In accordance with Bye-laws with respect to the employment of children made under Section 18 of theChildren and Young Persons Act, 1933 (as amended)

To be completed within four days of the start of employment and sent to:

Child Employment 2nd Floor, St Marks House, 14 Upperton Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex BN21 1EP

Childs Full Name

1Name of Child in full (block letters): ………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………….

2Date of Birth: …………………………………

3 Childs Home Address:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Post Code: ………………………………………. Tel No: ……………………………………………..

4Name of School child is attending: ………………………………………………………….. ……………. Year Group ……………….

5Premises or district where child is to be employed ......

(If different from business address below)

6Child to be employed as:……………………………………………………. Description of duties …………………………………………………………………


7Name of Employer/Manager (in full)(Mr, Mrs, Miss, Other): ......

Business Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Business address: ......

Nature of Business:...... Tel No:………………………………………

E-mail: ……………………………………………………………………………………………

8Is the child employed by any other employer? If so please give details: ……………………………………………………………..

Name and address of child's other employer: ......


9Times of employment (please state specific times)

1 hour break required after 4 hours continuous work
SCHOOL WEEK - 12 hrs Maximum
Sunday – Two Hours Only / SCHOOL HOLIDAYS
Max 25 hrs ages 13/14 and 35 hrs ages 15/16
Sunday Two Hours Only
FROM am / TOam / FROM pm / TO pm / FROM am / TO am / FROM pm / T0 pm
Tuesday / L / L
Wednesday / U / U
Thursday / N / N
Friday / C / C
Saturday / H / H

Cont’d on reverse


Before employing a child, employers must consider the nature of employment and assess the risks there may be to the child’s health and safety whilst carrying out the job. This is called a ‘risk assessment’, which satisfies the law in relation to the Health and Safety (Young Persons) Regulations 1997/99 and should protect the child from harm.

The risk assessment must consider the following:

  • The inexperience and lack of maturity of the child, and any consequential lack of awareness of risks (e.g. children being careless in the way they ride their bicycle).
  • Any specific health and safety training or instruction that the child may need (e.g. where work involves lifting, animals or any other potential hazards).
  • The nature and layout of the work area (this should include busy roads, if applicable).
  • The type of equipment methods of use and work activities to be undertaken (e.g. bicycle and lights in good working order, hot water hazards, hairdressing products).
  • Having carried out the assessment, the result will suggest whether the employer should restrict or prohibit the work of the child. It is important that the employer ensures appropriate information, instruction and training is provided to the child and to the rest of the work force. The findings of the risk assessment, together with any steps the employer is taking to reduce hazards must be communicated to the parent/carer.


(1) look for hazards (2) decide who might be harmed (3) evaluate the risks deciding whether the existing

precautions are adequate or should be amended (4) record your findings & keep on file (5) review your assessment

periodically & revise when necessary (6) pay particular attention to the child’s lack of experience, training & supervision needs (7) you are legallyrequired to advise the child’s parent/s that a risk assessment has taken place

The Association of British Insurers stated that unless achild were to be registered, the child might not be included under an employer’s liability insurance policy.

I confirm that an appropriate risk assessment has been carried out under the requirements of the Health & Safety (Young Persons) Regulations, 1997, and the child’s parent/carer informed of the findings and the control measures introduced to reduce any risk.
I consent to the employment detailed overleaf and confirm that my child is fit to undertake this work and that it will not put at risk my child’s health, welfare or ability to take full advantage of his/her education. I also confirm that the employer has provided me with information about the findings of the risk assessment he/she has undertaken and the control measures introduced to reduce any risk assessed.
Signature……………………………. Print Name ……………………………………….Date ………………………………….
I have read the above and am aware of the risk assessment.
Signature …………………………………………………. Print Name………………………………….. Date…………………