Housing Work Group
Aug 19, 2015
Street-Jones Building
1000 E. 11th 78702
Co-Chairs: (Both Absent) Darilynn Cardona-Beiler (ATCIC) & Sharon Lowe (Foundation for the Homeless); Preston Petty; Casey Cork; Bree Williams; Katie Rose; Niki Paul; Becky Casey (ECHO Staff); Chris Laguna (ATCIC); Dylan Shubitz (HACA); Rick Rivera (Salvation Army); Whitney Bright (Goodwill); Jill Smith (Travis County); Jim Ward (Front Steps); Lauren Avioli (NHCD); Amanda Lokey (VA); Tracey Fine (National Church Residences); Melissa Wheeler (Caritas); Emily Rogers (Travis County Justice Planning); Lucy Bercik (HUD VASH);
9:00-9:10Welcome and IntroductionsCo-Chairs
9:10-9:40Task Group UpdatesCo-Chairs
- Housing Specialist/Landlord Outreach
- Discussed homeless preference
- Discussed OneKeyATX-what is working? What needs improvement?
- Monthly ECHO Listings training-discussed landlord outreach best practices from NAEH Conference
- Veterans Initiative
- Strong involvement with Mayor Adler’s office
- Veteran Boot Camp-called 56 veterans who have completed a CA but are not yet enrolled
- Functional Zero-need for consistency in definition and community education
- Employment and Income
- Niki to meet with Sam Woollard and Chris L. at LifeWorks to start organizing first stakeholder group around discussing initiatives and better practices for employment and income
9:40-10:00Healthy Communities Collaborative UpdateChris Laguna, ATCIC
- HCC has money to spend by the end of August
- Continued commitment for coordinated assessment process and staffing
- Expecting to receive money from DSHS-Requested money for new SOAR specialist and RRH
- Community First will be up and running soon
10:00-10:10Coordinated Assessment ReportPreston Petty, ECHO
- Salvation Army officially open as a front door for CA-new coordinated assessment flier with Salvation Army’s walk-in hours
- Low return rate to shelters for diversion-1 out of 47 clients
- 2,187 unique households have been assessed to date
- About 1/3 need PSH;1/2 need RRH; 12% need minimal intervention
- Referrals:
- 144 HH’s have accepted referrals by PSH programs
- VASH targeting highly-vulnerable clients for vouchers
- 46 have successfully completed move-in
- 312 HH’s have had referrals accepted by RRH programs
- 84 have successfully completed move-in
- RRH-singly largest unmet need in our community at 934 HH’s waiting for RRH services
- 3 things that will help end homelessness in Austin/Travis County
- Existing programs (i.e. ASA) committing any slots to most vulnerable clients on CA list
- Agencies/programs that do not have housing options but will commit and ongoing assistance to help sustain housing (i.e. Goodwill, Any Baby Can)
- Agencies that will commit to creating a new program that will directly address the need for housing/assistance (i.e. ATCIC RRH Pilot)
- HACA Housing Choice Voucher:
- If client receives VASH vouchers first but no longer needs VA case management, client can be moved to regular housing vouchers to free up a VASH voucher
10:10-11:00Rapid Rehousing Community Wide DefinitionPreston Petty, ECHO
- General feedback request: Core baseline definition for RRH program
- Core components of RRH: (not required that a single entity provide all three services, nor that a HH utilize all three services)
- Housing identification
- Financial assistance for rent or move-in costs
- Case management and services
- Some BSS+ programs offer RRH, homeless prevention, and/or other services-Need to clarify which BSS+ programs do or do not offer RRH
- Housing first? Issues with requirements
- Sobriety
- Income requirements:
- Easier to house
- Concerns with zero income
- Requirement would be too subjective
- Consistency needed with housing first requirements
- Best practices-feedback and concerns:
- Home visits-Caritas moving towards home-visit model
- Pros:
- Building landlord relationships
- Helps with housing stability
- Helps with no-show/lost staff time
- Potential issues:
- Requires 2-3 times staff cost
- DV program
- Credentialing
- Reduce caseload size
- “Fall back” bridge-vulnerable HH who does not reach stability in RRH would be eligible to transfer to PSH
- If still receiving supportive/financial services from HUD-funded programs – client will obtain homeless status
- Need to clarify which programs are actually RRH-some programs will not align with National definition
- Definition ideas:
- Add housing first-possibly added as a recommendation?
- Specify “due to funding requirements”
- Align with National best practices as goal
- Distinguish other types of programs that are not RRH specific
- This could alienate programs
- “Best practice” to define goal for community for housing first
- Need to continue conversation on desired definition
Next Meeting: Wednesday, September 16th, 2015, City Hall, Executive Session Room (Rm 1027, 9AM-11AM