a)The Test shall be conducted and Judged in accordance with the BSPS International Pony Team Championship or Combined Training Rules.
b)To be ridden with Both hands, from Memory, with NO outside assistance.
c)Approximate time 4½ minutes.
THE TEST Maximum Mark
1 / AC / Enter at Working Trot and proceed down centre line without halting
Track Left / 10
2 / HE
E / Working trot
Circle left 20 metres diameter / 10
3 / E
X / Halt 10 metre circle left to X
Half 10 metre circle right to B / 10
4 / BFA / Working trot / 10
5 / A / Circle right 20 metres diameter with a transition to working canter right, over X / 10
6 / AKHCM / Working canter / 10
7 / MXK
K / Change rein. Give and retake the reins over X
Working trot / 10
8 / KAF
H / Working trot
Change rein and progressively show some lengthened strides
Working trot / 10
9 / CMB
B / Working trot
Circle right 20 metres diameter / 10
10 / B
X / Half 10 metre circle right to X
Half 10 metre circle left to E / 10
11 / EK
KA / Working trot
Transition to walk (2 -4 steps) and immediately proceed at working trot / 10
12 / A / Circle left 20 metres diameter with a transition to working canter left, over X / 10
13 / AFMCH / Working canter / 10
14 / HXF
F / Change rein. Give and retake the reins over X
Working trot / 10
15 / FAK
M / Working trot
Change rein, progressively show some lengthened trot strides
Working trot / 10
16 / MC
CH / Working trot
Medium Walk / 10
17 / HXF
F / Change rein at free walk on long rein
Medium walk / 10 x 2
18 / A
G / Down the centre line
Working trot
Halt. Immobility. Salute. Leave the arena at walk on a long rein at A / 10 x 2
19 / Paces (freedom and regularity) / 10 x 2
20 / Impulsion (desire to move forward, elasticity of the steps, suppleness of back and engagement of the hind quarters) / 10 x 2
21 / Submission (attention and confidence, harmony, lightness and ease of the movements, acceptance of the bridle and lightness of the forehand) / 10 x 2
22 / Riders position and seat; correctness and effect of the aids / 10 x 2
TOTAL / 270