Fairfax Little League Board Meeting Minutes, April 4, 2016
8:00pmHard Times

Attendees:Marc Brazie, Mike Carchia, Mark Davis, Colin Grote, Drew Harsh, Jim Krahulec, Karen McGee, Lou Mennella, Darric Milligan, Scott Peirce, Dave Peters, Bob Roberts, Tom Scott, Sue Wilkinson, Amy Wise

Quorum present? Yes

Meeting called to order at 8:20pm.

  1. MarchMeeting minutes were approved.
  2. Review of March Action Items
  3. Each Board member is asked to provide documentation of his/her position’s responsibilities. Need Concessions, PR, Coaching Coordinator, Volunteer Coordinator, Sponsors, and Equipment.
  4. Scott will get estimates for getting lights at Thaiss 2 and Providence 1. Still working.
  5. Need to check on whether concussion training will be required for all managers/coaches or just for all stars. Scott will check.
  6. Bob will check with Dicks’ on getting some empty buckets for the new Single A rule. Done. Got them.
  7. No dugouts are being done by the city so LL will need to do. Benches are there. Summer project to add dugouts.
  8. Brandon will try to pull strings to get GMU band for opening day. Done. Was not able to get them.
  9. Need to check on adding a facility to the safety plan. Tom will check with Bob. We cannot use Redline for indoor practices, etc…but league pictures are fine. (Tom)
  10. Randy will provide list of volunteers to Colin. Done.
  11. Kevin/Tom will pick dates and forward to Will for parent umpire training. Done.
  12. Execution/Treasurer Report: Execution report was approved.
  13. Approval of coaches
  14. Postponed till next meeting.
  15. Functional Reports
  16. Public Relations: There will be 6 catchers for opening day. Angels jersey will be framed and presented to Campers. Proposed walkthrough on Friday evening.
  17. Concessions: Need to get a schedule for Challenger games so concessions can be provided. All snack bars are in good shape except Providence still needs work.
  18. Scheduling: Done except for playoffs. Still working a few conflicts. 90’ schedule has not been set yet. Once set, Majors can use 90’ fields for practices if not being used by Jr/Srs. Tom will check with Mike P about AAA tournament seeding. Suggest Eakin field be skinned. Single A, AA, and AAA seeding for playoffs has been set, schedule can be created.
  19. Safety: Safety training was held yesterday. Jrs/Srs had 100% compliance. 80% compliance overall. Ice packs are being provided to the snack bars. The key to the snackbar and bathroom are in the lockbox.
  20. Coaching Coordinator:no report.
  21. Volunteer Coordinator: Still need a few more opening day volunteers. Sue will get 40 happy Birthday balloons. Still working on sound system. Lots of giveaways from Fairfax Radiology.
  22. Sponsors: $19,500 collected. Fuddruckers is closed till fall.
  23. Umpires: Presidents and Directors need to remind managers to cancel games on website so umpires and concessions are notified.
  24. Equipment: The 60year anniversary patch received great reviews. Angel #1 to be retired.
  25. Registration: All levels will be closed on Friday April 8th except challenger and Seniors.
  26. Information Officer: No report.
  27. President’s Report
    a. Field updates – Troop 1346 will fix Burke fence between July 10-August 20th. Coach James gave approval to use Robinson fields. Scott will continue to look into getting Paul VI 90’ field when they move.Base plug on Rodeo 1 has been fixed. New turf Coaches boxes at chilcott are ½ done. Will finish this week. Siding on Chilcott Press box that was rotten has been replaced and other trim work. BF Mayes was the contractor. Also replaced the bulbs in the security lights on the press box. Don Curry cleaned and secured the gutters at Thaiss and Chilcott buildings and removed the sun screen at Burke last month. No Charge to FXLL.
  28. Individual League Updates
    a. Juniors/Seniors/Intermediate: Bill Elliott did the scheduling. Srs and Jrs coaches are approved.Completed drafts for Juniors and Seniors. Submitted team summaries (#, age by level) to D10 Administrator. Received SE Regional approval for combined team seasonal play. D10 Administrator submitted request for combined Juniors tournament team (1 Juniors team across 7 teams).

b. National League: Sotille says we need to sell 50 $5 raffle tickets. The Boardagreed to pay and distribute, how we distribute is undecided (Tom). Coaches to be approved at next Board meeting.

C. American League: All Majors Coaches are approved. All AAA Coaches are approved. All AA coaches are approved.

d. Challenger: Need schedule so support teams can be assigned.

  1. Meeting adjourned at 10:15pm.

American League Approved Coaches:

AA AL Coaches:

Drew Harsh / Michael Buckley
Mark Zender / David Dolenc
Jay Mazurowski / Eric Gott
Dan Fitterer / Lance Howden
Greg Smith

AAA AL Coaches:

Jim Worthen / Jordan Glashow
Erick Auble / Steve Fisher
DemianWincele / John Hunter
David McCabe
Steve Tunick / Justin DiNicola
David Carlson
Royce Edington / Andrew Viccora
Dean Owens / Jason Dunick
George Gurrola / Chris Graham

Majors AL Coaches:

Mike Cariola / Jack Moore
Larry Little / David Conklin
Katie Morris / Bill Wilkinson
Matt Swift / Michael Buckley
Rick Freeman / Terry Dwyer

Single A AL Coaches:

Ross Schucard / Demain Lockwood

Jr/Sr Approved Coaches:

Juniors Identified Assistants

  1. Quigley-Senators: Dave Zona, Terry Dwyer
  2. Murphy – Red Sox: Shaun Faunce, Vinnie Antgnano, Scott Miller MigeMiga
  3. Cubs-Bob Roberts: Brian Kimmel, Greg Altieri, Darren Cole

Rich Dudley/Dave Peters (Team Umpires, Practice Assistants)

  1. Pirates-Mike Carchia: Rob Dinges, Brian Srock, Brad Pitzer
  2. Orioles-Eric Meaders: Kevin Hilton, Arthur Moshos, Daniel Kim, Rich Wilson
  3. Nationals-Tom Young: Mike Johson, Dean Hunstad
  4. Rays-Rob Calderon: David Lott, Craig Canetti

Seniors Identified Coaches

  1. Pirates-Chris Addams: Mike Osborne, Jim Puzzanghera

Mets- Brandon Smith: Andy Bellos, David Stem, Steve Thornhill, Bobby Lucas (already approved as Manager)