Pop-up video[AK1]
When you link to a video from a link or image on a page of the site (not from the home page media block), the procedure is as follows:
Add the following code in HTML view. Do not switch from Visual to HTML mode when entering this code. The code makes the video play in a pop-up window over the page.
Linking from a photo and text:
<p<a href="VIDEO_ID?hl=en&fs=1&rel=0&autoplay=1" rel="shadowbox;width=640;height=385;player=swf"<img src="PHOTO_PATH"</a</p>
<p<a href="VIDEO_ID?hl=en&fs=1&rel=0&autoplay=1" rel="shadowbox;width=640;height=385;player=swf">Video »</a</p>
VIDEO_ID / Is the unique YouTube id number. To get this, play the video on YouTube. In the URL for the video, copy everything after v= and before the ampersand (&).Example:On this page is a video of Linda Hagedorn. Click on the Watch button, and then click on the YouTube icon, so it plays in YouTube. Here is the URL: DLiRGrrYPW4&feature=player_embeddedThe bold part is the ID that you paste into the code.
PHOTO_PATH / Is the image URL from WordPress. It starts with “/wp-content” and ends with “.jpg” or .png.”
Example: Go to the Video Thumbnails gallery and locate the photo. Right-click on the photo and view image info. Look at the Location – it will look something like this: /wp-content/gallery/video-thumbnails/thumbs/thumbs_adult-good-company.jpg?1262866581 . The part you actually use is in bold.
Video » / You can replace this with whatever text you’d like, if necessary. (Our style is to use Video » after the name or summary text when you have a link that’s not in a list or in the context of the content. The code for the arrow is » -- you must use the code in the right column.
Example code: Photoand text(two links to the video)
<p<a href="OTq9V6Csm40?hl=en&fs=1&rel=0&autoplay=1" rel="shadowbox;width=640;height=385;player=swf"<img src=""/<a/</p>
<p<a href="OTq9V6Csm40?hl=en&fs=1&rel=0&autoplay=1" rel="shadowbox;width=640;height=385;player=swf">Video »</a</p>
Video not on YouTube (length > 10min. or soundslide with captions)
You must FTP the files to AFS. (See AFS notes.)
Uploading videos THIS EXAMPLE IS FOR A SOUNDSLIDE that couldn’t be uploaded to YouTube.
FTP the files in the Publish_to_web folder to our site under: Content > Multimedia > Upload > [name a new directory].
Multimedia application
Add the video to the multimedia page:
Normally I think adding something to the multimedia page is the responsibility of the video person, but if you’d like to learn this, here are my notes. You will need a 125 x 125 photo and the YouTube embed code before you do this. Let me know if you have any questions or if you’d like me to help.
YouTube login: isuchsvideo post9video
Add the video to the multimedia page:
- Go to multimedia/admin: userid - admin, password - !multimedia$
- Click Add a media.
- Add the title – use a format consistent with the others in that category.
- Add the description -- the summary that will go on the page.
- Select the category.
- For the URL:
- If the video resides on our server, you use the full one: E.g.:
- If the video resides on YouTube, use the embed code. E.g., <iframe width="640" height="360" src=" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen</iframe>
- Add the duration.
- Upload the thumbnail.
Home page media block—video photo only
Use this procedure when you want a video photo to go in the home page media block, but you don’t have a story.- Upload the photo—it doesn’t have to be 312 x 209—just no smaller than those dimensions. Enter the caption—that will be what you see with the mouseover.
- Create a new post and add a title
- Click Set featured image.
- Click NexGen Gallery.
- Choose the Home Page Mediagallery and click Select.
- Find your photo and click Show.
- Click the Full size radio button and Use as Thumbnail.
- Check media block under Categories.
- Add the more tag.
- Put in the special video code that uses the You Tube id. Here’s an example:
The text is the caption—web visitors should never see it, so just put the subject’s name(s) or the name of the video.
- Check Hide Link box under News Information (so there’s no link to the story).
If an ID has more than one video, only the first one shows. / All of our videos are posted from YouTube. Our channel is ISUCHS.
The video’s id is in the url.
[AK1]These instructions on on WebHelp as content, not a word doc. The word doc has password information in it we don’t want to share.