Rededication – Sheena Good
Rededication is a time for girls and adults to renew their commitment
to the Girl Scout Promise & Law.
Separated in to different groups from last time to network and get to know.
Giving Tree – Vonita Francisco & Troop 50529
The Giving Tree is sponsored by a Troop who finds a local group that is in need of holiday gifts, usually a nursing home or youth group. The troop puts together gift tags for leaders and volunteers to purchase gifts and bring back to the November or December Leader Meetings. The troop sponsoring the event then wraps the gifts and delivers them to the group being sponsored. Gift tags were available at this meeting and will be available again in November. This year we will be donating to Holly House
Delegate Elections – Sheena Good
Each service unit elects Delegates to represent them at the Girl Scout Annual Meeting in February. Our service unit is allowed 6 delegates. Girls that are 14 years or older are also able to be delegates. An election will be held at the November Volunteer Meeting. Delegates will need to be available on February 4th for the GSWW Annual Meeting.
Pass the Hat – Stephanie Dyck
The Service Unit passed around a ‘hat’ to collect donations. The money is used to pay for the church we use for Leader Meetings. This also means that the money we get from Council can be spent on the volunteers and equipment.
Cookie Parent sign up – Linda Otto
A clipboard was passed around to collect names and email addresses for each troops Cookie Mom.
Name Tags Sign up- Ellen Govan
If you are interested in getting a name tag, contact Ellen to place your order. The name tags have the GS logo on them and run around $5.
Cascade Challenge is an event in May (17-19) in Mt. Vernon that is hosted by our Service Unit. The event is for girls that are 6th and up to spend the weekend participating in challenges like first aid, team dynamics, knots, compass, etc. Ellen will be recruiting volunteers for judging the weekend events early in the year so look for more information. Registration for the event opens November 1st.
Hiking – YaYa Hikers – Ellen Govan
YaYa Hikers (young adults yearning for adventure) is an activity group that offers monthly hiking outings to Girl Scouts in grade 6-12. The only pre-requisite is that you attend a Hiking 101 Workshop from Ellen. Cost is only $5. For more info go to www.gsyayahiker.com
Membership – Stephanie Dyck
Information came out recently that membership was going up to $25 starting next year. Council wanted to make sure everyone knew well before the Cookie Sale so troops could incorporate that in to their goals. The cookie proceeds for troops has gone up a little which will also help offset the cost. Council is also working on allowing Cookie Dough for membership.
Pinewood Derby – Karin Rice
This event is designed for individual girls but troops are definitely welcome. Girls receive a block of wood and instructions on how to make the car within the guidelines. On the day of the event girls race their cars; prizes are given for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place plus Coolest Car. This year’s Pinewood Derby will be on February 11, 2017 in Edmonds. See our website for flyer information.
Women's Retreat (January) – Sally Page
This years Women’s Retreat will be January 27-29 at Camp McLeod and the cost is $55. Registration forms are available online at www.cedarandsound.com. You can turn in the registration at any time; you just need to pay by January 18th. The purpose of the retreat is for you to get away and enjoy the weekend with your sister Girl Scouts! You can come and do nothing or do some crafts, put a puzzle together, read a book or go for a hike. Whatever you wish!! You’ll get to eat lots of great food and meet new people.
Song – Kathy Jackson
Kathy taught us a song/round called Sing Sing Together
Founder’s Day – Inger Faherty, Kathy Jackson & Karin Rice
Founder’s Day still has room for registrations. The event is on November 5th in Edmonds. Come learn all sorts of songs and celebrate Juliette Low’s Birthday.
Event Chart Openings –Inger Faherty
All of this years events have been taken by troops who are going to put on the events except for Cookie Rally.
Caring and Sharing – Jennifer Lindstrom
Caring & Sharing is a patch program that a troop sponsors for the service unit. The patch has several different categories for girls to provide community service. Stay tuned for more information.
Holiday Dinner Guest List – Stephanie Dyck
Our Service Unit is having a Holiday Dinner on December 5th at 6:45pm. Dinner and dessert is provided by members of the service unit team. A clipboard was passed around so the team can get an idea of how many people will be attending.
Encamporee and Paula Bunyan wrap up – Linda Otto and Ellen Govan
As we all know, the encamporee’s were cancelled last weekend due to the stormy weather we were supposed to be getting. Better to be safe than sorry J We did get a date for Spring Encamporee – April 7-9 at Robbinswold. This is the last weekend of Spring Break but it was our only option. Registration is coming in November.
Ask it Basket
Question was asked – How can I get more girls in my troop? The easiest, quickest way is to keep your troop updated on line. Fill out the ‘Grow Your Troop’ form and send it to council. This will get your troop on the Opportunity Catalog so all new girls know which troops are wanting more girls. Visit this webpage for more information: http://www.girlscoutsww.org/en/for-volunteers/resources/grow-your-troop.html
Door Prizes
This month’s door prizes went to Troops 40667, 42106 and 50122. Congratulations!!
Definitions of Events
Rededication – an opportunity for girls and adults to renew their commitment to the Girl Scout Promise and Law.
Delegate – Represent the Service Unit at the Annual Girl Scout Meeting Sheena Good ()
Cookie Parent – The volunteer coordinator for troop cookie sales Contact: Linda Otto ()
Name Tags Sign up- Ellen Govan ()
Holiday Dinner Guest List – A special meal set aside for Leaders to catch up. Dinner is provided by the Service Unit Leadership team ()
Encamporees – Fall & Spring encamporees are troop events at the various Girl Scout camps. Our service unit typically has one weekend in the Fall and one weekend in the Spring. Troops register and pay through the service unit. Contact: Linda Otto ()
Paula Bunyan – Encamporee for older scouts. Contact: Ellen Govan ()
Founder's Day, October 31, marks the 1860 birth of Girl Scouts of the USA founder Juliette Low in Savannah, Georgia. Juliette started the organization in 1912. Our Service Unit tries to celebrate Founders Day late October or early November. This year: Sing High, Sing Low on 11/5/16, 2 sessions, learn new songs, and make new friends. Email questions to ()
Caring & Sharing this is a patch program that a troop sponsors for the service unit. It has different areas of community service for each girl to do in order to get the patch. ()
Tree of Giving is sponsored by a troop in our service unit. The troop finds a location that is in need of holiday gifts for their clients, usually a nursing home. The basic idea is to have gift tags available for troop leaders to pick up at a Leaders meeting and then they bring that item back to the Holiday dinner in December. The troop sponsoring the event then would wrap the items and deliver to the nursing home, etc. in time for the holiday. ()
Pinewood Derby is typically held towards the end of January on a Sunday. This event is for individual girls, not a troop. Once registered the girls would receive a block of wood and instructions on how to make the car within in the guidelines. On the day of the event all of the girls come and race their cars. There are prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place plus for Coolest Car. ()
Women’s Retreat This event is held towards the end of January at beautiful Camp McLeod in Tahuya, WA. You come for the weekend just to hang out with other leaders/volunteers. There’s always lots to eat plus you can sleep in, read all day, knit or hike, whatever you wish. (January 27-29, 2017) A Place Where People Gather… Join us for a weekend at Camp McLeod – Contact Sally Page ()
Cascade Challenge is a primitive outdoor camping competition weekend for Cadette's and Senior/Ambassador scouts. Come as a troop or form your own Cascade Challenge group*. Arrive Friday afternoon to set up camp, relax, and maybe mingle with other troops around the campfire. All challenges will take place on Saturday, where girls will be evaluated on teamwork, leadership skills, and combined knowledge in the below skill areas. Challenges are completed without ‘help’ from leaders during the events. Saturday night includes Challenge Dinner followed by a roaring lakeside campfire with songs, skits, and good old fun. The awards and recognition ceremony on Sunday brings the weekend to a close. Troops bring the equipment necessary for primitive troop camping and will be cooking all their own meals. Water, firewood, and outhouses are provided for you. Contact Ellen Govan ()
Ask it Basket – a place to anonymously ask questions of the service unit community