State of Texas
County of Denton
City of Justin
Justin Parks and Recreation Committee – December 5, 2016
The Justin Parks and Recreation Committee convened into a regular meeting the same being open to the public the 5thday of December at 6:03 p.m. at the Justin Municipal Complex, and notice of said meeting giving the time, place, date and subject thereof having been posted as prescribed by Article 5 of the Texas Government Code, with the following members present and in attendance to wit:
Justin Parks and Recreation Committee Members: Chairman Larry Hefner, Secretary Ola Sykora, Member Brian French, Member Beate Dufresne, and Member Kelly Stephan , Interim City Manager Cori Reaume, and Interim City Secretary, Brittany Andrews.
Chairman Larry Hefner called the meeting to order at 6:03 pm.
Chairman Larry Hefner led the Invocation and Pledge Of Allegiance.
Discuss, Consider and Act to Approve the Justin Parks and Recreation Committee Minutes of October 3, 2016.
Park Board Member Beate Dufresne made a motion to approve the October 3, 2016 Park Board Minutes
Seconded by Member Kelly Stephan
Aye Votes: Chairman Larry Hefner, Members Ola Sykora, Beate Dufresne, Kelly Stephan, and Brian French.
Motion Carries
- Discuss and Consider where and what style of benches needed for Bishop Park.
Chairman Larry Hefner asked where we are on the Texas Parks and Wildlife Trail Grant, and if the grant would include funding for benches, lighting, etc. Interim City Manager, Cori Reaume stated that the grant would cover everything outlined in the Bishop Park Concept plan, benches, trails, lighting, etc. Member Kelly Stephan asked the guidelines of the Grant. Cori mentioned that our focus being on the Non- Urban Outdoor Recreation Park Grant would give us the opportunity to include what the board is wanting to do that is outlined in the Texas Parks and Wildlife Trail Grant and could be very similar. Chairman Larry Hefner suggested types of benches that he felt would fit in with what is currently at the Justin community park. All agreed. Chairman Hefner asked if ideas on benches (looks, styles, colors) could be brought to the next meeting for review.
- Discuss and Consider use of the park pavilion building in Bishop Park.
Member Brian French proposed that the facade and style of the pavilion be in conjunction with the style of the new apartments that will be going in behind Allsups. Members of the board and Interim City Manager, Cori Reaume updated Kelly Stephan on the current developments that have been brought to Planning and zoning, as well as City Council, including the future trail connections. Member Brian French was asked to bring different options and ideas for the pavilion to the next meeting.
- Discuss ideas of what you would like to see in the new construction areas.
All board members discussed what they would like to see in the future for the new construction areas to be similar, and to all coincide with one another.
Larry Hefner stepped down as chairman, and appointed Kelly Stephan in his place.
Board Member Ola Sykora made a Motion to Adjourn. The motion was seconded by Member Beate Dufresne.
Passed and approved on the _6____day of __February_, 2017.
Kelly Stephan, Chairman Brittany Andrews, Interim City Secretary