DLM 4000.25, Volume 2, October 09, 2018

Change 11




C13.1.1. Purpose. This chapter prescribes standard procedures for processing materiel receipt information between storage activities and between losing inventory managers (LIM) and gaining inventory managers (GIM). The procedures require expeditious showing of assets in the property accountability records and related financial accounts. Documentation covering consignment of materiel to storage activities is prescribed in other DoD and DoD Component regulations. These documents are used, together with information developed by inspection and classification procedures, as source data for documenting transactions in terms of this manual. The distribution of disbursement, procurement, and transportation documentation by storage activities is also governed by existing regulations and is, therefore, not a consideration here.

C13.1.2. There are additional processing procedures over and above those contained in this chapter that must be applied for items identified as serially managed materiel requiring owner visibility at DLA Distribution Centers. The identity of the materiel and the additive procedures are in Chapter 30.

C13.1.3. Transactions. This chapter addresses the procedures applicable to the following Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) X12 transaction functions identified by their beginning segment transaction type code. Other DLMS formats, such as XML, are also available. See the Defense Logistics Management Standards (DLMS) Program Office Website for available formats on the DLMS IC page. The corresponding MILSTRAP legacy 80 record position transaction is identified for information purposes in a mixed DLSS/DLMS environment.

C13.1.3.1. Receipt Transaction is identified by the DLMS 527R ASC X12 beginning segment (1/BR02/020) Transaction Type Code D4 – Receipt. This transaction provides MILSTRAP legacy DIC D4_ (Procurement Instrument Source)/D6_ (Other Than Procurement Instrument Source) functionality.

C13.1.3.2. Receipt Inquiry Transaction is identified by the DLMS 527R ASC X12 beginning segment (1/BR02/020) Transaction Type Code IN – Inquiry. This transaction provides MILSTRAP legacy DIC DXA/DXB functionality.

C13.1.3.3. Response to Inquiry Transaction is identified by the DLMS 527R ASC X12 beginning segment (1/BR02/020) Transaction Type Code DG – Response. This transaction provides MILSTRAP legacy DIC DXC/DXD functionality.

C13.1.4. Materiel Receipt/Return Code Definitions. For materiel receipt/return code definitions, see DLMS 527R, Receipt, Inquiry, and Response, or the Defense Logistics Management Standards (DLMS) Program Office Website.

C13.1.5. Use of DLMS 527R for Receipt. DLMS 527R will be used by receiving activities to report both receipts and historical receipt information to owners and other management control activities.

C13.1.6. Capital Equipment Candidate Receipts. In support of Financial Improvement and Audit Readiness (FIAR) compliance for accountability and management of capital equipment, capital equipment candidates require serialization data visibility. Submitters must prepare receipts for capital equipment candidate items to include the serial numbers (and UIIs if available). The DSS storage activity will send the receipt transaction to the owner and include the serialized data for the owner records. The owner will update the IUID registry using existing IUID registry procedures.


C13.2.1. Receiving Activity Actions. Receiving activities will report receipts of materiel using a Materiel Receipt transaction and:

C13.2.1.1. Post receipts to the total item property record by changing or adding to data in the pre-positioned materiel receipt (PMR) file established under Chapter 12, Due-In And Pre-Positioned Materiel Receipt procedures, or by extracting data from the consignment documentation. For capital equipment candidates, receiving activities will maintain the serial numbers (and UIIs if available) on their records.

C13.2.1.2. For discrepant shipments, follow the guidelines provided in C13.2.8.

C13.2.2. Reversal of Incorrect Receipt Transactions. Receiving activities may use the Receipt Transaction to reverse incorrect Receipt Transactions. Include the reason for reversal code as applicable. Refer to Chapter 17 SDR procedures for use of the SDR reply to request receipt reversal by the receiving activity when the wrong owner does not have systemic support to reject a receipt reported to the wrong owner. [1]

C13.2.3. Rejection of Receipt Reported to Wrong Owner. If a receipt is erroneously reported to the wrong owner (e.g., due to missing or unmatched PMR), the recipient of the receipt transaction should reject the receipt back to the initiator using DLMS 824R Reject Advice with Reject Advice Code AB (Rejected. Submitted to incorrect manager). If known, include the correct manager to facilitate reprocessing of the receipt. Do not reject receipts reported to the owner designated by PMR or to the pre-designated Service owner for unauthorized return of consumable items.[2]

C13.2.4. Central Procurement Receipts. Receipts from procurement can originate from central procurement or local procurement actions. Authorized procurement delivery documents should accompany each shipment as prescribed in the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR).

C13.2.5. Materiel Receipt Inspection Procedures. When shipments of materiel received from procurement instrument sources require inspection and/or acceptance at destination, receiving storage activities must do the inspection and/or acceptance and the in check operations as concurrent actions. Receiving activities will:

C13.2.5.1. Inspect shelf-life materiel for appropriate condition and type of shelf-life code in accordance with applicable DoD Component procedures based on DoDM 4140.27, “DoD Shelf-Life Management Program”, July 6, 2016.

C13. Mark materiel, as appropriate, for shelf-life code and supply condition code (SCC) upon receipt.

C13. Package markings must be in accordance with MIL-STD-129.

C13.2.5.2. Based on inspection, prepare a Materiel Receipt Transaction indicating the date inspected and the actual condition(s), by quantity, of the materiel received. Wholesale owners will make this date available to the office responsible for contractor payment for use in determining if an interest penalty applies.

C13.2.6. Army Medical Materiel Agreement Receipts. DLA, in coordination with Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support (DMLSS) and Theater Enterprise-Wide Logistics System (TEWLS), has implemented the Army Medical Materiel Agreement (AMMA). Under the AMMA program, DLA funds are used by the Army to purchase via DMLSS/TEWLS. The DLA Enterprise Business System (EBS) receives a Receipt Transaction from DMLSS/TEWLS to receipt purchased items into stock for inventory accountability. DLA owns the materiel until items are issued at the retail level and inventory is decremented in DLA's EBS.

C13.2.6.1. Purchase card receipts from AMMA sites must contain a purchase card account number and purchase card call number in order to uniquely identify transactions. A vendor reference number should also be included which is the Customer Automation and Reporting Environment invoice number. This value will help with issue resolution and reconciliation.

C13.2.7. Time Standards for Processing Receipts

C13.2.7.1. Purpose. The Department of Defense measures wholesale receipt processing performance in terms of the goal to process receipts and show them with minimal delay on both the accountable and owner records. Wholesale receipt processing performance is measured in two overlapping segments:

C13. The first segment is the time period between the date materiel is turned over by the carrier to the designated receiving activity and the date of posting the receipt to the total item property records (both accountable and owner records).

C13. The second segment is the time period between the date materiel is turned over by the carrier to the designated receiving activity and the date stored. Materiel is considered to be stored when it reaches the first location (either temporary or permanent) where actual storage control exists through locator data and the materiel can be issued without delay in response to materiel release documentation.

C13.2.7.2. Processing Standards. Performance standards for processing receipts through these time segments are as follows:

C13. Segment One. Materiel receipt must be posted to the accountable and the owner record no later than 5 business days from date materiel is received.

C13. Segment Two:

C13. Receipt from new procurement will be receipted and stored within 7 calendar days from the date materiel is turned over by the carrier.

C13. All other receipts, to include receipts from redistribution, will be receipted and stored within 10 calendar days from the date materiel is turned over by the carrier.

C13.2.7.3. Making asset records visible from the point of inspection and acceptance must be accomplished within 24 hours of recording receipts (holidays and weekends excepted). (This applies to receipts from a procurement source when required inspection and acceptance are not performed at origin.) The accounting and finance office will be notified of the item receipt within the 24-hour period.

C13.2.7.4. Wholesale Receipt Effectiveness. Report wholesale receipt processing effectiveness as prescribed by Chapter 6, C6. The acceptable DoD performance goals for receipt processing are: 90 percent posted within the time standard, 90 percent stored within the time standard. When computing the overall performance against the time standard, include Receipt Transactions frustrated for a long period of time prior to posting, storing, or reporting

C13.2.8. Control of Receipt Requirements. Receiving storage activities will comply with the following requirements:

C13.2.8.1. Establish Procedures. Establish receipt control procedures for posting information relating to the status of materiel in the storing cycle. The cycle begins when the carrier offers materiel to the receiving activity for custody and control. Receiving activities will record the carrier's date offered when different than the date the carrier released the materiel. The DoD Components should use the carrier's date offered to measure carrier performance.

C13.2.8.2. Actions after Materiel Receipt. Do the following actions after the materiel has been physically received but prior to or concurrent with movement to storage:

C13. Establish a transaction suspense record to record the materiel as an in-process receipt.

C13. Prepare and send a Receipt Transaction to the owner within 24-hours (holidays and weekends excepted) from the point of inspection and/or acceptance.

C13.2.8.3. Using In-Process Receipts to Satisfy Requirement. When the on-hand balance of the stock record (physically stored) is not enough to fill materiel release orders, use in-process receipts to fully or partially satisfy the requirement. When in-process receipts are recorded, fill priority 01-08 requirements from these receipts. Defer filling of priority 09-15 requirements from in-process receipts until proof of storage is recorded.

C13.2.8.4. Expediting Materiel Storage. Periodically refer to the in-process receipt suspense file to hasten storage of materiel delayed beyond authorized receipt processing timeframes and to hasten storing of materiel for issues deferred pending storage.

C13.2.8.5. Clearing Suspense Record. After receiving proof of storage, clear the suspense record, update the storage locator record, and release any deferred issues.

C13.2.8.6 Updating Storage Activity Record. As an additional aid in control of receipts, ensure that appropriate storage activity records (e.g., stock locator) show the date of the last receipt of an item and the storage information (i.e., date of storage or some other code indicating that storage has been reported).

C13.2.9. Discrepant/Deficient Receipts

C13.2.9.1. Discrepant/Deficient Reports. In addition to processing and reporting materiel receipts, receiving storage activities will submit reports for all discrepant/deficient receipts in accordance with the procedures and forms prescribed by the following:

C13. Chapter 17 of this manual, Supply Discrepancy Reporting procedures.

C13. DTR 4500.9-R, “Defense Transportation Regulation,” Part II, Cargo Movement.

C13. Joint Regulation DLAR 4155.24/AR 702-7/SECNAVINST 4855.5/AFR 74-6, "Reporting of Product Quality Deficiencies Report Program.”

C13. Joint Regulation DLAR 4155.3/AR 30-12/NAVSUPINST 4355.2/AFR 74-5/MCO 10110.21, "Inspection of Subsistence Supplies and Services."

C13. Other DoD and joint or intra-DoD Component regulations governing discrepancies/deficiencies not covered by the above.

C13.2.9.2. Exceptions. Neither the dollar value nor the timeframes for submitting discrepancy/deficiency reports apply for reporting the materiel receipt to the owner. The receipt reporting timeframes are prescribed by C13.2.7.The procedures for reporting receipt of discrepant/deficient shipments to the owner are prescribed by C13.2.9.3.

C13.2.9.3. Processing Discrepant/Deficient Receipts

C13. Discrepancy Determination. Upon receipt of all incoming materiel shipments, from procurement instrument and non-procurement instrument sources, receiving activities will research all available documentation and item markings (i.e., transaction or contract number, national stock number (NSN), or other, item identification number, PMR file, quantity, condition, inspection/acceptance requirements, etc.) to determine the receipt data. Using this data, receiving activities will determine if a discrepancy/deficiency (hereafter referred to as discrepancy or discrepant) exists and will identify its nature. For capital equipment candidate items, missing serial number(s) and mismatches on serial number (and UII) will be considered discrepancies.[3] DLA Distribution will perform a kind, count, and condition (KCC) inspection during receipt to determine materiel condition and completeness and identify any discrepancies that may exist. KCC inspection is applicable to materiel received for storage at the DLA Distribution Center. “Kind” includes an inspection of the bare item verifying the part number against the assigned NSN, or a verification that the documentation corresponds with the identification label in accordance with MIL-STD-129 marking requirements.[4]

C13. DLA Distribution Centers do not perform bare item part number verification for new procurement except when the materiel is identified as nuclear weapons related materiel (NWRM) or controlled (classified, sensitive, pilferable, and radioactive) or if directed by a systemic alert notification to verify a bare item part number.

C13. For all other receipts, DLA Distribution Centers will perform bare item part number verification unless specified under MIL STD 130 that no bare item marking exists.

C13. Unusual Circumstances. If unusual circumstances prevent normal receipt reporting of discrepant shipments, the receiving activity will communicate with the manager or Contract Administration Office (CAO)/Purchasing Office (PO) to determine how to submit the discrepancy report and report the receipt. When the owner delays receipt reporting, the receiving activity must control the receipt by physically segregating and monitoring the status of the materiel until they report the receipt, or the owner directs other disposition (e.g., reshipment, return to shipper, etc.). This paragraph applies only when circumstances exist that prevents normal receipt reporting. For non-procurement receipts with no PMR, see C13.

C13. Discrepancy Report Determination. Not all discrepant receipts require submission of discrepancy reports. Receiving activities will follow the procedures in C13.2.8.1. to determine whether a discrepancy report must be submitted. Use Receipt Transactions Management Codes R, S, and U to identify discrepant receipts that require submission of a discrepancy report. The purpose of the discrepant receipt management codes is to notify the owner in advance that a receipt was discrepant and that a discrepancy report is being submitted to give additional information relating to the reported item. Never process Receipt Transactions with Management Codes R, S, or U for a discrepant quantity when submission of a discrepancy report is not required. Use Management Codes S and U only for procurement instrument source receipts to identify vendor caused misdirected shipments and contract over shipments. Separate codes apply to these discrepancies, which occur more frequently and are more easily resolved than others, so owners can initiate immediate corrective action before the formal report of discrepancy is received.

C13. Receipts Lacking Documentation. When materiel arrives without accompanying documentation, or with inadequate documentation to process the receipt, receiving activities will use one of the following data sources to develop materiel Receipt Transactions:

C13. PMR files

C13. Authorized procurement delivery documents and vendor packing lists.

C13. Advance copies of DD Forms 1348-1A or 1348-2, or DD Form 1149,” Requisition and Invoice/Shipping Document.”

C13. Transportation and fiscal records.

C13. Container markings.

C13. Contract information available via the Electronic Document Access (EDA) Website reference archive.

C13. Federal Logistics Information System (FLIS) or WebFLIS data.

C13. The IUID Registry for serially managed assets.

C13. Advice provided by the owner, the shipper, or the U.S. Customs Inspector's Office upon request of the receiving activity if receipt documentation cannot otherwise be developed.

C13. Discrepant Receipt Posting. Normally when receiving activities keep a discrepant receipt in U.S. Government custody, whether or not it is U.S. Government-owned, they will post the receipt to the total item property record, store the materiel, and update the locator record, and hold the materiel pending receipt of disposition from the owner.

C13. Receipts from Outside the Normal Distribution System. When storage activities report receipts outside the normal distribution system for the NSN, the owner will record the receipt so assets are issued from that site first. Owners will make disposition of such materiel as quickly as possible. If the materiel is not issuable, the owner will direct repair induction, reclassification, relocation, or disposal using the appropriate DLMS transaction.

C13. Discrepant Receipt - Procurement Instrument Source - General

C13. Protective Measures. Procurement discrepancies imposing a health/safety hazard, classified risk, etc., may require separate and/or secure storage. When these situations exist, receiving activities will take protective measures in accordance with established DoD or DoD Component procedures.

C13. Receiving Activity Inspection. When acceptance is accomplished at a point other than destination, receiving activities may not re-inspect supplies at destination for acceptance purposes. However, receiving activities will examine such supplies at destination for identity, damage in transit, quantity, condition (including proper packing/packaging and labeling) and, for subsistence materiel, date packed and expiration date. The U.S. Government's right to litigate a discrepant receipt is not affected by the point of acceptance. Consequently, receiving activities will report discrepancies detected during the destination examination in accordance with the regulations cited in C13.2.9.1.