CIS 612Final Project

Spring 2005Microsoft VB.NET, Oracle, ASP.NET and ADO.NET


In this example we assume familiarity with the ORACLE held COMPANY database, sketched below:

EMPLOYEE (fname, minit, lname, ssn, bdate, address, sex, salary, superssn, dno) KEY: ssn

DEPARTMENT (dname, dnumber, mgrssn, mgrstartdate)KEY: dnumber.

PROJECT (pname, pnumber, plocation, dnum) KEY: pnumber.

WORKS_ON (essn, pno, hours) KEY: (essn, pno)

DEPENDENT (essn, dependent-name, sex, bdate, relationship)KEY: (essn, dependent-name)

ASP.NET Development

Write a Microsoft VB.NET application - similar to the previous assignment (Hwk6) -to accomplish the following design specifications.

  1. The application displays a login form asking for user-name and password. Use Fname/SSN (Employee table) as valid combinations.
  2. Display a second form called Main Menu. The menu form holds three buttons.
  1. Show Employee data
  2. Print Employee data
  3. Exit Application
  1. If the user clicks on “Show Employee Data” a new screen appears displaying
  1. Employee’s first and last name, SSN, Salary, and his/her department Name
  2. All the employees assignments (project name and hours) (use a ListBoxor DataGrid)
  3. Each of his/hers family members (if any!) (use a ListBoxor DataGrid)
  4. “Next” button to show next employee.
  1. If a report is selected you should print a datasheet view of the employee records displaying personal data and the assignments (Pname, Hours) of each employee (use CrystalReport).

Design Restrictions
  • Use the ASP.NET platform.
  • Use -at least once- the Connection, Command, and DataReader objects (either System.Data or Oracle.DataAccess)
  • Use –at least once- the Connection, DataAdapter, and DataSet objects (either System.Data or Oracle.DataAccess)
  • For step 4 (report printing) use the Crystal Report facility. Employees will be listed in ascending sequence of SSN values. For each employee include his/her assignments (Project name, individual number of Hours, at the end provide a final sum of hours for each employee).
  • Include a grand total of Hours for all employees.

Please. Bring all your VB.NET code and Oracle scripts in a floppy disk (use ZIP compression if needed). Add to the disk each of your previous Homeworks.

Organize the disk as eight sub-directories, the first is your name, the second should be named: Homework1, then Homework2, and so on. The last entry should be labeled Final Project.