ESU Interfraternity Council
February 11h2014
Call to Order:4:30
Fraternity / Chapter Delegates / Alternate DelegateAlpha Kappa Lambda / Kevin Flanders / Alex Hull
Kappa Sigma / Austin Lewis
Sigma Pi / Anthony Howell / Geoff Cross
Sigma Tau Gamma / Micheal Torres / Daniel Falk / Josiah D’Albini
Sigma Phi Epsilon / Drew Knolla / Dominic Eliot / Taylor Weisman
Phi Delta Theta / Cheynne Swanson / Victor Acosta
Phi Sigma Kappa / Carter Smith / Brady Harris
*present delegates’ names are bolded
Approval of Minutes:
Approved by: Kevin Flanders
Seconded by: Anthony Howell
Officer Reports:
- Reminder of parliamentary procedure and speakers list.
- Read Preamble
- Scholarship and Awards packets due Feb. 28th. Nomination will be due on the 19th
- Promote G3 meetings.
- Fraternity/Sorority Life calendar
- Phired phone conference is being rescheduled.
- Happy Birthday Jason Bosche
- Exercise on Frat boy and Fraternity man. Oxford dictionary.
- IFC academy was good. Learned some good examples on how to fix the constitution.
- Allocation forms are due tomorrow February 12th.
Vice-President of Internal Affairs:
- Sent out emails about judicial review boards to Fraternities about delegation.
- Waiting till JRB is finished to start the academic list.
- Allocating $75 for the polar plunge. Jordan will jump.
Vice-President of External Affairs:
- Need to figure out the Greek policy on sports.
- Three chapters represented in the last conference. Let people speak on their experience.
- Passing around contact sheet for corrections.
Directors of Programming and Recruitment:
- Need recruitment chair contacts for Sigma Pi, Sigma Phi Epsilon, and Sigma Tau Gamma.
- Will be contacting everyone’s recruitment chair.
- Need a better grasp on Phired up before talking about it.
- Bid night will be March 11th unless said otherwise. Time will be brought up.
- Not on a contract with the rec center. They are our top choice
Old Business:
Open discussion on bid night:
- Mohammed: Bid night has always been on a Tuesday. If we want sororities to be there it would have to on a day other than Tuesday.
- Mohammed: How involved would Sororities be? Some of them aren’t recruiting so far.
- Anthony: We need more information about this before talking more about it.
- Kevin: Would be nice to have them share their goals with us.
- Micheal: If we are going to involve them then we need to do the same thing we would normally do.
- Cory: If they are just guests then the turnout might not be as good. Go big or go home.
- Roger: Maybe setting it later will make it easier for them to show up. Everyone will already be dressed up on a Tuesday
- Victor: It is a roughly 2 hour long event. It might go to late into the evening.
New Business:
Chapter Reports
- Alpha Kappa Lambda:
- None
- Kappa Sigma:
- None
- Sigma Pi:
- Signed 1 more guy. Ball rolling with recruitment.
- Officers are transitioned.
- Sigma Tau Gamma:
- Signed a man this last week.
- Sigma Phi Epsilon:
- Made the changes to the exec board.
- Working on recruitment
- Phi Delta Theta:
- Recruitment workshop in Texas on the 15th
- Phi Sigma Kappa
- None
Open discussion on Greek Room:
- Jordan: Thoughts on ways to improve the Greek room.
- Micheal: Would this be part of our budget? Most the things in the Blue Key room are from alumni donations.
- Cory: Josiah and I haven’t talked numbers.
- Roger: Taylor and the rest of her committee may have ordered crests for the Greek Room. A big graph of fraternal words. 150th photo exhibit will be up there temporarily (vintage photos of life on campus)
- Alex: would be nice to talk to Taylor about getting this done, or having each chapter donating something.
Discussion closes
Open on discussion video to promote Fraternity Life:
- Jordan: Could team up with PHA and MGC to make a video promoting Fraternity and Sorority life.
- Kevin: Get screen time on union TV’s to promote Greek Week. See about getting this during the passing period.
- Victor: Getting things on the TV screen is simple. Talk to the people in the ID office. Just a matter of making the video.
Discussion Closes
Open discussion on recruitment work shop with Sigma Alpha Epsilon:
- Roger: We would role-play with members from Sigma Alpha Epsilon to practice recruiting rather than doing it with people you may know. Maybe a 3 or 4 hour event on a Saturday.
- Micheal: New partnership would help people stop being iffy about Phired up.
- Jordan: Jason Bosche wanted to see if we were willing to do this. It is also Interfraternalism.
Discussion Closes
Open discussion on FRAP evaluation.
- Roger: It will be announced for the next meeting. It is good to evaluate ourselves to keep us improving.
- Cory: Fraternities that do well on a nationwide evaluation don’t always do as well at ESU.
- Daniel: Seems like they just want to know what we are doing.
- Micheal: It is good to have our chapters to align with the Campus goals.
- Kevin: the process for getting done doesn’t have the best structure. No other RSO has to do a FRAP besides Fraternities.
- Jordan: Might want to space out how often we have to do it.
- Roger: It is a big investment of time on both sides. Maybe the process could be streamline. Work on simplicity.
Discussion Closes.
- Kevin: For Basketball Washburn Ichabods are coming down February 22nd. Pack the house! Pep rally will be beforehand.
- Roger: Student Gala associated with the 150th which will be on the 20th at 8pm. They will show the video.
- Mohammed: Email sent about registering for the Gala.
- Jordan: Help up till dawn raise money for St. Jude. Mosaic is soon.
Advisor Report:
- Been meeting with chapter presidents. Rescheduled some meetings due to the snow.
- Encourage chapters to use AFLV info.
- We need to define ourselves before other define us. We do good at setting the standard. Always room for improvement.
Motion: Anthony Howell
Second:Kevin Flanders