A councıl of europe/ european commıssıon joınt programme:
“Setting up an active network of national preventive mechanisms against torture,
an activity of the Peer-to-Peer Network”
co-funded by the
Implementing partner:
European NPM Project Inter-NPM Onsite:
Exchange of experiences on visiting methodology between the NPMs of Albania, ”the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”, Serbia and Slovenia –
with a focus on the methodology of monitoring psychiatric establishments
Tirana, Albania, 4 – 7 July 2012
Debriefing Paper
Tirana, 04 June 2012
Debriefing Paper[1]
Hosted by: NPM Albania
Participants: NPM of ”the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”
NPM of Serbia
NPM of Slovenia
Supported by: The European NPM Project
Council of Europe
The three-lateral NPM meeting took place in Albania on 4 June 2012 in the premises of the Ombudsman office (for more details see Annex 1). The focus of the meeting was exchange of experience and sharing methodology of work in relation to monitoring Psychiatric Hospital Nr5 Tirana.
The meeting was opened by the Albanian Ombudsman Igli TOTOZANI, who welcomed the delegations from Slovenia, Serbia and Macedonia, shortly stressed the importance of the undertaken preventive role by the Ombudsman institution, the significance of monitoring the state’s authority to deprive persons of liberty and their treatment and the need to continuously increase the professional level of the NPMs work.
During Day 1, the NPM each separately presented their tools and checklists, afterwards discussing the best approaches and methods, sharing good practices and lessons learnt when it comes to conducting preventive visits to Psychiatric Hospitals. The NPMs discussed the APT’s manuals and recommendations on methodologies on monitoring psychiatric hospitals and provided joint comments, the structure and data contained in the separate reports on the visits with focus of drafting the recommendations issued to the authorities. During the final part of the day, the NPMs prepared for the on-site visit – the Albanian NPM provided the Slovenian, Serbian and Macedonian colleagues with information on the psychiatric hospital Nr5 Tirana- subject of the visit.
During Day 2, the NPMs conducted a joint on-site visit to the psychiatric hospital Nr5 Tirana, following the agenda prepared by the Albanian NPM. The total duration of the visit was 5 hours (between 10.00 and 15.00hrs) and all the visit steps were accordingly followed by the respective NPMs.The visit concluded with a short conclusive meeting with the Medical Doctor in chef in absence of General Director of hospital.
During Day 3, the NPMs discussed the on-site visit, their impressions, general findings, compared the Albanian NPM’s visit methodology with the manner in which their respective NPM conducts the inspections to their psychiatric hospitals. Finally, the NPMs shared their conclusions and recommendations from the on-site visit and their impressions from the inter-NPM meeting in general.
Macedonian NPM – Methodology of work with regards to psychiatric institutions visits
- Methodology of visits to psychiatric institutions – the Macedonian experience
The Macedonian NPM, due to lack of capacities and external expertise, has not yet initiated the preventive visits to mental health institutions. The Work Plan for 2012 foresees the NPM to conduct unannounced monitoring visits to the Macedonian psychiatric institutions and hospitals in the second half of the year, thus the NPM is currently in a process of developing modalities for inclusion of external expertise. From this point of view, the Macedonian NPM welcomes and is especially grateful to the Albanian NPM for sharing the experience they’ve gained over the last few years.
The Macedonian NPM has established close cooperation with the CPT’s former First Vice-President and a prominent psychiatrist from Macedonia. This expert has provided the NPM team with both theoretical and practical training regarding the NPM’s role in monitoring psychiatric hospitals and the relevant and applicable international and domestic standards. Accordingly, the NPM has accepted a short check-list that will be further developed into a full document to be used for the upcoming visits. This list sets the monitoring steps, minimum issues and standards that must be followed when conducting a visit to psychiatric institution.
- Preparation for the visit – analysis on the legal framework regarding mental health and the applicable bylaws and internal acts of the psychiatric hospital to be visited.
- Initial talk with the Head of the hospital
- Visiting the premises – all accommodation rooms, toilets, isolation/fixation/restrain rooms, doctor’s rooms, kitchen, dining area, recreational rooms, etc.
- Inspection of the hospital registries and patients medical files, including the review of the judicial decisions.
- Interview selected number of patients (focus on the use of means of restrains, isolation and possible allegations/risks of violence committed by the staff or other patients)
- Interview the staff – doctors, nurses, psychologists, etc.
- Final talk with the Head of the hospital
The Macedonian NPM team would especially focus on the following issues:
-material conditions
-admission of patients – voluntary or non-voluntary basis and procedures on their accommodation in the rooms
-legal safeguards – procedure for forcible hospitalization, review the decisions for admission, hospital complains procedures
-daily activities aimed for the patients
-restriction on the use of personal items
-the procedures with vulnerable categories of patients (juveniles, long-term patients, persons with disabilities, etc.)
-contacts with the outside world
-Inter-patient violence – occurrence, procedures, prevention.
-use of means of restrain and isolation
-prevention from self-inflicting harm and committing suicide
The visits will be carried out by the three members of the Macedonian NPM and one external expert – psychiatrist. The NPM will ensure that the engaged psychiatrist is providing professional and objective service, through hiring a prominent expert who has previous knowledge and expertise in the torture prevention field and application of human rights standards, has private practice or is regularly employed by a private hospital, thus ensuring there is no conflict of interest.
The external expert of the Macedonian NPM during the visit will be tasked to address and discuss the medical related issues with the management and the staff of the institutions, to review hospital registries and patients’ medical files and to aid the NPM members in conducting the interviews with the patients. The expert will more specifically:
- obtain and analyze the data related to personnel, patients, capacities, etc.
- obtain data on the structure of the hospital and profile of the staff according to the different departments/units.
- obtain number and address issues related to patients subjected to forcible hospitalization
- obtain medical statistics and gather information on the offered treatment; special types of treatment, inspect medical documentation, etc.
- assess the use of medications (dosage, over dosage and possible chemical immobilization).
- assess the use of means of restrain and seclusion.
- assess the training needs and supervision of the staff, etc.
After the visit, the National Preventive Mechanism will prepare separate report. The NPM separate reports are confidential and contain analysis of the situation, conclusions and recommendations for overcoming detected shortcomings. Each report will consist of positive and negative aspects, as well as recommendations on two levels:
- to the management of the visited psychiatric (mental health) institution on the conditions within the competence of that body and the ways and measures to be undertaken by the institution itself for the purpose of overcoming the detected weaknesses, and
- to the Ministry of Health, which demand meeting certain technical and material preconditions, budget implications, amendments to laws and regulations, for the purpose of improving the detected weaknesses.
Serbian NPM - The Methodology of Inspection in the Psichiatric Hosital Institutions
In the process of preparation of monitoring of places of detention of persons deprived of liberty, the first step is to identify the priority visits according to the type of institutions and their situations and on the basis of the findings prepare the plan of visits to institutions (hereinafter: Plan of visit) .
The following types of visits exist: regular, control and emergency
Regular visits are periodic visits carried out with the view of systematic control of situation in institutions in relation to the respect of rights of persons deprived of liberty.
Regular visits are planned ahead and carried out according to the designed plan of visit.
Regular visits are announced.
Control visits are those carried out in order to check the situation in institutions in relation to the respect of persons deprived of liberty and compare it to the situation identified in the course of previous visit.
Control visit are planned ahead and carried out according to the designed plan of visit.
Control visits are, as a rule, announced.
Emergency visits are visits carried out in case of learning of the existence of serious irregularities related to the respect of rights of persons deprived of liberty.
A decision to carry out an emergency visit is made by the coordinator.
Emergency visits are not foreseen by the plan of visit.
Emergency visits are, as a rule, unannounced.
establihing THE PLAN OF VISIT
According to the current situation, in the first phase the activities of the Preventive Mechanism will be primarily directed towards the implementation of prison system monitoring, while the system of monitoring of other places of detention of persons deprived of liberty will be developed in the second phase.
The Plan of visit to an institution sets approximate date and length of visit (one or several days), as well as the character of visit (regular or control visit).
The Plan of visit always includes open time period when emergency visits can be conducted.
The length of visit depends on the type of visit, type and capacity of institution, number of monitoring group members and other factors.
The Plan of visit is issued by the coordinator.
Depending on the type of institution, nature of visit and other concrete circumstances, the size and composition of visiting group is set up for each visit to institution.
The visiting group leader is appointed for each visit.
The coordinator determines the size and composition of the visiting group and appoints its leader.
When forming the visiting group attention is paid that experts of profiles necessary for implementation of adequate monitoring be included, whereas the involvement of doctors and lawyers is mandatory (depending on thetype of institution and concrete circumstances, first of all the specialists in general, internal and forensic medicine and psychiatrists, when needed also dentists, gynaecologist...). Depending on the type of institution, the group will also be comprised of psychologists, special pedagogues and experts of other profiles.
According to the existing specialization of a visiting group members, special subgroups for monitoring of specific areas (hereinafter: subgroup for specific area) will be established (e.g. team for general observation and treatment, team for legality of treatment, team for health care...)
Members of the visiting group will start gathering relevant information about the institution that will be visited.
The sources of information are:
- ЕDPM(identity card of institution, direct insight into initial questionnaires, access to the architectural plan of institution, access to the existing reports, insight into the Protector of Citizens’ recommendations, press clippings, as well as other existing data on the institution)
- REPORT OF THE COMPLAINT DEPARTMENT (Report on all complaints related to the visiting institution submitted to the Protector of Citizens within last year)
- DATA OF EXTERNAL SUBJECTS(data on the institution that are not in the EDPM and have been obtained from external subjects: international bodies, state agencies, internal oversight bodies, other organizations that conducted monitoring of that institution, the media.)
Gathering of data on the institution is managed by the visiting group leader with technical support of the administrative secretary.
Prior to visit (regular or control), the contact is established with the visiting institution, the visit is announced and the questionnaire preceding the visit forwarded.
Regular visit is announced at least two weeks prior to it.
The institution is informed about the day and hour of the visit, its nature, members of the group and their functions, group leader, and possible special requirements (e.g. that in the course of visit heads of certain services, doctors etc. be present)
All important elements of the visit and visit procedures (e.g. use of camera ordictaphone) are agreed with the management of institution.
Contact with the institution is either directly established by the visiting group leader or through the administrative secretary.
The questionnaire preceding the visit is delivered to the institution for feedback.
The institution has a time limit (up to 7 days) to deliver filled-in questionnaire, which is sufficient for giving reliable answers, taking into account that the same questionnaire has to be timely delivered to the Preventive Mechanism so that it can be processed prior to the visit (at least 5 days).
Delivery of the questionnaire preceding the visit is managed by the visiting group leader with technical support of the administrative secretary.
Members of the visiting group organize consultations related to the situation in institution and the expected effects of monitoring:
- All gather data on institution are accumulated.
- Analysis of the gathered data is performed.
- Circumstances that should be particularly taken into account in the course of visit are identified.
- Questionnaires that will be used in the course of visit are chosen and adapted.
- Operational material (questionnaires etc.) is prepared.
Analysis of the existing data on institution and preparatory activities are managed by the visiting group leader with technical support of the administrative secretary.
Members of the visiting group agree on the upcoming visit to the institution:
- Deciding on the appearance in front of the management of institution (attitude that should be expressed during the introductory interview with the management and appointment of persons who will actively participate in the interview together with the visiting group leader)
- Determining the behaviour in the course of visit (determining the behaviour that the visiting group should demonstrate in the course of visit to the institution, in accordance with the mandate and the established operating principles of the Preventive Mechanism)
- Visit dynamics (setting up the time that will be used for certain monitoring phases: joint interview with the management and joint visit of the institution, time left to subgroups for specific areas for interviews with heads of certain organizational units, with personnel and persons deprived of liberty and for review of documentation)
- Division of tasks and special assignments of subgroups for specific areas (e.g. subgroup for general observation and treatment, subgroup for legitimacy of treatment, subgroup for health care...)
- Operational material is distributed (questionnaires, cameras, notebooks etc.)
- Administrative and technical organizational issues (agreement on time of outset of visit, engagement of transport means, schedule, payment of fees...)
The agreement on procedure and the entire organization is managed by the visiting group leader with technical support of the administrative secretary.
In the course of visit to the institution one deals in accordance with the mandate, principles of operations and established goals of the visit.
Photos are taken only in case of reached agreement with the management of institution.
Upon arrival to the institution, all visiting group members participate in the interview with the management of institution.
In the first place, the manager of institution is invited to present the general outline of the institution to the visiting group.
Afterwards the Preventive Mechanism, its mandate, principles, goals and methods of work are presented; members of the visiting group are introduced; the activities that are to be implemented in the course of visit are indicated.
Bringing in of camera and taking of photographs is agreed with the management of institution.
On behalf of the visiting group its leader makes the presentation and conducts the interview.
Depending on the previous agreement and immediate permission of the leader, other visiting group members actively participate in the interview.
(In case of emergency visit the visiting group leader can decide to visit first a person or place in the institution due to which the emergency visit is carried out and only after that conduct interview with the management of institution, or to exclude this phase completely)
When the interview with the management of institution is finished all members of the visiting group make a joint visit of the institution.
During the visit of the institution the existing architectural plan of the institution is used and corrected.
The architecture of place is visually perceived, living area and accommodating conditions are accessed, with the view of gaining preliminary impression of the general atmosphere in the institution.
Special attention is paid to dormitories, isolation premises, bathrooms and sanitary premises, infirmary, kitchen, warehouse, dining room, living rooms, courtyards, walks, sport yards, workshops etc.