Precept Upon Precept Lesson 3

Daniel, Part 1 Daniel 1

1: 1-2 1: 3-21

Principles of God’s Judgment
Deuteronomy 28
1.  God created the world. He offers LIFE & blessings to ALL! Ideally we are to follow His voice, but He also provides laws that show us how to honor Him and honor each other. These laws are non-optional. Man can choose to obey or disobey. However, like whether or not we choose to obey the law of gravity, we will reap the corresponding rewards or consequences.
2.  God doesn’t change. His laws don’t change. His punishments and rewards don’t change.
3.  God always warns people before He judges. Do not harden your heart against His warnings like Israel did!
4.  God seems to judge according to a pattern. Because of His mercy, He often implements judgment gradually. First, He withdraws our blessings: health, rain (employment), homeland security, possessions. Then He may bring destructive natural elements (wind, hail, EQ), and finally He may try to get our attention with war, captivity, famine, pestilence, constant fear (terrorism?).
5.  God judges nations as well as individuals. God has used Israel as an example of how He will judge all nations. No nation will be exempt.
Deuteronomy 28, 30
6.  Choose LIFE that you and your descendants may live. Restoration IS possible. But simply praying for Judgment to be averted will accomplish nothing. Praying must be accompanied by true repentance, including acts of obedience with a glad heart.
God’s People Humbled / God’s Servants Exalted
God-given Abilities, King’s Personal Service, Incredible Influence
Daniel Hananiah Mishael Azaraiah
“University of Babylon”: Babylonian Worldview
The World Values God Values
Looks, Intelligence, Social Skill Obedience, Humility, Wisdom
Be Holy: in the world, but not of it
Personal Conviction Personal Character
Parental Training: Biblical Worldview
Born during “Josiah’s Revival”

Deut 6 Lev 11 Ezk 44:23
Priests teach to discern
between clean/ unclean

For the eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His. 2 Chronicles 16:9