DTO Initial Planning Meeting
Trainee’s nameforename first
Date of birth / Age / Establishment
Note This form T1:P should be completed by the Chair of the meeting, who should distribute the completed document to both the custodial facility and the Yot within 3 working days. The meeting must decide how the information contained in the documents is shared or confirmed with the child/young person and their family/carer.
At which review will the recommendation for Early –Mid-point – or Late Release be made?
Note Decisions on Early or Late release only apply to those serving a DTO of 8 months or more.Section 1: Details of those who were invited to the Planning Meeting
1Please ensure that you record the details of all those who were invited to the Initial Planning Meeting.Names / Agency/role
Apologies / Comments
No Apology
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Section 2: Documentation and assessment information
2List of documents available to the meeting – Please place a ‘Y’ in the box:PSR / External Education Reports
PCR / Educational Statements
ASSET / External Health Reports
T1:V&VR / Supervising Officer’s T4 Report
Child/YP’s Consultation Document / Individual Education Plan (IEP)
Parent/Carer Consultation Document (When available) / Unit Health Reports
Please list below any other specialist external reports:
3Are the documents completed fully? Please answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.Note It is the Chair’s responsibility to draw any deficiencies to the attention of the agency concerned.
Note If ‘No’ please state where more information is required. Please include any documentation that is missing.
4With reference to the T1:V – Is any risk the young person may be to themselves, to others or from others adequately addressed? Please answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.
Please comment below:
5Does the young person have any specific issues or comments to make about their care?
Please answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.
Please comment below:
6Are there any aspects of the young person’s behaviour in the custodial facility affecting or likely to affect their ability to achieve the objectives in the Training Plan? Please answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.
Please comment below:
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Section 3: Meeting assessed need
7Based upon the Proposed Training Plan at Section 4, please confirm which of the Factors the meeting agree should make up the child/young person’s Training Plan.Note The Relevant Factors agreed by this Initial Planning Meeting make up the Training Plan T2 objectives on which the young person will be assessed.
Relevant Factors: / All? / or some?
If some, list below which Factors will become objectives in the Training Plan
8Does the young person have equality of access to the services they require? Please answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.
Please comment below:
(Note This is an equal opportunities issue. Any action taken/needing to be taken must be clearly stated.)
Section 4: Setting the objective and targets
At this point in the meeting, objectives should be set that combine to make up the Training Plan. The T2 form should be
completed during the meeting, its content agreed and the form signed by the child/young person and the Chair.
Note The Initial Planning Meeting will set the objectives. Future reviews or the final review may well change them.9Do all parties at the meeting agree on the Training Plan objectives and on the services to be
provided to the young person? Please answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.
If not, please explain why not below:
10Please confirm that the T2 form has been completed and signed. Please answer ‘Yes’ or ’No’
Number of T2 Objectives set (including T2:ED when available)
11Please also describe any other contribution the custodial facility can make to the child/young person’s long term needs.
(Note Examples: Improving family ties, counselling, pastoral issues, one-to-one key worker/personal officer work etc.)
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Section 5
12Please explain how and when the decisions made at this meeting will be confirmed with the young person and their family/carer.Note Although the young person will be at the meeting, it is essential that they are clear about the decisions that have been made. It may
be that the family/carer has not been able to attend. Confirm how you will ensure that these key people understand the requirements of the Training Plan.
13Should anyone else be invited to the next review?Please answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.
Names and who will invite them
14Date, Time and Location of next Review.
Date / Time / Location
To be completed at the end of the Initial Planning Meeting
Chair of the Initial Planning Meeting.
Name / DesignationEstablishment
Signed / Date
Yot Supervising Officer
Name / YotSigned / Date
Establishment Representative
Name / DesignationSigned / Date
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