Personal Narrative Essay
- At least 4 paragraphsnot more than 3 pages—MLA format
- Typed
- 12 point font
- Double spaced
- 1 inch margins
Using the different elements of the well-told story, you will turn your craft to tell your own tale. For this assignment you will narrate an event from your past. Choose a specific event that lasts less than a day.
First, create a plot arc as an outline. Decide the climax to your story then choose the details/conflicts that lead to that climax. The outline will be due Friday, September 8.
Second, draft your story. You will write the narrative either handwritten or typed and printed. We will exchange drafts on Wednesday, September 13.
The final draft of your essay will be due Monday, September 18. It needs to be typed and printed.
I will be looking for:
- A sense of plot structure (the story arc). While this is a true story, having a plot structure, including exposition, setting, characters, conflict, climax, resolution, will help you craft a story people will want to read.
- Characters. Make sure you include characters whoare developed enough. Giving some background information can help your readers sympathize with or have indifference or even hostility toward the characters depending on their role in the story.
- Purpose. Have a purpose. What do you want readers to think/feel about you and/or your story? What do you think the story means? Are you exploring some idea? Having and demonstrating a purpose in your story will make your story have more meaning for you and for readers.
- Readability. Remember your audience. Make your story interesting.
Some other things to think about. Details! Details! Details! Also dialogue is much more powerful than explanation. If you don’t remember the exact wording characters used, you can improvise, but be specific. If you offer the sense of the conversation, you are being true to the person with whom you were speaking.
Grammar Focus: In addition to writing your story, please vary your sentence structure; include some simple, complex (at least 3) and compound sentences (at least 3).
In addition to the written story, you will craft a meme to enhance your story. You need to find or take a picture that relates to your story for the visual element. You need to make sure the connection is apparent. You will write the words that accompany the meme. I should not be able to search your meme online (so don’t just copy one you like). The meme will be due Friday, September 22. You can print the meme or share it with my email .