We’ve crossed the line – no turning back! We’ve entered the “time tunnel,” and we must go through it, as that is His nature, ways, and thinking, to get to the other side. Thankfully, the tunnel is not as long as Jesuit-inserted, man-reasoned eschatology (the study of end-time prophecy and events) has led us to believe.. Love truth!Know the Word taught to you by His Spirit into your spirit! Walk in the leading of His Spirit, and you won’t be deceived!
Cannibalism is not a topic that is popular among sane humans, but it is front page news now--“as it was in the days of Noah” so it is now in 2017. Giants are returning to execute His wrath – Isaiah 13:3 Septuagint. The Nephilim (disembodied spirits – “demons”) are returning by the multi-millions, as well as originals soon to surface onto the face of the earth, as in Revelation 9 and 16. The pre-Flood, post-Flood, and present day giants, were, and are, cannibals.
Hybrids and demon possessed and mind-programmed humans are walking amongst us, cloned Nephilim, too. We’re in a war to the death!Our soul (mind, emotions, flesh, reasoning, and will) is being bombarded by man’s deceptions and mind-programming, as well as by demonic input that is subtle and persuasive as it was to Adam and Eve.
Our eternal life must be guarded with great diligence! What is stored in your spirit is eternal. What is stored in your head is volatile, open to deception depending on your fears, your feelings, your reasoning, and your doubts. Depending on how you feel, you can change your thinking in a split second. That’s why Yahuwah only speaks to the re-born spirit. If you have belief because of conversion of your head reasoning, you’re not tapping into the eternal realm of your Creators! You’re tapping into the realm of man at best, but also the realm of demons, carnality, sin, and feeling-reasoning. The true new birth translates us out of the kingdom of darkness which always enslaves us into the Kingdom of Light, freedom, and the Presence of Yahuwah and Yahushua.
The carnal reasoning of the mind has to be overthrown, as II Corinthians 10:3-6 tells us, in order to only hear clearly from our Master in our re-born spirit, which is behind our naval, in our loins’ area. We must submit all thoughts to our Savior, our Master. The eternal spirit becomes a portal into the realm of Yahuwah and Yahushua when we are truly born again, and through it we live in His dimension. As we live in the eternal realm more and more, we’ll see the world system as it is--under the control of the “fallen ones,” and their leader, Satan.
Yahuwah commands us to be set apart now more than ever before! It is the set-apart, the pure of heart, who will see Elohim (Hebrews 12:14; Matthew 5:8) This is the theme of the whole Word! We are set-apart because our Elohim is set-apart. We are light because He is light. The rising of the Daniel 11:32 remnant is happening. Apostasy, falling away from faith,by most professing believers, head-converts, is also happening.
Be aware that “as it was in the days of Noah,” and as it was among Nephilim tribes of giants after the Flood, cannibalism was practiced as the norm. Today the giants are returning. L.A. Marzulli’s“Watchers 10” DVD and Steve Quayle’s Gen 6 productions DVD “The Unholy See” both tell about the 12-15 foot giant that killed some American in Afghanistan and was flown out to the US after it finally being killed. The information comes from soldiers who were there to see it.
As archeologists have discovered, the ancient Anasazi Indians of America’s Southwest, ancestors to the Pueblo Indians, didn’t just mystically vanish from history without a trace, leaving their most valuable possessions, like salt, behind them. No, their bones have been discovered scattered over large areas, as if torn apart very large eaters. The finding of giant’s bones along with them is also common. In regards to this and more, I recommend the brand new book and CD now offered on SkywatchTV/home-store. Both are a joint effort by Tom Horn, Steve Quayle and Tim Alberino. The book is entitled: Uncovering the Lost World of the Cloud Eaters. The DVD is entitled “There Were Giants,” a Gen-6 production by Steve Quayle. These are scheduled to be available in early-to-midMay.
If the books and DVDs are too expensive because of the added shipping and handling fees to you outside the U.S., you can go to these websites and learn a lot from their blogs, article lists, and podcasts. In the meantime, I have written some of the same information in articles, just not as detailed. By keeping up with my articles you get a lot of what is reported in current DVDs and booksso that you’re aware of what you must be aware of. Please be sure to share the articles and the new podcasts that begin within a few days with others. We must work as a team to reach as many as possible before our abilities to do so are shut down!
The word “cannibal” comes from “Canaan” and “Ba’al.” The various tribes of Canaanites--descendents of Noah’s son Ham, like the Anakin, Ammorites, and Philistines--where giants who worshipped the Canaanite god “Ba’al,” whose name means “lord.”
The pre-flood and post-flood giants were cannibals. In Numbers 13:30-33, it is said that the Anakim were devouring the land. No wonder the fearful tribal leaders said “we were as grasshoppers in our eyes, and in their eyes.” It is estimated that some of the giants in the Levant were towered more than 30’ tall. In Deuteronomy 2-3 we read about some of the giants that Moses and Joshua encountered, and killed, on what is now the Golan Heights/ancient Bashan. Today, UFOs are seen over that area, Lake Kinneret, and up towards Mount Hermon, all the time. I know, in my 8 years of living months at a time in Israel, I saw a lot of activity, even some huge UFOs right out my apartment window over the Lake. These sightings are common to those who live in the Tiberias area which overlooks Lake Kinneret (Sea of Galilee) and is across from the Golan Heights.Og, the last of the giants on Bashan, built a type of Stonehenge that is now being excavated. Using google, search for “GilgalRephaim.”
Tribes of giants were encountered by Moses and Joshua during the 40 years in the wilderness. [Refer to my article: “Facing the Anakim” under the Mikvah of the Great Adventure] AsJoshua and the children of Ya’cb/Israel went in to the “promised land,” they continually faced tribes of giants. King David and his “mighty men” fought Philistines, who, like Goliath, were giants.
In Psalm 27:1-2 David wrote: “Yahuwah is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear?Yahuwah is the strength of my life, of whom should I be afraid? When evil doers came up against me to eat up my flesh, my adversaries and my enemies, the stumbled and fell.” This is literal – they tried to cannibalize him.
Today there are Imams of Islam that tell their followers it is alright to eat your enemies. Today, there are soldier/warrior robots that are literally powered by eating human corpses. My question is, “what will empower them when the corpses run out.” Steve Quayle reported: “Cannibalism was found among the powerful elite circles of Europe during the time of the French Revolution. The elite considered human flesh a delicacy.”
A few months ago, we heard about “pizza-gate,” or “pedophile gate,” in reference to Hillary and Bill Clinton, and Hillary’s campaign manager and his brother John and Tony Podesta. We learned about the worldwide pedophile rings, some involving the Clintons and Podestas, who not only sexually abuse children, but ritually kill them and eat them. We heard about the “spirit cooking,” which involves all sorts of horrors including cannibalism, being a “social” event as part of fund-raising for Hillary, whichwas attended by leading politicians and Hollywood stars. We’ve learned about people on drugs eating their dead friends. And we’ve learned about the CNN reporter who recently reported on a tribe of Hindus who cannibalize people, and watched him eating some human’s charred brain as part of his “learning” from them. That really caused upset, but mostly by Hindus who are vegetarians. We’ve also learned of the human fetus body parts that are put in some vaccines. We heard about the eating of aborted fetuses by Chinese nurses for spiritual power. That’s common in Satanism of course, in human sacrifices. It’s the belief that the blood of the innocent carries great spiritual power and energy.
Look at this example of cannibalism among the people of Yahuwah during famine in Samaria: II Kings 6:24-29. It’s like the cannibalism of the Donner Party in U.S. history. First the starving eat available animals, fish, birds, insects, lizards, reptiles, fruit, vegetables, grains, roots, then mud, trees, and grass. Then, when all possible food is gone they turn to eating weak humans, like the elderly, babies and children, women, sick and wounded men, and even corpses. Because of the geo-engineering of our climate, along with disasters like the radiation leaking from Fukushima, our food supply is fast diminishing. Look at what is happening in Venezuela! Our oceans are dying, being heated purposely and destroyed. Lies abound so that the evil ones under Satan’s authority can destroy the earth, and destroy 7 billion people with it.
In Ezekiel 14:12-23 we see that famine is #1. Before this can be dehydration from lack of good drinkable water. Then comes “the beasts of the earth,” which include big-small animals, poisonous reptiles, i.e. snakes, but also insects carrying disease, and microscopic germs, chemicals, and man-made “beasts” created by humans and dropped on us via chem.-trails, some miniscule-robotics in nature. Also, pestilence comes by various means, along with radiation poisoning from nuclear explosions, and of course war.
Neither Steve Quayle, nor I, or any sane human, likes reporting on this subject. But, with martial law, the quarantining of people to their homes for whatever reason, the cutting off of food stamps, etc., for whatever reason, there will be roving groups of people who are looking for food, giants included, along with those out of their mind on drugs, mind-programmed demon possessed people like Russ Dizdar talks about in The Black Awakening, now 100 million at least worldwide,and sadists in general will be looking for food.
Abba told us to flee from what is coming, but almost no one has budged or is budging, not even to share the Good News of salvation while we have this “interim” season of “peace.” So, who is really born again? Who obeys the Master who died for us?I refer you to “Scriptural Warnings…” which I wrote recently. It’s loaded with many Scriptures saying “guard it, or lose it,” “possess it, or lose it”--warnings regarding our salvation. Mark 4:24-25 is explicit. Matthew 25:1-30 is explicit!
Once the horrors begin, which isn’t far down the road, “men’s hearts will fail them for fear of those things coming up on the earth.” (Luke 21). The pit is opening already its mouth wide, as Isaiah 5:14-16 says. What will it be when Revelation 9 and 16 begin to be reality? L.A. Marzulli ( and Steve Quayle at, afford you many ways to learn via computer program blogs, articles, podcasts, and updates. If you can’t buy books and DVDs, go to their websites, go to, too. Learn all you can.
Listen to Jonathan David and MelissiaHelser’s song “NO LONGER A SLAVE TO FEAR.” Listen to it over and over and over until it impacts your spirit and your mind to let go of fear, anxiety, worry, whining, complaining, and sissy stuff like that. Go to that article, “Passion” for the links. Also you can find it on Derek’s playlist:
Here are a few notes from an interview of Steve Quayle by Rick Wiles, March 21, 2017: Leviticus 26:27-29: This speaks of the punishment on the House of Israel – that they would eat their own children. Most of those that comprise the nations of western culture are biologically of the House of Israel/House of Ya’cob/House of Ephraim. This is the curse on America for forsaking His instructions for our good.
I Peter 5:8: “the devil walks around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may DEVOUR.” He wants to devour us in spirit, soul, and body. The descendants of the fallen ones want to devour our bodies to try to get at the soul and spirit, our spirit-man that lives inside our bodies. For true believers, when we die, our spirit-man goes into heaven awaiting the return of Messiah. This is our “Blessed Hope.”
In Joshua chapters 7-11, for example,Yahuwah commanded that Joshua and those with him kill all men, women, children, because THEY WERE NOT FULLY HUMAN! They were giants for the most part. Their animals were also hybrid mixes. Yahuwah is a righteous and loving Abba. He was protecting the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Ya’cob/Jacob from pollution and extinction if they inner married with these people. In Joshua 10-11, the tribes were all of Amorite origin.
Giants fled from Moses and Joshua and the children of Israel across Europe, into the UK, and into America, then into Mexico, Central and South America. They went all over the earth, and their remains have been found everywhere. L.A. Marzulli, Steve Quayle, Tim Alberino, and Tom Horn, are top-notch researchers on this subject, and also seculars like Fritz Zimmerman who have reported on these things in America. His book TheNephilim Chroniclestellsthe stories of unearthing giants across America in the late 1800s and early 1900s, and how the Smithsonian has covered up extensive evidence. The Roman Catholic Church has also covered up the evidence of giants in their controlled countries. DNA from dead giants is being used to clone them, too.
There is a new movie entitled “Raw,” about cannibalism.Comment from the movie: “Cannibalism is what America needs right now.” Book: Cannibalismcomments about“good tactics on a gruesome subject.” National Geographic has written on it: i.e. “Cannibalism is the ultimate taboo.”The Washington Post: “Five Tasty Facts About Cannibalism” – i.e. “Cannibalism is natural – It’s not as weird as you think.”
Steve said: “In 2009, Wired Magazine wrote about battlefield robots that empower themselves by eating the corpses of the dead. They are a Pentagon invention. They are called `tactical robots.’ The robots are known as EATR –`Energetic Autonomous Tactical Robots.’ But, in essence, they are an army of flesh-eating robots. The U.S. State Department is funding this.’ ”
Maglev trains running on electromagnetic waves beneath our feet can transport people from New York to Los Angeles in 30 minutes. There are at least 200 huge underground cities in America alone, and many more worldwide. Technology has gone far beyond anything were allowed to know. The ability to split the soul from the spirit, to control the soul while the spirit dies and our humanity dies, is a reality using technology. Our DNA is being systematically changed. DNA-changing “science” is creating monstrous hybrids. Experiments on human beings’ bodies and minds are continuing from the days of Nazi Germany.
Years ago, Steve Quayle made what was to me a shocking statement, yet today it is not shocking at all, saying that our food, medicines, vaccines, and other DNA-changing things, are to fatten us up to be food for the Nephilim.
Rick Wiles concludes: “The church is sleepwalking into the future. They have no idea what is about to happen.”Sha’ul: “I would not have you ignorant brethren.”
Be sure to listen to my new podcasts beginning this weekend under “Audio Teachings” on the main page of to learn what constitutes the true new birth and your life after it, for wisdom as to how to lead others to a true new birth, as well as how to instruct truth-lovers in the guarding of the Torah of our loving Abba. Always, in everything, be led by the Spirit!
Shalom, in His love,
Yedidah - April 20, 2017