Appendix II


This document contains the forms for all workpackages that have been defined for the integration activities, departments, projects, spreading of excellence and management activities of the NEWCOM Network of Excellence.

The labelling convention is the following:

  • WPI.x refers to workpackage defined for the activity x of integration activities
  • WP[1...7].x[.y] refers to a workpackage defined for activity x of department [1..7]. If the additional y index is present, it refers to a specific workpackage defined for that activity. Otherwise, the name of activity and workpackage coincide.
  • WP[A...E].x[.y] refers to a workpackage defined for activity x of project [A..E]. If the additional y index is present, it refers to a specific workpackage defined for that activity. Otherwise, the name of activity and workpackage coincide.
  • WPS.x refers to workpackage defined for activity x of spreading of excellence activities
  • WPM.x refers to workpackage defined for activity x of management activities.

Tentative List of Joint Research Activities for Department 1 NEWCOM Integration Activities

“Analysis and design of algorithms for signal processing at large in wireless systems”

Activity A

Name:Coding and Signal Design for Future Wireless Broadband Systems

Activities/+47 73 59 43 15

  • Some Ideas for Workpackages

WPI.1: Set-up of the NEWCOM videoconference network and computing gridCoding and Signal Design for OFDM

(18 months)

WPI.2: Bandwidth Efficient Coding (18 months)Creation and Maintenance of the NEWCOM Website

Activity I.3 Development of the NEWCOM shared SW/HW platform

-WPI.3.1 Methodologies and libraries generation for a shared SW environment

-WPI.3.2: SW test-bed: Channel models/channel simulator

-WPI.3.3: SW test-bed: Mobility models/mobility simulator

-WPI.3.4: Fast hardware prototyping of critical communication subsystems

WPI.4:Coordination and management of researchers and PhD mobilityCoding and Decoding for Short Block Lengths

WPI.5: Internal workshop/meeting organizationCoding and Decoding for Short Block Lengths

WPI.6: Best Paper AwardCoding and Decoding for Short Block Lengths

Activity I.7: Integration of teaching and learning

-WPI.7.1: Signalling Schemes for the Wideband RegimePermanent program for lectures and seminar broadcasting

-WPI.7.2: Signalling Schemes for the Wideband RegimeSummer/Winter school organization

-WPI.7.3: Signalling Schemes for the Wideband RegimeNEWCOMDoctoral School in Wireless Communications

.... to be modified/completed ....

Christophe Laot / ENST Bretagne /
Geir Øien, Lars Lundheim, Nils Holte / NTNU Trondheim / ,,
Hans-Andrea Loeliger / ETH Zurich /
Erik Ström,
Arne Svensson / Chalmers University of Technology /

Erdal Panayirci / ISIK University /
Umberto Mengali / University of Pisa /
Luc Vandendorpe / Université Catholique de Louvain /
Marc Moeneclaey / Ghent University /
Krzysztof Wesolowski / Poznan University of Technology /
Andreas Polydoros,
Nikos Dimitriou / National and Kapodistrian University of Athens / ,

Yossi Steinberg / Technion /
Wolfgang Gerstacker / University of Erlangen /
Mikael Sternad / Uppsala University /
Heinrich Meyr / RWTH Aachen /
Ralf Müller / FTW /
Giuseppe Caire / Eurecom /
Erdal Arikan / Bilkent University /
Phillip Regalia / GET /

Workpackage list: (should we provide names for each of these?)

WP1: Synchronisation, Channel Estimation, and Equalisation Algorithms in Low Signal-to-Noise Ratios

WP2: Receiver Design for Multicarrier Systems

WP3: Receiver Design for Multiuser Systems

WP4: Receiver Design for MIMO Channels

WP5: Data-Aided Receivers

WP6: Blind Receivers

WP7: Channel Estimation and Prediction for Rate-Adaptive Systems

.... etc ....

Activity BA.2

Name: Iterative Receivers and Joint Iterative Decoding, Channel Estimation,

Equalisation, and Synchronisation

Coordinators:Marc Moeneclaey (responsible)


Phone: +32 9 264 3413

Hans-Andrea Loeliger (supporting)


Phone: +41 1 632 2765

Some Ideas for Workpackages

WP: Scope and Limits for the Application of Iterative Algorithms

WP: Integration into Existing Wireless System Standards

WP: Global Signal Design for Iterative Receivers

WP: Soft-Input Soft-Output Algorithms

WP: Information Theoretic Description of Iterative Detection

WP: Tools for Convergence Analysis

.... to be modified/completed ....

Current List of Participants:

Name:Joint Iterative Decoding, Channel Estimation, Equalisation, and Synchronisation


Christophe Laot / ENST Bretagne /
Geir Øien (no activity here at the moment, although interested in principle… does this mean I should be deleted?),
Tor A. Ramstad (only if joint source-channel coding fits in here – does it?) / NTNU Trondheim / ,
Hans-Andrea Loeliger / ETH Zurich /
Erik Ström,
Arne Svensson / Chalmers University of Technology /

Erdal Panayirci / ISIK University /
Umberto Mengali / University of Pisa /
Luc Vandendorpe / Université Catholique de Louvain /
Marc Moeneclaey / Ghent University /
Krzysztof Wesolowski / Poznan University of Technology /
Andreas Polydoros ,
Nikos Dimitriou / National and Kapodistrian University of Athens / ,

Yossi Steinberg / Technion /
Wolfgang Gerstacker / University of Erlangen /
Ralf Müller,
Jossy Sayir / FTW / ,

Giuseppe Caire / Eurecom /
Johannes Huber / University of Erlangen /
Shlomo Shamai / Technion /
Erdal Arikan / Bilkent University /
Phillip Regalia / GET /

Workpackage list:

WP1: Scope and Limits for the Application of Iterative Algorithms

WP2: Integration into Existing Wireless System Standards

WP3: Soft-Input Soft-Output Algorithms

WP4: Information Theoretic Description of Iterative Detection

WP5: Tools for Convergence Analysis

WP6: Joint Source-Channel Coding in Wireless Systems (if it fits here, maybe better in B)

.... etc ....

Activities mentioned in B (Andi Loeliger)

(May be, B.1 and B.2, or even B.1, B.2, and B.3 could/should be combined into one activity) YES – I propose the name “Coding and Signal Design for Future Wireless Broadband Systems”)

Activity B.1

 Name:Coding and Decoding for Short Block Lengths


Hans-Andrea Loeliger / ETH Zurich /
Johannes Huber / University of Erlangen /
Jossy Sayir / FTW /

Workpackage list:

WP1: Information Theoretic Analysis

WP2: Code Design

WP3: Optimum Decoders and Suboptimum Low-Complexity Solutions

.... etc ....

Activity B.2

Name:Coding and Signal Design for OFDM


Hans-Andrea Loeliger / ETH Zurich /
Robert Fischer,
Lutz Lampe / University of Erlangen / ,

Geir E. Øien, Kjell J. Hole, Nils Holte / NTNU / ,,
Jossy Sayir / FTW /

Workpackage list:WP1: Adaptive OFDM Systems.... etc ....

WP2:OFDM with Pulse Shaping

Activity B.3

Name:Coding and Modulation for MIMO Systems


Hans-Andrea Loeliger / ETH Zurich /
Robert Fischer,
Lutz Lampe / University of Erlangen / ,

Geir E. Øien, Kjell J. Hole / NTNU / ,
Christoph Mecklenbräuker
Ralf Müller
Jossy Sayir / FTW / ,

Workpackage list: WP1: Adaptive Coding and Modulation in MIMO Systems.... etc ....

Activity B.4

Name:Global Signal Design for Iterative Receivers


Hans-Andrea Loeliger / ETH Zurich /
Johannes Huber / University of Erlangen /
Jossy Sayir,
Ralf Müller / FTW / ,

Giuseppe Caire / Eurecom /

Workpackage list:WP1: .... etc ....

Activities mentioned in C (Pekka Pirinen)

Activity C (???)


Name: Identification, Test, and, Evaluation of Multiple Access Techniques for Future Wireless Systems (???)


Pekka Pirinen / University of Oulo /
Erdal Arikan / Bilkent University /

Workpackage list: WP1: .... etc ....

Activity C.2

Name: Global Roaming Across Multiple Wireless and Mobile Networks(???)


Pekka Pirinen / University of Oulo /
Wolfgang Koch / University of Erlangen /

Workpackage list:WP1: .... etc ....

Activities mentioned in D (Ralf Müller)

AActivity D.1

Name: Iterative Mmultiuser Ddecoding

Coordinators:Ralf Müller (responsible)


Phone: +43-1-5052830-19

Johannes HuberLutz Lampe (supporting)

Email: use

Phone: use +49 9131 8528718

Some Ideas for Workpackages

WP 1: Convergence analysis of iterative multiuser decoding
WP 2:Design of non-linear, soft-output multiuser detectors
WP 3: Power control for iterative multiuser decoding
WP 4:Channel estimation in the iterative loop
WP 5:Multistage detectors for iterative receivers
please suggest more !!!

Current List of Participants:


Giuseppe Caire / Eurecom /
Mérouane Debbah,
Ralf Müller,
Laura Cottatellucci
Jossy Sayir / FTW / ,

Johannes Huber / University of Erlangen /
Shlomo Shamai / Technion /
Erdal Arikan / Bilkent University /

Workpackage list: WP1: .... etc ....

Activity D.2

Name: Multiuser detection for uncoordinated transmission

Multiuser Detection for Uncoordinated Transmission

Coordinators:Ralf Müller (responsible)


Phone: +43-1-5052830-19

Johannes HuberLutz Lampe (supporting)

Email: use

Phone: use +49 9131 8528718

Some Ideas for Workpackages

WP 1:Multistage detectors for asynchronous transmission

WP 2:Multiuser detectors for bursty traffic conditions

please suggest more !!!

Current List of Participants:


Giuseppe Caire / Eurecom /
Mérouane Debbah,
Ralf Müller,
Laura Cottatellucci / FTW / ,
Robert Fischer / University of Erlangen /
Erdal Arikan / Bilkent University /

Workpackage list: WP1: .... etc ....

Activities mentioned in E (Helmut Boelcskei, see also D) and by Shlomo Shamai

Activity E.1

Name: MIMO Broadband Channel Model

Coordinators:Helmut Boelcskei (responsible)


Phone: +41 1 63 23433

Johannes HuberLutz Lampe (supporting)

Email: use

Phone: use +49 9131 8528718

Some Ideas for Workpackages

WP: MIMO Channel Measurement Campaigns

WP: Link and System Level MIMO Channel Modeling

Current List of Participants:


Helmut Boelcskei / ETH Zuerich /
Wolfgang Koch / University of Erlangen /
Mérouane Debbah,
Ralf Müller,
Christoph Mecklenbräuker / FTW / ,

Erdal Arikan / Bilkent University /

Workpackage list: WP1: .... etc ....

Activity E.2

Name: MIMO Multiple Access Channel

Coordinators:Helmut Boelcskei (responsible)


Phone: +41 1 63 23433

Johannes HuberLutz Lampe (supporting)

Email: use

Phone: use +49 9131 8528718

Some Ideas for Workpackages

WP: Wireless Downlink Communications

WP: Robust and Scalable Array Processing

WP: Spatial Scheduling

.... to be modified/completed ....

WP: Wireless Downlink Communications

WP: Robust and Scalable Array Processing

WP: Spatial Scheduling

WP: Capacity of MIMO-MAC and BC Channels

Current List of Participants:


Helmut Boelcskei / ETH Zuerich /
Shlomo Shamai / Technion /
Johannes Huber,
Robert Fischer / University of Erlangen / ,

Robert Fischer / University of Erlangen /
Ralf Müller,
Christoph Mecklenbräuker, Mérouane Debbah / FTW / ,
Geir E. Øien / NTNU /
Giuseppe Caire / Eurecom /
Ramon Agusti Comes,
Ana Pérez-Neira / Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya / ,
Erdal Arikan / Bilkent University /

Workpackage list: WP1: .... etc ....

Activity E.3 (see thorough proposal by Shlomo in wlessdownlink.txt)

Name: Wireless Downlink Communications


Shlomo Shamai / Technion /
Helmut Boelcskei / ETH Zuerich /
Johannes Huber,
Robert Fischer / University of Erlangen / ,

Ralf Müller,
Mérouane Debbah / FTW / ,

Geir E. Øien / NTNU /
Giuseppe Caire / Eurecom /

Workpackage list:

WP1: The Impact of Side (or Channel State Information) (Øien’s interest)

WP2: Multi-Antenna Broadcast Channels: Efficient Communications Techniques

WP3: Information Theoretic Network Aspects of Broadcast Channels

.... etc ....

Activities mentioned in F (Wolfgang Gerstacker) and by Eric Moulines

Activity F.1

Name: Cellular Network Capacity and Performance

Coordinators:Eric Moulines (responsible)


Phone: +33 1 45 81 77 03

Johannes HuberWolfgang Gerstacker (supporting)

Email: use

Phone: use +49 9131 8525018


Some Ideas for Workpackages

WP: User Mobility Tracking

WP: Handoff Algorithms

WP: Admission Control

WP: Global Roaming Across Multiple Wireless and Mobile Networks

.... to be modified/completed ....

Current List of Participants:


Eric Moulines / ENST Paris /
Wolfgang Koch,
Wolfgang Gerstacker / University of Erlangen / ,

Eric Moulines / ENST Paris /
Gerald Ostermayer / Siemens /
Hayrettin KoymenErdal Arikan / Bilkent University /
Andreas Polydoros,
Nikos Dimitriou / National and Kapodistrian University of Athens / ,

Workpackage list:

WP1: User Mobility Tracking

WP2: Handoff Algorithms

WP3: Admission Control

.... etc ...

Activitiy proposed by Geir Øien (see NTNU.doc) Geir: I think this is covered by our proposals in the above activities and do not need to be singled out as a separate activity – this is also covered in two of the “horizontal” activities, “Functional design…” and “Cross-layer optimization”)

Name: Adaptive Transmitters in Wireless Systems

(If this IS to be kept I would rsther it is called something like Future Broadband Accedd Architectures, biut then it is more “horizontal” and as I said already integrated to a certain extent in on or two horizontal activities)


Geir Øien / NTNU Trondheim /

Workpackage list: WP1: .... etc ....

Activitiy proposed by Erdal Arikan

Name: Broadband Wireless Access at Vehicular Speed


Erdal Arikan / Bilkent University /

Workpackage list: WP1: .... etc ....

Activitiy proposed by Ramon Agusti Comes (see UPC.doc)

Name: Inner and Cross-Layer Perspectives for Multi-Antenna Processing in Future Reconfigurable Wireless Systems


Ramon Agusti Comes,
Ana Pérez-Neira / Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya / ,

WPI.1: Set-up of the NEWCOM videoconference network and computing gridCoding and Signal Design for OFDM

(18 months)

Workpackage number / WP 2 / Start date or starting event: / T
Participant id / ETH Zürich? / UEN if merged with WP1???
Workpackage number / WPI.1 / Start date or starting event: / T0
Participants id / ALL
Objectives OFDM has become extremely popular. Nevertheless, a number of important technical problems have not yet been satisfactorily solved. One such problem is the ratio of the peak power to the average power of the transmitted signal, which is still hard to control without sacrificing data rate. Another, more general, problem arises from the fact that the signal-to-noise ratio in adjacent frequency slots is correlated; this is a small problem for time-invariant channels (especially when coding across many OFDM frames is allowed), but for fading channels, it is not clear how to construct good codes and good decoding algorithms. Finally, codes for OFDM are often required to cover only one OFDM frame, which is typically too short for turbo codes or low-density codes to show their full power. The goal of this research is to make progress on these problems and thus make OFDM systems more effective
The NEWCOM Departments and metalaboratories will grow out of common resources for communications and computing. High-speed communications facilities are needed to initiate and operate cooperative research with the goal of sharing data and equipment. In addition, high-speed videoconferencing will enable remote education and remote meetings without the need to physically move people across the network. Also, many of the research initiatives encompassed by the NoE will be based onto simulation tools, very often quite demanding in terms of computing power. Therefore, a further enabling factor to come to a real integration of research will be the sharing of the (distributed) computing resources available in the network. Setting up a computing grid onto the high-speed communication networks will be a vehicle to obtain this goal.
Description of work This work is theoretical in nature. It can be broken down into the following sub-blocks, some of which will be carried out in parallel: 1) Literature survey 2) Specifications for future applications of OFDM in terms of bit-rate and channel model 3) Find codes and channel models suitable for decoding by message passing 4) Identify and pursue novel approaches to the problem of peak-to-average power ratio
Setup and maintenance of the NEWCOM high-speed net and computing grid requires as afirst action the appointment of a reference person within the NoE, and of reference persons at each node to interface with her/him. After this is done, the different nodes will have to assess their own communications and computing resources, and their interconnection capability with GEANT. Possible specific needs of isolated nodes (satellite stations) will be also assessed. This will end in an architectural document describing the topology and performance of the high-speed net. Next, the workgroup will evaluate the price/performance ratio of different solutions (HW vs SW, desktop vs. set-top etc.) to provide videoconferencing services to the nodes. The relevant equipment will be purchased and operated, and remote meetings will start. This will also ease the subsequent step of evaluating the different solutions for grid and cluster computing. A feasibility document will be prepared to assess the opportunity of creating a computing grid, or a number of cluster computers within the NoE with contributions from all of the nodes. Finally, the identified computing solutions will be deployed and operated.
It is likely that this research effort will interact with the research in WP1 (“Coding and decoding for short block lengths”).
DI.1.1. Technical report: Literature survey on coding and signalling for OFDM.Architectural document of the NEWCOM high-speed net (T0+6)
DI.1.2. Technical document on the applicable techniques for videoconferencing (HW vs. SW) Technical report: Technical requirements and channel modelling for future systems. (T0+9)
DI.1.3. Technical report: Preliminary results on coding and decoding. Feasibility assessment of a NEWCOM grid computer (T0+12)
DI.1.4. Delivery of High-speed NEWCOM network (T0+15)
DI.1.5. NEWCOM grid/cluster computer(s) operational (T0+18)D24. Joint research publication(s): Advances in coding for OFDM.
T0+6: Delivery of DI.1.1
T0+9: High-speed net operational >50% of the nodes; Delivery of DI.1.2
T0+12: NEWCOM high-speed net equipment in place; Delivery of DI.1.3
T0+15: NEWCOM high-speed net operational 100% of the nodes ; Delivery of DI.1.4
T0+18: NEWCOM grid/cluster computers operational; Delivery of DI.1.5
T: Kickoff meeting
T+6: Meeting for dissemination of work
T+6: Technical report (D21, D22)
T+12: Meeting for dissemination of work
T+12: Technical report (D23)
T+18: Publication ready for submission (D24)

WPI.2: Bandwidth Efficient Coding (18 months)Creation and Maintenance of the NEWCOM Website

Workpackage number / WPI.2 / Start date or starting event: / T0
Participants id / GET / UoSu / KU / CERCOM / NTNU / GU / ISMB / UPC
Workpackage number / WP7 / Start date or starting event: / T
Participant id / UEN / Lund
Although Shannon theory shows the existence of codes at all combinations of energy and bandwidth that are in keeping with capacity, most present day codes work at low rates, i.e., at low energy and wide bandwidth. In this project we (i) Devise new more efficient methods of coding in the 2-8 data bits per Hz range; (ii) Provide supporting coding/Shannon theory analysis.The NEWCOM website will act as the main tool for exchanging restricted documents within the network: common databases, papers, reports, posting of event scheduling, and so on. Moreover, it will also be used as an interface towards the scientific community, which, by means of proper public web pages, will be kept updated with NEWCOM activities, open visiting positions, public domain papers and conference presentation, etc. It will host all the major public initiatitives such as on line journal, advertising of events, teaching material, etc., as detailed in the specific workpackages. Last but not least, the Web site will serve as an interface towards the European Commission, for the delivery of due reports and documentation.
Description of work
Today, the only fully developed methods for signaling at rates above 1 data bit per baseband channel Hz are those in the TCM set-partition code family. We investigate new methods based on discrete-time
real-number convolution, on linear congruential trellis label generation, and on severe filtering followed by a near-optimal reduced-search decoder. These areas are funded in part at Lund by the Swedish Foundation TFR. In addition to new methods of coding, it is also necessary that the coding scheme adapt often to changing channel conditions. This requires that the coding method be set up in such a way that it can change rate easily and in particular, change to very high rates. These issues are pursued within the Flexible Coding Project within the Node (part of the Competence Center in Circuit Design). Little theoretical structure exists for coding at these high rates, and so investigation of distance, bandwidth, capacity and complexity properties are another prioritySetup and maintenance of the NEWCOM website requires as afirst action the appointment of a reference person within the NoE, and of reference persons at each node to interface with her/him to contribute material. Once this is done, an assessment of the different node needs via a suited inquiry will be carried out by the managing institution. After this, the style of the site will be studied and finalized. Once the NoE activities are settled down (estimated T0+6) the various Web-based services will be realized and started. To this end, it can be foreseen that updated versions of the Web site will be issed every 6 months.
DeliverablesConsultation and cooperation with NEWCOM members on the following issues:
DI.2.1. Website html code (T0+3)
DI.2.2. Development of new code classes.Downloadable reports and documents (including software libraries) produced within the NoE (T0+6)
DI.2.3. Investigations of bit error rate, decoding complexity, energy and bandwidth properties First web based services into operation (T0+6)Comparison of proposed schemes to existing ones,
- Strategies for adaptive coding.
- Algorithms suitable for ASIC implementation.
T0+63: Meeting for dissemination of workCreation of the website; distribution of user accounts for restricted access. Delivery of DI.2.1
T0+6: Technical reportOpening of the “open positions” list and first revision meeting for restyling of the site and assessment of possible new services
T0+12: Second revision meeting
T+12: Meeting for dissemination of T+12: Technical report
T+14: Technical report
T+16: Meeting for dissemination of work
T+18: 2 research publications ready for submiss

Activity I.3 Development of the NEWCOM shared SW/HW platform