SAP Process Integrations (SAP PI) Project
– Interface Technical Specification – /

Section I: Initial Information Requirements

(to be filled out by the requester from the business)

1. General Information

Working Name of Interface: / European Central Bank Currency Update / UIK1: ECBCurrency
Business Owner: / Mike
Tel. No.: / -2144 / e-mail:
Business criticality2: / Highly critical Critical Non-critical
Reaction time3: / Immediate Normal Earliest convenience

1Unique Identifier Key

2Impact on business in event of failure:

Highly critical: E.g. immediate production-stop, significant loss of revenue (reaction time: < 1h, support: 24x7h).
Critical: E.g. deadlines missed, delivery delay etc. (reaction time: < 3h, support: every day during daytime).
Non-critical: E.g. loss of revenue < 20% (reaction time: 1 working day, support: On working days during normal office hours).

3Immediate: Resolution within 2 hours, support 24x7h.
Normal: Resolution within the next working day, support during normal office hours.


Version / Date / Description of changes
0.1 / 02-03-2010 / Document created


This section should cover the issues that are currently unresolved for the interface. It can also be known as a limitation, like the partner number must exist.

1. Issue

Issue / Next action
How do we update the Exchange rate XDR / Mike


Planned go-live date: / 18 marts 2010
Description of business process:
Update the currency in the SAP system with the values provides by the European Central Bank (ECB). ESB provides new exchange rates everyday at 15:00 from
If the new exchanges rates are not availed for the day, then a mail with an error messages should be sent. The XML document describes the data that is valid for.
The process is started by a file adapter which picks up a file. This adapter is configured to run at 15:15 everyday using the adapter scheduling.
A BPM is used to fetch the XML Document using a HTTP adapter. The BPM then maps to a CurrencyUpdate message and a Mail Message. The Mail message is sent if the exchange rate has not been updated. The BPM verify if the Mail document contains a marker that the mails should be sent.

2. Involved Systems, Message Communication and Interfaces

Overview of Communication

2.1 Message Communication

Message Details
Frequency5: / 5 messages pr week
Estimated Size6: / 10 kb

5Specify how many messages are sent via PI in which period of time (e.g. 100 per day, 10 on the 1st day of month, etc.).
6Specify the expected size of an average message (KB or MB). Please note if and when any peak values will be expected.

2.2 Interfaces

Are there any dependencies to other messages known?7 / No Yes
If yes, specify
related interface (name/ID)
type of dependency

7E.g. messages of interface x need to be processed before message processing of interface y can start.

Section II: Technical Development Concept

(to be filled out jointly by an PI developer and a system consultant from the business)

Please create Section II for each interface: Copy structure if necessary (e.g. for responses)

1. General Information

Complexity of Development8: / High Medium Normal
PI Developer: / e-mail:

8Estimated development time (including testing):

High: >10 man days (e.g. complex scenarios with complex mappings, ABAP/Java developments).
Medium: 5-10 man days (e.g. scenarios with standard mappings, BPM but no ABAP/Java developments).
Normal: < 5 man days (e.g. simple scenarios with adapter configuration, without mappings).

2. Overall Process Description

Processing within Sender
A trigger file is picked up, when the file adapter is scheduled.
Processing within PI
Business Scenario: / Just a simple mapping is used between the formats. It is a multimapping mapping both to the currency proxy and the mail message.
If the exchange rate date is not today’s date, then a marker in the mail document is created.
BPM: / The BPM contains a sync call to the web service, to get the current exchange rates.
Then it maps the to the exchange rate idoc and the message
Additional Description:
Processing within Receiver
Proxy processed

3. Integration Repository Objects

See the Scenario

3.1 Mapping

Interface Mapping9
Mapping step
Step #10 / Mapping
Not interesting

9Should only be completed if it is complex mappings

10Repeat line for each mapping step

4. Integration Directory

Name: / UpdateExchangeRates
Communication Channel
Party: / ECB
Service Name: / ECB
Name: / FileECSTrigger
Type: / IDoc RFC XI JDBC
Other, Details:
Configuration11: / Parameter / Value
Processing / Testing
Running at 15:15 on weekdays using the adapter scheduling
Images from configuration

11Based on the AE instance type used, enter the configured parameters and their values.

4.1 Receiver Configurations

Routing Condition:
Additional Description:
Communication Channel
Service Name: / EPP
Name: / Proxy
Type: / IDoc RFC XI JDBC
Other, Details:
Configuration12: / Parameter / Value
Images from configuration

12Only if the meaning should be explained

Communication Channel
Party: / ECB
Service Name: / ECB
Name: / HTTPCurrency
Type: / IDoc RFC XI JDBC
Other, Details:
Configuration12: / Parameter / Value
PATH / /stats/eurofxref/eurofxref-daily.xml
Images from configuration

12Only if the meaning should be explained

Communication Channel
Service Name: / MAIL_D
Name: / Mail
Type: / IDoc RFC XI JDBC Mail
Other, Details:
Configuration12: / Parameter / Value
Images from configuration

12Only if the meaning should be explained

Value Mappings
Agency: / Agency:
Scheme: / Scheme:

Section III: Operational Support

(to be filled out jointly by an PI developer and a consultant from the business)

1. Monitoring

Within Sender (if knowen)
Monitoring Solution13:
Contact information14:
Additional information15:
Within PI
Monitoring Solution13: / SXI_MONITOR
Contact information14:
Additional information15:
Look at the proxy message provided by the bank
Within Receiver (if knowen)
Monitoring Solution13:
Contact information14:
Additional information15:

13Specify the type of monitoring solution (e.g. CCMS).

14Enter contact information of person/department/service provider regarding operational support of the corresponding technical system.

15Enter additional information on how the monitoring solution works or implement links/files for corresponding manuals.

2. Error Handling within PI

Error16 / Area17 / Solution18
Exchange rate not update / PI / The exchange rate was not updated when the system was running. Start and stop the communication channel.

16Specify the type of error or enter the corresponding error code.

17Specify the area where the error occurs (e.g. adapter engine, mapping).

18Describe how the error can be solved or implement links/files to referring documents.

3. Contacts to Solution Owner

Name / Tel. No. / Availability19

19Specify when the solution owner (somebody from the business) can be contacted in the event of failure (e.g. 24x7, during normal office hours, every day during daytime).

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