Copying Pictures from the Internet
1. Point the mouse pointer onto the picture you want to copy and click the Right mouse button. A menu will appear.
2. Point to the Copy option and click on it with the Left mouse button.
3. You now need to get into Word. If it is already open, simply click on the button in the Taskbar. If it is not yet open, click on the Start button, slide up to Programs, then across and onto Word and click on it (sometimes Word might not be visible here, in which case you will need to click on Microsoft Office first).
4. Click in the document where you want the picture to appear.
5. Either click on the Paste button
Click on Edit in the menu bar and click on Paste.
Manipulating Pictures in a Word Document
Whenever you wish to work with a picture in Word, it must be "active" i.e. you must be able to see the handles (little white squares) around the outside of the picture.
Resizing a Picture
1. Make sure the picture is "active" (the handles should appear around the outside). If it is not, click on it once.
2. Position the mouse pointer on one of the handles so that it takes on the shape of a double-headed arrow.
3. Click the mouse button and drag the frame until it is the required size.
4. When you are finished resizing your picture, click anywhere outside of the frame to switch the selection off.
To keep object proportions:
Shift and drag a corner handle – this will resize from that corner of the picture, and still keep the proportions.
Moving a Picture
1. Make sure the picture is "active" (the handles should appear around the outside). If it is not, click on it once.
2. Point onto the object so that the four-headed black arrow appears.
3. Click and drag the object to the required location.
4. (Click outside the object to switch off the handles if no further editing of the object is required.)
Switching on the Picture Toolbar
When you click on the Picture to make it active, the Picture toolbar should automatically appear on your screen. If it does not, click on View in the Menu bar, then select Toolbars, and Picture.
The Picture Toolbar
Setting Brightness
· To increase the brightness of the picture, click repeatedly on the "More Brightness" button.
· To decrease the brightness of the picture, click repeatedly on the "Less Brightness" button.
Setting Contrast
· To increase the contrast of the picture, click repeatedly on the "More Contrast" button.
· To decrease the contrast of the picture, click repeatedly on the "Less Contrast" button.
Using the Image Control
You can change the image to be:
· Grayscale
· Black and White
· Watermark
Set it back to normal by clicking on:
· Automatic
Cropping a Picture
1. Make sure the picture is active (the handles are switched on around the outside – if not, click on the picture once).
2. Click on the crop button.
3. Position the mouse pointer (which takes on the crop shape) on the handle from which you wish to crop the picture.
4. Click and drag the mouse in to the required position.
5. Release the mouse button.
Putting a Border around a Picture
1. Click on the Line Style button in the Picture toolbar.
2. Select a line style from the options shown, or select More Lines to choose another option.
If you choose More Lines, you can select the line style, weight, colour, and whether you would like it dashed.
Setting the Wrapping Options
If you want text to "wrap" around your picture, you must set the Wrapping options, as the default is "Top and Bottom".
1. Click on the "Text Wrapping" button in the Picture toolbar.
2. Choose one of the following options:
Square: Wraps text around all sides of the square bounding box for the selected object.
Tight: Wraps text tightly around the edges of the actual image (instead of wrapping around the object's bounding box).
Through: Same as Tight, but wraps inside any parts of the object that are open.
None: Removes text wrapping from the selected object. The object appears in front of or behind the text, depending on which layer the picture is stacked in (in front of or behind text).
Top and Bottom: Wraps text around the top and bottom of the object but not on the sides. Text stops at the top of the object and restarts on the line below the object.
There are some other options which can be selected by clicking on the "Format Picture" button in the Picture toolbar, or clicking on Format in the Menu bar, then selecting Picture, and finally Wrapping.
Setting a Transparent Colour
You can use transparent areas to integrate a picture on your page, for example, when you have a picture of a person and don't want the background colour to be visible.
1. Select the picture you want to create transparent areas in.
2. On the Picture toolbar, click Set Transparent Colour.
3. Click the colour you want to make transparent.
· You can make only one colour transparent. When printed, transparent areas will be the same colour as the paper they're printed on.
· It might be difficult to see the transparent effect in a photograph because the colour you select may appear in very small areas. What appears to be a single colour, such as a blue sky, can actually be a range of subtle colour variations.
Reset Picture
You can reset the picture back to its original state by clicking on the "Reset Picture" button.
Other Options for Saving Pictures
Saving a Picture as a Paint File
1. On the Internet, point to the picture you want to copy and click the Right mouse button. A menu will appear.
2. Point to the Save Picture As option and click on it with the Left mouse button.
3. In the File Name box, fill in a name for the file.
4. Click on the down arrow next to the Save As Type box, and select .bmp.
5. Click on OK.
Setting a Picture as your Wallpaper
1. Point to the picture you want to copy and click the Right mouse button. A menu will appear.
2. Point to the Set as Wallpaper option and click on it with the Left mouse button.
Page 4
Topic Page
A. Copying Pictures from the Internet 1
B. Manipulating Pictures
Resizing a Picture 1
Moving a Picture 1
Switching on the Picture Toolbar 1
Setting Brightness 2
Setting Contrast 2
Image Control 2
Cropping a Picture 2
Putting a Border around a Picture 2
Wrapping Options 3
Setting a Transparent Colour 3
Resetting the Picture 3
C. Other Options for Saving Pictures
Saving a Picture as a Paint File 4
Saving a Picture as the Wallpaper 4