Report of the Management Committee held on Thursday 28 June 2012 (MC11/12.3)
Present: Mike Oaksford (MO - Chair), Simon Green (SG), Julie Radcliffe (JR), Harish Patel (HP), Naomi Adams (NA), Rabinder Bery (RB – minutes).
1. Apologies - were received from Alex Shepherd and it was noted that Jonathan Smith is on sabbatical.
2. Minutes of previous meeting (MC11/12.2) were received as a true record of the meeting held on 15 March 2012.
3. Matters arising
From MC11/12.2
3.1 MO noted that the Curriculum Review Group (CRG) had been set up. This would provide and opportunity to examine the course as a whole, address content overlap between modules and ensure BPS and QAA guidelines were adhered to. SG to confirm membership of CRG. (3.2).
4. Health and Safety
HP reported that the annual safety inspection would take place in the summer and that he had spoken to Tom McCartney about this. Two fire marshalls were needed for the fifth floor. RB and NA agreed to be fire marshalls for the areas around their offices. Action: MO to invite Ted Barker to be fire marshall for the area around his office (room 517).
5. Items from the Chair
5.1 New Staff
MO reported that Ulrika Hahn would be starting next week and based in Room 528.
5.2 International Programme
MO reported that Royal Holloway had planned to withdraw as they were unhappy with the financial package. They had now agreed to remain with the programme as the request of Jonathan Kidd director of University of London National Academy. It was expected that the programme start would now be deferred from January to October 2013.
5.3 Recruitment Drive
MO reported that a recruitment drive for 18 July was planned and a planning meeting was scheduled for later that day. It was noted that whilst the full-time programme was just about holding its own the part-time programme was a cause for concern. It was hoped that sufficient numbers would be recruited to secure a overall funding level to the current year.
6. Research Committee
6.1 Research studentships (GTAs)
MO reported that due to fall in student recruitment for 2012 a decision had been made to postpone further recruitment of GTAs to January 2013 once the level of recruitment was clear. It was noted that the REF now included number of PhD completions rather than the number undertaking a PhD and therefore the additional recruits and indeed the five recruited so far would not be counted in this REF round. NA reported that our current record of PhD completions was encouraging at 100% for full-time students and 87% for part-time students. This change in criteria for counting PhD students meant that those included in the last round would be double counted in this round.
6.2 REF: Publications dry run
MO noted that the impact dry run had been done and the committee had considered whether Ted Melhuish’s submission could be split into two as it was based on two different studies (NESS and EPPE). MO noted that it was easier to make an impact case for studies requested by the Government who then quoted the studies in various documents.
6.3 Malet Street labs strategy
MO reported that options of developing lab space at 32 Torrington Square and Malet Street was being explored. The former presented planning issues so would provide a better base for PhD students to be housed. The Estates space was a better option. Funding was also an issue as many funders expected institutions to provide matching funding. Dialogue on securing and making better use of space would continue.
7. Resources Committee
7.1 Telephone for access to fifth Floor experimental booths (3.4)
This was approved.
7.2 Report from Accommodation Committee (5.0)
The general dissatisfaction of the accommodation Committee, on lack of suitable space, was noted. MO reported that Ulrika Hahn would be based in Room 528 and Clare Press in Room 517.
7.3 Remaining funds and proposals for spending it (6.0)
It was agreed that Alex Shepherds for suggestions on how the remaining funds should be spent would be accepted. This included storage for Merlin. It was also agreed that student prizes would not be offset against the resources budget.
7.4 Dragon software (7.2.1)
MO noted that individuals wishing to use Dragon software would purchase it from their own holding accounts unless it was on the rounds of disability as in this case. When the software was no longer needed it would be available to others to use on the same grounds.
8. Learning and Teaching Committee
8.1 Committee membership (3.3)
It was noted that the postgraduate team needed to set up its own Post Graduate Learning and Teaching committee in order to identify a representative to sit on the Department’s Learning and Teaching Committee. Action MO to speak to Denis Mareschal.
8.2 Curriculum Review Group (3.6)
It was noted that this had been set up and would meet in the summer. Action: SB to confirm membership of the group.
8.3 SG to seek further clarification on Critical Analysis assessment for MSc (3.8)
RB reported that AS had clarified that a different marking scheme was used for Masters students with a pass mark of 50%.
8.4 Penalty for non-completion of Sona experiments for GFP (3.8)
SG noted that half the students had completed the 10hrs required and about a third had done nothing. Some had submitted mitigating circumstances. Care would have to be taken not to penalise students if insufficient studies were available. Those not meeting the requirement would be set an assignment to complete over the summer. It was noted that Olivia Guest had been overseeing Sona participation. It was suggested that regular reminders should be to be sent to students in future. The participation in Sona experiments would continue to be just a requirement for Year 1 students as there may be insufficient experiments for all years to participate.
8.5 Addressing the impact of higher fees on retention (3.9)
It was noted that personal tutors would need to be more proactive in future. Guidelines on the role were being developed by the College. SG reported these included an academic role which both he and Dick Rayne Chair of STQEC had disapproved at the recent STQEC meeting. At the moment students went to Kirsty Rowan with their personal problems as well as learning support. The pastoral and academic roles need to be kept separate with academics taking responsibility for the pastoral care. MO suggested that initial communication with students should be via Moodle which could also be used to set up meetings.
8.6 Review and possible extension of the Critical Analysis module (4.0)
There were mixed arguments in respect of this proposal. Action: SG to raise this issue at CRG.
8.7 Supporting International and Home UCAS students not normally resident in London (5)
It was agreed that this could readily be accommodated by either making personal tutors aware of international students and home UCAS students not normally resident in London or allocating them to one tutor. Numbers involved would determine which is most appropriate.
8.8 Multiple choice form (7.0)
It was noted this had been resolved and form options would be made clear to anyone wanting to use multiple choice as a form of assessment and guidelines provided.
8.9 Year One essays to be made optional (8.0)
SG noted that he was in principal against this proposal but had agreed on pragmatic grounds.
8.10 Report from STQEC: Guidelines on role of personal tutor (9.0)
Reported under 8.5.
8.11 SSSEC: reschedule timing of meetings (10)
SG planned to write to students to ascertain if they had any issues they wanted to raise for this term. He would consider the timing of the meetings for the next academic year with a view to holding one meeting per term.
8.12 Assignment word length for Masters courses (11.4)
This was a matter for the post-graduate team. Action: DM to ensure that the PG team met to discuss learning and teaching issues where this could be addressed.
8.13 Assessment deadlines (11.5)
It was noted that this would be discussed by the CRG.
8.14 Moderation of MSc courses (11.7)
MO noted that the MSc in Psychology was essentially ELQ students who would otherwise have taken the BSc. As the essays set were module related and not integrative across modules the work was expected to be marked by the BSc module convenor. Examining loads would need to be considered. MO to speak to AR and AM about moderation of this work.
9.0 Suggested meeting Dates for 2012-13:
Management Committee Staff Meeting
Thursday 29 November 2012 Monday 3 December 2012
Thursday 14 March 2013 Monday 18 March 2013
Thursday 27 June 2013 Monday 1 July 2013
These dates were agreed.