Dundee Dance Partnership Meeting
Tuesday 5th November 2013 @ The Rep Theatre
Attending: Dawn Hartley, Alex Hare, Kenny Christie, Osla Allen, Jenna Cooper, Allan McIntyre, Rob Dunn, Holly Bryon-Staples
1Get Scotland Dancing
1.1Meeting at 6.30pm, DCA today re GSD. Website is up and running and newsletter is ready to sign up for.
1.2Dundee Dance Trail 2013 was not mentioned on GSD website.
2Dance Trail 2013
2.1Marketing was inconsistent in terms of logos, in the future it needs to be tweaked so all branding is clear.
2.2Please will all who haven’t already get back to Rob () with any feedback.
3Dance Trail 2014
3.1Need to look at fundraising as there is appetite for Dance Trail 2014/15. Around £16 000 budget is required.
3.2Could anyone else in DDP facilitate Dance Trail?AH is a definite no and JCwill have to talk to line manager. A collaboration within DDP is suggested.
3.3Discussion regarding taking inspiration from Aberdeen and making it less of a ‘start to finish’ trail and more of a hunt so dancers are static and repeat performances meaning audience members seek them out as well as stumble across them.
3.4It is pointed out by Kenny that a big change and a new facilitator may be unhelpful given that SPK have fresh knowledge and experience that would usefully inform future development.
3.5Ideally it would be earlier in the year, May/Jun, to be included in Get Scotland Dancing time frame. School holidays are a problem. The Queen’s baton will be here the last day of term, Friday 27th June.
-Look at debrief and draft idea for next year.
-Meet again: 3pm 4th Dec as Dance Trail Working Group @ Rep.
4DDP Admin and Marketing
4.1Website management ended in Oct ‘13.
4.2Currently collectively don’t have enough time or capacity to take DDP for next level. An experienced individual is required to act as administration/marketing/web-management expert so work in carried out consistently and removes workload from others who removed from other work in the current situation. Would potentially require one day a week. Vicky Wilson is suggested.
4.3It is suggested that we press James Allenby for a micro-grant for post while we try and develop more of a sustainable funding pathway.
4.4A meeting is needed, with all members of DDP represented, so all opinions can be assessed before moving forward.
- Email James Allenby
- Hold meeting for all to attend: 1.30pm Friday 17th Jan, The SPACE. Let others know.
5Future Meetings
5.13pm 4th Dec 2013 @ Rep.
Discussion points:
-Dance Trail
-Grease Dates
5.2Proposed dates for 2014 meetings
-Friday 17th Jan
-Make a decision re admin post
-Get Scotland Dancing review
-Discuss and review action plan
-Proposed dates for meetings over rest of the year
-Friday 25th April
-Friday 29th Aug
-Friday 28th Nov
-Bring past meeting minutes to future meetings
6Further Matters
6.1Big Dance pledge will be done by Scottish Ballet this year and will be coming to Dundee.
DH sought approval to release funds from DDP account for below programmes:
£4130 Get Scotland Dancing
£4734 Cashback for Creativity
TOTAL: £9874 – money from DDP account to SDT
NEXT MEETING: Weds 3pm 4th Dec 2013 @ The Rep.