Executive Committee Meeting

Thursday, July 20, 2017

8:00 a.m. (PST), Teleconference

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Committee Members Present

Chuck Creigh, Chair

Mark Bruce, Board Governance Committee Chair

Tom Gallagher, Trustee

Holger Liepmann, Trustee

John Worthington, Audit Committee Chair

Mike Benjamin, Development Committee Chair

Kristen Averyt, President, DRI

Committee Members Absent

Soraya Aguirre, Treasurer

Stephanie Tyler, Vice Chair
Roger Wittenburg, Trustee

DRI Staff Present

Ellie Oppenheim

Iris Stewart

Karen Stewart-Carrico

Debra Coleman

Call to Order

Chair Creigh presided and called the meeting to order at 8:03 a.m. He stated that a quorum was present and read the DRIF Mission Statement. The Committee reviewed the minutes of the May 17, 2017 meeting of the Executive Committee.

Motion to accept the minutes of the May 17, 2017 meeting of the DRI Foundation Executive Committee. Liepmann moved, Gallagher seconded and the Committee unanimously approved.

Executive Committee Report - Chairman’s Report

Chair Creigh reminded everyone that emails will continue to be sent requesting the Boards help with the Nevada Medal event.

President’s Report – Dr. Kristen Averyt

Kristen expressed appreciation with the Board’s support as DRI moves forward and takes steps towards the future. Kristen noted that the Chief Development Officer hire will continue to move forward; Kristen requested help from the Board in identifying a potential search firm for the position along with assistance in reviewing the desired job description to ensure the qualifications match not only DRI’s but also the DRI Foundation goals.

Treasure’s Report – Soraya Aguirre

Karen Stewart-Carrico reported for Soraya Aguirre. Karen reported that the Treasure’s report was attached and distributed as of June 30, 2017. Karen presented the revised budget and noted the addition of the unrestricted funds column. Karen reported that the 13th month had been recorded on the monthly financial statement. A request was made my Tom Gallagher to add an action item regarding a bylaw change to the next DRIF Board meeting concerning Trustee dues from calendar year to fiscal year deadline.

Motion to accept the Monthly Financial Statement and the Treasure’s Report was made by Liepmann and seconded by Bruce. All unanimously approved the Monthly Financial Statement and the Treasurer’s Report.

Audit Committee Report – presented by John Worthington

John Worthington reported the fiscal year closed last month and that the audit process had started. Meetings with the Auditors have been scheduled to begin in early August.

Board Governance Committee Report – presented by Mark Bruce

Mark Bruce reported that he is helping put together the Philanthropy Leaders Summit this year, and is hoping to use that as an avenue to bring in potential new Trustees. Mark asked the Executive Committee if they would support him in providing Peter Harder, who is presenting at the Summit, with stories about DRI and the work we do, to incorporate into his presentation at the Summit. The Committee approved.

Development Committee Report – presented by Mike Benjamin

Mike reported on the latest Nevada Medal table sales and sponsorships for both Reno and Las Vegas events. Mike requested ideas on how to better involve the Trustees, a suggestion was made to distribute the Nevada Medal event web site link to the Trustees with a request to post it on their social media outlets, such as Facebook or Twitter. A quick phone call to those who have not purchased tables yet was also suggested.

New Business


Public Comment (Discussion): No action may be taken upon a matter raised under this item of the agenda until the matter itself has been specifically included on an agenda as an item upon which action may be taken.


Motion made to adjourn the meeting made by Benjamin and seconded by Bruce; all unanimously approved. The meeting was adjourned at 8:59 a.m.

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