could provide insight about the park. Observation of the existing trail was conducted with the Village Mayor. A new plan was devised because the previous plans discussed were unable to be located. The length of the trail was determined to be 501 ft.
Q3-This process objective is complete.
2.Evaluate the current usage of the Ferman Moore Park Trail / -Engage community members and observe use of the trail
-Interview youth and adults about use of trail
-Report results to village mayor and building/grounds department / -CHC Coalition
-Village leaders / 10/15/14 / 6/15/15 / Observation findings
Interviews / Q1- Inclement weather has inhibited the use of the trail. Will observe in Q2.
Q2-After contact with the Village and upon observation of the trail the weather has not yet allowed for community members to utilize the trail. On the day of observation it was raining and no one was observed utilizing the trail.
Q3-After careful evaluation, it was determined that the existing gravel trail was not being utilized or was underutilized.
3.Acquire needed resources and materials to extend the trail / -Meet with Middleport building supervisor to determine materials needed to extend the trail
-Make a list of needed materials
-Meet with village of Middleport mayor to discuss maintenance commitments
-Sign MOU to extend trail / CHC Coordinator
Village Mayor / 1/31/15 / 4/30/15 / List of needed materials
MOU / Q1- MOU to be included in Q2.
Q2-The materials needed to extend the trail were identified. A list of vendors was compiled and Myers Paving was identified as the vendor to pave the trail. Because of the new plans for the trail a budget revision was required. Upon approval of the budget revision an MOU will be signed and the implementation of the project will begin.
Q3- In lieu of a MOU, a contract was signed with Myers Paving to extend the trail after the budget revision was approved.
4.Implement extension of trail in Ferman Moore Park / -Purchase materials to be used to extend trail
-Make periodic visit to construction site and document progress
-Take photos on each visit
-Share photos with CHC Coalition and community through media
-Dedicate completed trail
-Promote extended trail to the public / -CHC Coordinator
-Village mayor / 4/15/15 / 11/30/15 / Pictures
Newspaper articles
Photos / Q1-
Q3-Myers paving was contracted to pave the Ferman Moore Trail. The paving took one day to complete and a site visit to see the construction was made. Photographs were taken to document before, during and after the construction. The completion of the trail was reported during a coalition meeting to coalition members. The trail was also promoted by the mayor, a CHC Coalition member, through the local newspaper, The Daily Sentinel. In Meigs County, The Dailey Sentinel circulates an average of 2,413 papers daily. The newspaper article is attached in community commons.
5.Evaluate usage of extended Ferman Moore Park Trail / -Monitor usage of trail
-Survey community members about their use of the extended trail
-Establish and monitor walking and bike riding audit
-Report audit and observations to CHC coalition and village mayor / -CHC Coordinator
-Village mayor / 4/15/15 / 11/30/15 / Pictures
Newspaper articles
Audit report / Q1-
Q3-The mayor reported observing community members utilizing the trail. He reported that the aging population is enjoying the smooth paved surface as it decreases their risk of tripping or falling in comparison to the inadequate sidewalks in the village. Secondly, a mother was seen walking while her child was playing on the surrounding playground equipment. Additionally, the mayor inquired about lighting surrounding the trail. More specifically, a resident enjoys running before work, but because of the changing season and the lack of lighting she is limited to when she can run because of the day light. Solar lamp posts are to be purchased in Q4 to surround and light up the trail.

Priority Community: __Meigs County______County Served:____Meigs______