North Carolina Parent Training and Information Center
FREE Webinars for Families
Each Webinar is one hour in length and will begin at 6:00 p.m.
Tuesday, November 17, 2011
Reading is a Family Affair / This workshop will help families create opportunities at home to provide positive interaction that will increase reading achievement. Families will learn how to create an enriching environment at home to encourage reading, along with ways to create activities at home that will develop and improve their children's reading skills.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Discipline with Love / This webinar explores the meaning of discipline, the importance of establishing family guidelines and rules, and the value of routine in children's lives.Families will understand how discipline differs from punishment, learn strategies for establishing and monitoring effective family rules and understand how routines can increase a child's confidence and competence and decrease a child's need to resort to challenging behavior.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Preparing your Child for Testing / What can I do to help prepare my child for testing?This webinar provides families with tips to usenow to provide support and help in creating a positive test taking experience.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Just for Dads / Examines the important role of males in children's education. Families will understand what research says about how to involve males, explore ways men can be involved in a child's education, and understand the characteristics of effective male involvement.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Going to the Big School:Transitioning From Preschool to Elementary / Moving from preschool to kindergarten is a major change.This often means a change in school, friends, teachers and even expectations.This workshop will share tips and strategies to help make this a smooth and fun transition.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Getting Over the Middle: Transitioning to Middle School / Starting middle school is a big step.Your child will be making new friends, have more classes, more teachers, gain new skills and develop new interests.With all these changes your child could feel overwhelmed.This workshop will explore strategies that you can use to help your child have a successful transition from elementary to middle school
Thursday, May 17, 2012
The Wonder Years:Transitioning from Middle to High School / The move from middle to high school can be a challenging and exciting time for both parents and students.This workshop is designed to help families gain a better understanding of the emotional, social and academic changes that students experience as they transition from middle to high school.
To register or for more information contact:
Beverly Roberts
1-800-962-6817 ext 323
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