Alton Surgery
Patient Participation Group
Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 4th October 2016 at 9.30am
Present:Dorothy Clohesy, Carol Edwards, Sylvia Hollins, Kathy Leese, Jenny Manley,
Freda Martin, Tony Moult, Elaine Plant, Yvonne Summerville and Peter Walker.
- Apologies: None
Visitors from Homelink were expected to join the group at 10.30 am.
- Minutes of the last Meeting:
The Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 6th September2016 were approved as a true record.
- Matters Arising:
Re use of Reception area for Promotion Events – JM said the Doctors were happy for us to use Reception area once the roof work had been completed.
Carers Hub – YS reported that the local Hub is still operating from Cheadle Police Station although the Head Office had moved to another address.
Medication Letter – Discussed further, along with blood tests.
NAPP Subscription – now £60 not £50 as previously informed. Worthwhile to join for information received.
- Reports from Members:
DC Reported:
Carers Assessment Act – Carers are entitled to same rights as those they care for to benefit their own health. If they find it difficult to get to the surgery they can speak to a Doctor on the phone. Hopefully all carers know their rights but we would highlight the Act on the next Newsletter.
JM said at ILTC meetings, patients’ carers are flagged up.
It was suggested by group that a notice entitled ‘Care for Carers’ could be put on PPG noticeboard. JM to produce notice.
*See note at end of minutes.
Locality Meeting - DC attended.
Anna Collins – Head of Communications –CCG had spoken at meeting. Very knowledgable re PPG’s and answered many questions.
CE Reported on Closure of Beds at Cheadle Hospital.
- UHNS did not follow formal procedures re closure of beds at Cheadle Hospital.
- Locality PPG’s valued by CCG and AC will co-ordinate groups.
PPG discussed above. DC said step down beds cost £2,100 per patient per bed which is more than in the community. Home is best for most patients but not possible for everyone. Patients who could not be discharged to their own homes could use Nursing Home beds for respite. PALS and Healthwatchcould be contacted for patients/carers who had concerns and complaints.
JM said Surgery had a new system - S2S, System to System, enabling referrals/messages to be sent to the Community Nursing Team regarding patients that needed to be seen by them. Once a message had been actioned, this is shown by a green flag being attached to the message. The message was copied and pasted on to Patient’s records. Messages can also be sent to other agencies using the same system.
CE would be attending CCG Congress shortly and would report back at next meeting.
- Dates of Next Meetings: Tuesday8th November and6th December at 9.30 am.
DC welcomed visitors from Homelink:
Sharon Ball – Manager and Lynn Everill – Day Centre Manager gave a talk and answered questions re Moorlands Homelink.
- Homelink now support up to 400 people in the Moorlands.
- They have 40 paid staff and 200 volunteers.
- They have lost £180,000 in funding.
- 5 outreach groups in Moorlands.
- Alton patients picked up on Thursdays. Also have a befriending service.
- It costs £37 per day for patients to attend. They are given a 3 course meal and take part in activities.
- Agreed quite expensive but they have to cover costs. Always a shortfall.
- People on basic pension would probably not have to pay, subject to financial assessment.
- Grants applied for but not always successful. Don’t have fundraising team unlike some organisations i.e. Age UK.
DC thanked the visitors for an interesting and very informative talk.
*Since the meeting the‘Care for Carers’ notice has been put up on PPG Noticeboard.
JM also informed that the Practice undertook an identification exercise some time ago and the Clinical Support Assistant is continuing to identify and work with vulnerable patients.
There is also a wealth of information for Carers on the NHS Choices Website. Please go on line and view look at following website