Ministry Action Plan
Human Trafficking Task Force
Submitted September 2017 for the 2018 Fiscal Year
Stating Our Purpose: The Human Trafficking Task Force will grow in love of God and neighbor by increasing awareness of human trafficking in Iowa and collaborating with other organizations to combat the growing problem in our communities and protect individuals most vulnerable to human trafficking.
The Task Force focuses on, participates in, and supports the following activities:
Prevention – Increasing awareness, advocacy, and education towards addressing the community’s systemic vulnerability to a continuum of human exploitation.
Protection – Ensuring that human trafficking victims are provided access to (at minimum): health care, legal aid, social services, and education in ways that are not prejudicial against victims’ rights, dignity, or psychological well-being. Protection also means creating an environment (social, political, and legal) that fosters the protection of victims of trafficking.
Prosecution – Ensuring the creation and implementation of laws that address the continuum of labor and sexual exploitation and the pursuit of criminal punishment for such cases, treating human trafficking as exploitation of victims rather than recruitment/transportation of workers or people in prostitution. This includes not just criminal prosecution, but law enforcement officers and the creation of legislation.
Partnership – Acknowledging that combatting human trafficking requires a comprehensive response through the cooperation of multiple sectors. Partnerships bring together diverse experiences, amplify messages, and leverage resources.
Plymouth Alignment
The mission of the Human Trafficking Task Force aligns with both the overall church mission and the strategic initiatives.
Overall church mission: The Task Force provides a venue for members to express their faith in service by engaging in activities that create awareness of this global problem and a supportive environment for survivors of human trafficking.
Strategic Initiatives: The Task Force contributes to the success of the following initiatives.
Stewardship – Members of the Task Force are empowered to share their talents and gifts to aid populations most vulnerable to human trafficking by engaging in activities outlined under the Objectives section above.
Small Groups – The Task Force is a small core group of individuals committed to reducing the presence of human trafficking in Iowa. Members include persons impacted by human trafficking and those passionate about helping those most vulnerable. Groups like this encourage members to participate in activities that elicit their interests, passions, talents, and gifts.
Reviewing Our Performance
Since 2015, the Task Force has made great progress in fulfilling its mission.
Major Outcomes
The Task Force has produced the following major outcomes.
Secured a regular monthly meeting time that works for the group
Built important relationships with other individuals and organizations within the community and the state working on anti-trafficking initiatives
Worked with the Network Against Human Trafficking (NAHT) to establish a statewide event calendar to increase awareness of anti-trafficking initiatives across the state to prevent duplication of efforts and increase collaboration
Have held a large reception for a State individual and done presentations and seminars at Plymouth.
Regularly host the Central Iowa Network Against Human Trafficking quarterly meeting.
The Plymouth Task Force has gained recognition as a significant anti-trafficking group in the greater Des Moines area and Central Iowa.
· See attached Addendum for additional information
Major Accomplishments
The Task Force has achieved the following major accomplishments since Sept 2015 MAP
Secured funding and hosted several community events addressing various aspects of HT.
Have continued to sell our T-shirts with proceeds to going toward our anti-trafficking efforts
Developed an insert, which lists important facts about HT and gives the phone numbers of who to contact in the event trafficking is suspected.
Developed a 4x6 sticker listing the signs of trafficking and who to call. This was put into all (236) portable toilets that were used at the State Fair.
Increased awareness of human trafficking in Iowa by distributing informative brochures at the Valley Junction farmers market and downtown farmer’s market.
Influenced legislation by contacting state Representatives/Senators to secure funding for the Attorney General’s office specifically earmarked for anti-trafficking efforts
Increased internal church interest by speaking at a Plymouth Fellowship Forum and informing attendees that this is happening within the community
Sent a representative group from the Task Force to Mexico with Witness for Peace to study the effects of US immigration and economic policy on the flow of human trafficking through Mexico into the US. (2015)
Held a yoga fundraiser to support ongoing efforts of the Task Force (2015)
Working with the IA NAHT, Plymouth Task Force is hosting and coordinating the Hotel/Motel Project for Central Iowa. The curriculum was developed by Stephen O’Meara, retired prosecutor for the IA State Attorney General’s Office. He now lives in Nebraska where he has successfully trained staff and management in over 100 hotels on how to recognize human trafficking and what to do if staff suspects it’s occurring in their hotel. Mr. O’Meara will be training approximately 30 volunteers at Plymouth on Sept. 13th.
Critical Success Factors
The following are the critical success factors that have contributed to the Task Force’s ability to fulfill its mission.
Dedicated, hard-working and persistent community and church members who are committed to seeing a substantial decrease in the amount of trafficking that goes on in the Des Moines area and across the State and globally.
Dedicated members who have committed their time and energy assisting and participating in external events to increase awareness of HT and the task force as an entity
Acknowledgement by and support of the church on the importance of creating awareness of human trafficking as well as the Task Force’s activities
Support and recognition from the Central Iowa Network and Iowa Network Against Human Trafficking
The primary challenges that the Task Force has faced include:
At times, sparse attendance at monthly Task Force meetings
Often projects and participation in outside events seem to fall upon just a few
Busy lives, busy schedules!
No on-going fundraising activities
When not working on a specific project, it has been difficult to obtain and retain new members
People like to see the results of their efforts in a timely and objective manner. Creating awareness isn’t something that is easily measured and it’s difficult to see the results. Likewise, it’s virtually impossible to know if something the task force did helped to save one victim. Thus, faith in our mission must be the member’s reward which is often is not enough to keep someone plugged in.
Joy Corning, former IA Lt. Governor and active member of our committee, passed away this year. Because she was so well known in the political arena, she guided us and was willing to step forward when we were dealing with the legislature. Unfortunately, she cannot be replaced.
Activities/Strategies/Tactics to modify
1. More aggressively seek out partners in the faith based community to collaborate with. An email was sent to multiple church representatives, but no responses were received. Need to follow up on a personal level with phone calls to get a dialogue going.
2. Seek additional opportunities to pass out literature and advertise our task force at various community and civic events. Ask for a firm commitment from members to participate
3. Seek opportunities to speak to churches and community organizations to create and heighten awareness. In the past, we have responded to requests but not sought out speaking engagements.
4. Seek to develop a stable core membership so that the above tasks, responsibility, etc. can be delegated. In the past, these things have fallen to one or two people who have very busy schedules so follow up hasn’t always been as it should.
Preparing for 2017 - 2018
The following identifies the Task Force’s preparation for the upcoming year.
Essential Goals/Outcomes
1. Increase awareness of the prevalence of human trafficking in Iowa amongst the faith based community and community organizations who may be seeing it but not recognizing it.
2. Hold a community event in January 2018 which is National Human Trafficking Month
3. Increase Task Force membership both from within and outside Plymouth congregation
4. Elect/appoint committee officers and create committees as the task force membership grows.
5. Search for prospective partnerships and continue to develop and deepen existing partnerships within the community, particularly the faith-based community. The ultimate goal would be to develop a coalition which would reduce each committee’s work load by eliminating duplicate efforts, promote exchange of information and strengthen the impact we could have in fighting trafficking.
6. Begin to focus on labor trafficking as this is often overlooked, yet we know it exists even in Des Moines.
7. Maintain enthusiasm and our task force volunteer’s commitment to the Hotel/ Motel Training Project. Approximately 75% of our core task force members have agreed to be a volunteer trainer and to train staff and management in at least three hotels within six months. Volunteer training will take place on Sept. 13, 2017 at Plymouth Church.
8. Create a webpage on the church website dedicated solely to Human Trafficking. Currently there is very little information about the task force on the church’s website. One of our initial committee members wanted to take on this task but the member was forced to drop off the task force due to family and work commitments. Shirlee Reding, Chair, approached Cindy Ceaton about creating a webpage and she was agreeable and eager to help. A meeting will be set up in the near future to begin the process.
Employed Activities/Strategies for Goal Attainment
To meet the identified goals and outcomes, the Task Force will establish committees that will be led by a task force member. Each committee will have an area of focus and set goals for the year as well as recruit members to serve on the committees.
The Task Force will seek to include meeting dates/times of the Task Force and committee meetings in Current Happenings and The Contact within the church bulletin on a regular basis as well as include them on the church calendar.
The Task Force will ask to speak at the Fellowship Forum semiannually to raise awareness amongst the congregation and encourage them to participate.
Make sure that all our activities and events are listed on the IA NAHT calendar
Seek new relationships in person or by phone rather than relying on emails.
Advanced Goals/Outcomes
One way the Task Face could add real value to the church’s overall mission is to become a designated “safe haven” to protect identified survivors of human trafficking while in transition to a certified, therapeutic treatment center.
Increase awareness among the general population of the serious human trafficking problem that exists here in I Iowa. When asked, most people will say it doesn’t happen in Des Moines and can’t give you an accurate definition what it is.
Advanced Strategies to Meet Advanced Goals/Outcomes
Strengthen and increase the task force’s membership so we can to become a more effective task force.
Continue building relationships within the community, Central Iowa and throughout the State as well as national organizations
Resource Planning
The following table identifies the Task Force goals, necessary material resources to attain the goal, and the budgeted cost.
Goals / Projected Expenses / Budgeted CostIncrease awareness of the prevalence of human trafficking in Iowa / BROCHURE INSERT and STICKER printing costs and printing of other material for distribution
Media (i.e., movies/documentaries, etc.)
Venue rental (i.e., for documentary showing, etc.)
Refreshments/utensils / $200 primarily for purchase of media and printing
Hold program for the community in Jan 2018, bringing in a nationally known speaker / Refreshments/pastries
Nametags / $1000 for speaker & his/her expenses
$250 for supplies, snacks, coffee, advertisement, etc.
Increase Task Force Membership both from within and outside the Plymouth congregation / Inclusion of information about the Task Force and meeting date/time in Current Events and in the Contact each month.
Ask to speak on a semi-annual basis at Sunday Forum
Create webpage on the Plymouth website dedicated to Human Trafficking and the task force activities. / Included within overall budget total
Search for prospective partnerships and continue to develop and deepen existing partnerships within the community, particularly the faith-based community. / Make the task force as visible as possible by searching for speaking engagements, passing out literature at community events, contacting churches to see if they have a social justice committee or similar group that would like to learn more about human trafficking. / Included within overall budget total
Begin to focus on labor trafficking as this is often overlooked and overshadowed by sex trafficking. / Develop a brochure that focuses solely on labor trafficking.
In the future hold a one-half day seminar on labor trafficking, bringing in a local authority on the subject. / $250 to pay for speaker and
$150 for supplies, coffee, printing, etc./
Maintain enthusiasm and monitor our task force volunteers’ commitment
to the Hotel/Motel Training Project / Volunteers should work closely with Project Coordinator to make certain their trainings in the hotels are scheduled on a date and time that is convenient for them.
Encourage volunteers to choose a partner they are comfortable with and feel they can work closely with.
Encourage volunteers to report any problems or concerns as soon as possible
Encourage them to share positive comments with other volunteers as well.
Make certain time is allowed during monthly task force meetings to do an autopsy on the visits they’ve made and share any concerns. / All the training of volunteers, materials, etc. are being covered by a grant which NAHT obtained through the Community Foundation.
Create a webpage on the Church website dedicated to Human Trafficking, the Task Force and their current activities. It may also include a blog. / Work with Cindy Ceaton to design the page and decide what should be included.
/ Included within overall budget total
Total of committed expenses:
The Human Trafficking Task Force has a special dedicated account. Shortly after the task force was formed, we decided to put on several events. Part of the expenses were funded by a Foundation Grant but when we decided to bring in an additional speaker later, the committee decided to sell T-shirts. In order to pay for them at the time they were ordered, several charter members donated fairly significant amounts to cover the cost. Since then we have sold most of the T-shirts and received some personal donations which were to be restricted for the task force’s use. Over the past several years we have been drawing from this account for all our expenses, since we didn’t receive any money when funds were allocated the last several years