Konvalin 2017-2018
EAP Senior Year Mathematics (ESM)
Welcome to EAP Senior Math. The ultimate intent of the EAP Senior Year Mathematics (ESM) course is to better prepare college and career-bound high school seniors with the 21st Century skills necessary to meet the mathematical thinking and problem-solving expectations of higher education courses and workplace requirements. This course is designed to strengthen students’ mathematical foundation and prepare students to be college and career ready. The goal of the course is to deepen conceptual understandings of mathematical theory, skills and strategies.
Some of the major topics we aspire to master include:
Problem Solving
Linear Functions
Quadratic Functions
Absolute Value and Piece-wise Functions
Exponential/Logarithmic Functions
Grades are determined by total points.
Percentage break down are as such:
Semester GradesJournal Writing 50%
- Journals are tools for students to reflect on their work and to edit for clarity and accuracy.
- Journal entries are used as critical lesson-level formative assessments. Students are expected to
re-engage with content and/or to rewrite their journal entries until mastery is evident.
Projects and Unit Assessments 30%
- Summative unit assessments may be comprised of a variety of components (e.g. projects, posters, presentations, pencil-paper exams). Unit assessments will involve both group and individual elements.
Participation/Weekly Homework/Exit Slips/Daily Twos 20%
- Exit slips are used as the daily formative assessment to help inform planning for future lessons. The intent is for teachers to monitor student learning and adapt lessons as necessary.
- Homework will be distributed on the first day of the week and will be due on the last day of the week. Homework is a review of essential previously learned concepts for further practice.
Letter GradesHomework
90% - 100%A Scored: 5 points per “day” (see rubric)
80% - 89%B
67% - 79%CDaily Twos (formerly WarmUps)
57% - 66%D Scored: 4pts/day
Below 57%F
Exit Slips
Scored: 4 pts/day
EAP Senior Math pg 2
Suggested Classroom Rules
- Be on time.
- Be prepared with necessary supplies and completed assignments.
- Be respectful of all students, staff, and school property.
- Follow all school rules as outlined in the school handbook.
- Absolutely NO behavior that interferes with the learning atmosphere of the classroom will be permitted. (This includes sleeping in class.)
* Verbal Warning* Letter/Phone Call to Parents
*Office Referral*In House/Class Suspension
Standards for Mathematical Practice (SMPs)
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
4. Model with mathematics
5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
6. Attend to precision.
7. Look for and make use of structure.
8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Homework/Journal Rewriting/Test Policy
- Homework MUST be done in pencil. Tasks and Journals may be done in pen, if preferred.
- NO LATE HOMEWORK. Homework is assigned on the first day of the week and is due on the last day of the week.
- Homework must be completed at home. During class we will be working on tasks, exit slips and journals.
- Attendance is vital for passing this class. Most of our work is done IN CLASS. It is very difficult to make up tasks at home when all the work is done collaboratively in groups.
- Assessments vary (projects, posters, presentations, paper-pencil exams). They involve both group and individual elements.
- Rewriting and editing journal entries is encouraged until mastery is evident.
Jaguar PRIDE Outcomes
P – Powerfully Prepared for College and Career
Pass all classes with C’s or better.
R – Responsible Citizen
Be a strong self-advocate who finds resources and asks for help …
Be timely, organized and accountable for your actions.
I – Independent Critical Thinker
Find answers to complex questions. Make connections across all content areas.
Practice using guidelines to organize and accurately evaluate your own work.
D – Determined Lifelong Learner
Develop short-term goals and apply then to school to stay motivated.
Seek difficult tasks and do not give up.
E – Excellent Communicator
Demonstrate effective and appropriate communication.
If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to let me know.
Mrs. Debbie
AAB Health Professions High School 916-395-5010 ext: 501402