Press Release

Innovation Agencies announce plans to shape an “Innovation Union” In Europe

  • The first2010 meeting of the Board of Directors of The European Network of Innovation Agencies took place in Brussels today, chaired by Dr. Arturo Azcorra the new Director General of CDTI, the Spanish Innovation Agency.
  • There is an increasing awareness of the network during the first half of 2010, coinciding with the Spanish Presidency of the EU and, in particular the value of joining forces with other stakeholders to help create a new European agenda for innovation.
  • The Board released a statement entitled “The evolving role of Business in an Innovation Union” in which it set out a new approach to enhancing co-operation between companies across Europe.
  • Plans were announced for the Annual Conference/Biannual Summit that will take place in Alcala de Henares – Spain on the 2nd December
  • The Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation (DASTI) was welcome as new full member of network, bringing to 24 the number of participating National Innovation Agencies from 22 countries

Brussels,June10th.-The first 2010 meeting of the Board of Directors of TAFTIE (the European Network of Innovation Agencies) has been held in Brussels today, chaired by CDTI – the Spanish Innovation Agency, CDTI. Newly appointed CDTI Director General Dr. Arturo Azcorra was confirmed Chairman of the TAFTIE Board.

The meeting took stock of progress made so far by Task Forces and other activities and gave guidance to prepare future actions during the second semester of the year, when the innovation environment in Europe is expected to undergo important changes starting with the Eureka Ministerial Conference in June and the publication of the new Research and Innovation Plan by the Commission in early September.

The day before the meeting, a new edition of the TAFTIE Policy Forum, the instrument that the Network established for policy analysis, discussion and statement of common views, was organised. This year, the Forum debated on the role of firms within the future European innovation landscape so as to better positioning themselves within emerging global networks of open innovation.

The group also took note with satisfaction on the significant progress made on common views on how the European Research and Innovation at European level could best respond to the needs and unlock the latent potential of all kinds of SMEs. Strengthening the competitiveness of small companies is a major objective and pillar of the EU2020 Strategy. In its view, TAFTIE concurs with the importance to design and implement efficient tools to substantially increase the population of innovative SMEs in Europe. This vision has been brought to the attention of the European Commission and the Eureka network.

The National Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation (DASTI) presented its main activities and responsibilities. The Board welcomed DASTI as a new TAFIE member,thus enriching the network with a very active EU member in both European innovation policies and practices.

It was also noted the increasing visibility that the Network is achieving in the last months, and how TAFTIE has been involved in many RTDI related events organised by the Spanish Presidency of the EU during the first semester of 2010. The Board endorsed priorities for the second half of the year on two Task Forces : Role of TAFTIE and SME/Industry in the European RTDI Agenda, focusing future work in line with expectations by members.

The TAFTIE Board of directors also studied new concepts in order to structurestrategic dialogue with other stakeholders sharing with Taftie the interest to help shape a new European Innovation Agenda. Taking Eureka as a pilot, a first “charter” of Joint Actions by TAFTIE members will de defined, taking into account that many members are active in both settings. The Board encouraged to consolidate contacts with Eureka chairs (Germany in 2009-2010 and Israel in 2010-2011) who were also invited to the TAFTIE Policy Forum.

The next TAFTIE event will be the next and final Executive Working Group meeting in September this year,proceeded by an exploratory encounter with Regional Innovation Agencies planned within the “Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo” ( in Santander, September 8th and 9th. TAFTIE gathers National agencies only, this being the first “Informal Forum” to get together with Regional counterparts. Spainand CDTI offered Santander as a first experience to exchange views about how Regional and National agenciescan be coordinated in their respective European RTDI strategies.

Last but not least, the TAFTIE Annual Conference that will take place in Alcalá de Henares on December 2nd – in the vicinity of Madrid. This event, under the motto “Knowledge to act: from linkages to partnerships”, will gather representatives from TAFTIE members and from other innovation stakeholders around the world, presenting the findings from the the thematic discussions during all three Executive Working Group meetings: links with world leaders, links with Europe and links with Regions. This Annual Conference will also be the first Biannual Summit gathering “best-in-class” agencies from non European countries as decided in the membership policy of TAFTIE currently in force.

Note for Editors: TAFTIE and its Mission

TAFTIE is the European Association of leading national innovation agencies. Its Members make a major contribution to strengthening Europe’s economic performance and by supporting product-, process- and services innovation by implementing their countries’ national and –in most cases- International Research, Development and Innovation Programmes.

It gathers 23 Innovation agencies from 21 European countries with similar profiles whose aggregate annual budgets supporting innovation amount to 6.500 Million Euros. As specified in TAFTIE´s Strategy its mission is:

  • To share expertise and experience on design and/or implementation of public innovation policy to enhance the cumulative performance of the individual member organisations towards private enterprises and governments
  • To mutually support and exchange informationin order to facilitate international networking and cooperation of enterprises and research institutes
  • To intensify cooperation with the European Commission in providing better support into innovation activities of our clients.

Elements of TAFTIE´s Strategy approved in 2007 are, among others, the Academy, a Policy Forum, Joint Actions, a Knowledge Base, etc.

For more information please visit: Members today are:

AdI / Portugal
CDTI / Spain
CTI-KTI / Switzerland
ENEA / Italy
EnterpriseEstonia / Estonia
EnterpriseIreland / Ireland
FFG / Austria
IWT / Belgium
Matimop / Israel
National Agency for Innovation / Italy
NKTH / Hungary
OSEO / France
PARP / Poland
PERA / United Kingdom
RANNIS / Iceland
Research Council of Norway / Norway
Nl Agency (formerly SenterNovem) / The Netherlands
TEKES / Finland
TIA / Slovenia
TSB / United Kingdom
TTGV / Turkey
VDI VDE-IT / Germany
VINNOVA / Sweden