Holybrook Parish Council

Council Meeting Minutes

Date of Meeting: 25th July 2011

Location: Beansheaf Community Centre

Present: Cllrs. Mary Bedwell, Claire Tull, Bernard Gilbert, Richard Somner, Iain Pate, Clive Littlewood, Glenn Dennis, Val Betteridge, Charlie Croal and Yvonne Ward.

Also present: District Councillor Brian Bedwell, Maureen Phillips of West Berkshire Council Youth Services and Laura Routledge of the Reading Chronicle.

38/11/12 Open Forum for members of the public

39/11/12 Co-option of Mrs Yvonne Ward as a parish councillor. This was proposed by Cllr. Mary Bedwell and seconded by Cllr. Tull.

40/11/12 Apologies – Cllrs. Karen Wilkinson-Flood and Karen Albanese

41/11/12 Declarations of interest – none relevant to remaining agenda

42/11/12 Minutes

The Minutes of 20th June 2011 were AGREED unanimously. This was proposed by Cllr Somner and seconded by Cllr Littlewood.

43/11/12 Matters arising

The Clerk informed Cllr. Croal that the Charrington Road bus shelter roof will be replaced and a purchase order has been raised.

44/11/12 District Councillor’s Report – Cllr. Brian Bedwell

Cllr. Brian Bedwell informed councillors that there will be a meeting on 3rd August regarding Underwood Road which will be decisive.

A breach of condition order has been issued regarding the wall height at 6 Charrington Road. An appeal by 25th August can be made.

Improvements costing around £400,000 are being made at Langley Hill/A4. The school crossing must be concluded by the end of the school summer holidays. Weekly updates are sent to the parish office and the work will take place after 9.30am and before 4.30pm.

The skate park contractors have a 12 month rectification clause for repairs which include the slippery surface. Suggestions have been made for an opening ceremony during the summer holidays.

Continguency plans are in place so that there will not be any problems for Southern Cross Care Home residents.

There will be speed detection devices in Charrington Road to give an idea of the different types of speeding.

Cllr. Betteridge was informed that there are no plans for a shop at Underwood Road at the moment.

Cllr. Betteridge was told that there are concerns regarding the height of the Ikea building and volume of traffic but are working to overcome this.

45/11/12 Clerk’s Report

Work has now been completed on the Beansheaf refurbishments. The builders have since been called out twice regarding snagging issues which have been rectified.

Cllr. Littlewood commented on the mess left in the toilets when the Beansheaf Centre door is left open and the Clerk will investigate a door alarm. Cllr. Tull enquired why the outside disabled toilet is kept locked and was informed that disabled people usually have a radar key to open them. Cllr. Tull added that it is important that the public have access to toilets especially when more people are using the park. Cllr. Tull commented that there is no information notice outside the toilets.

Ascot Doors will be attending regarding the shutters at the Beansheaf Centre.

The outside tap has now been replaced with a more robust fitting and an isolation valve fitted internally to prevent any misuse.

The Clerk has written to Amanda Ward at WBC to provide the Council’s response to street trading matters in accordance with Minutes 26-11/12.

An email has been received from Wendy Wickham, the Holybrook representative Trustee for Dr Ellerton’s charity to say that her current tenure expires in November 2011. Mrs Wickham has advised that she is willing to continue in the role despite now residing slightly outside the parish boundary in City Road, Tilehurst. Members were invited to agree to her reappointment which is for a period of five years. This was proposed by Cllr. Gilbert and seconded by Cllr. Mary Bedwell. Parishioners can apply for an allotment through Mrs Wickham. Cllr. Mary Bedwell suggested putting an article in the newsletter regarding Dr Ellerton’s charity.

The Clerk arranged a meeting with George Baptiste (RBC) to discuss the findings of the latest RoSPA inspection of the playgrounds. A copy of the file note was enclosed for Members’ information. The Clerk will progress the matters identified.

46/11/12 Youth Club – Cllr. Albanese

Cllr. Albanese sent the following report: there were 51 children present, 3 volunteers, and support from PC Matt Allen and PCSO Paul Tuttle.

Some of the children organised a talent show, where a few groups performed singing and dancing in front of their friends, while others played with the indoor games available or were supervised outside in the park. A letter was handed out to all children advising of a small charge of 50p that will be put into place in September. This will help towards the cost of the hall hire for the coming terms.

I wish to thank our Neighbourhood policing team and Wardens for your continued support and to the volunteers for their time and enthusiasm that makes this club a continuing success. Back on 9th September!

47/11/12 Planning

No new applications have been received. The following decisions have been made:

Application No. / Applicant / Address / Proposal / Comments
11/00659/FULD / Mrs C Buttenshaw & Ms M Djogo / 1 Goodwin Close, Calcot / Demolition of house and garage. Two houses and garaging / Withdrawn
11/00685/HOUSE / Mrs Redmond / 6 Fortrose Walk, Calcot / Single storey rear extension and demolition of existing sun-room / Approved

Application no 10/00631/HOUSE – wall to the front of 6 Charrington Road was refused planning permission. The documentation has been provided to the legal department of WBC who are instructed to serve Notice requiring the wall to be reduced to a height of 1 metre.

Pincents Hill development: the appeal lodged by Blue Living (Beyond Green) has been rejected following the Public Inquiry held earlier this year. A copy of the first page of the report was enclosed to councillors. The Clerk has a full copy should members wish to review the entire document.

The following applications were received after the summons was issued but as comments were required by WBC by early August councillors agreed to discuss them.

11/00587/HOUSE / Mrs D Aplin / 37 Millers Grove, Calcot / Addition of carport / Objection – design and construction not in keeping with area
11/01177/HOUSE / Mr A Sattar / 8 Charrington Road, Calcot / Part double storey rear and first floor side extension / Concern – downstairs toilet not big enough, upstairs not adequate for 6 bedrooms and car parking a concern

48/11/12 Maureen Phillips, West Berkshire Council Youth Services: The Garage

Maureen Phillips explained that due to the economic climate cuts have been made with the loss of 14 staff and 3 buildings. Universal provision will have to be decommissioned with reduced ability to use buildings. ‘The Garage’ will remain open on a Wednesday evening until September. Detached work with disaffected young people will remain and a report will be available for the parish council. Detached work is specifically targeted at young people who choose to socialize on the streets that could be likely to pose a problem. PCSOs can provide information regarding where the young people may meet.

Maureen Phillips continued that Youth Services are happy for the parish council to take over the ‘Garage’ and to enlarge it if necessary. Utility costs will be absorbed by West Berkshire Council but the maintenance of the shutter is expensive. The pool table, board games etc will be left there for the use of the young people. The Berkshire Association of Clubs for Young People (BACYP) can train, support and provide volunteers.

Cllr. Tull told members that she had spoken to young people outside the ‘Garage’ before the meeting and they had said how much they enjoyed the facilities with an opportunity to chat with their friends, enjoy the tuck shop and play the Wii and pool table. Maureen Phillips explained that there are usually 2 or 3 volunteers and 1 paid youth worker.

Cllr. Tull added that evidence is needed for funding for more youth activities. A statement is needed from West Berkshire Council so that the parish council can go forward for funding.

Maureen Phillips explained that Youth Services will continue to link with the Youth Offending Team (YOTs) at the ‘Garage’. Cllr. Iain Pate requested a report be sent to the parish council and Cllr. Mary Bedwell asked that Youth Services keep in touch.

49/11/12 Financial Information

Members RESOLVED to authorise the payment of items listed on Payment Sheet no. 03-2011/12. This was proposed by Cllr Somner and seconded by Cllr Gilbert.

The approved 2010/11 Accounts have been submitted to Mazars, the external auditors and the statutory notices for public information displayed on the notice boards. The Clerk has received verbal confirmation from Mazars that the accounts have been approved subject to two minor enquiries for which the Clerk has provided the necessary information.

Grants – members were asked to ratify the earlier agreement of the Finance Committee in awarding a grant of £3,500 to the Holybrook Festival 2011. It was AGREED that a grant of £2,500 is made available to the festival committee with a further £1,000 is required. Cllr. Tull told members that the festival is good value for money and that expenditure is planned for banners.

Members were also asked to approve a grant application for £100 submitted by the Neighbourhood Wardens for a Christmas tea party for the residents of David Smith Court. A similar amount was granted in 2010 and the Clerk has received the relevant application form. This was AGREED.

50/11/12 Amenities Project

Cllr. Tull told councillors that members of the Underwood Road Action Group attended the meeting on 11 July. A partial analysis of the amenities questionnaires has been carried out and a ‘Getting Started’ Activity Day will take place on Monday 5th September from 3-7pm which will enable experts and people interested in starting activities to meet.

A full analysis of the returns will be available for the Parish Plan Group Public meeting on 3rd October. Suggestions have been received for a shop in Underwood Road, tennis courts and an extension to the ‘Garage’ and a kiosk. These suggestions will feed into the Parish Plan Refresh document.

The URAG is keen to get more active in the area and the Pangbourne Rotarians will offer a prize for a community award.

Cllr. Mary Bedwell added that the parish council needs to ascertain the level of interest in computer training with a huge age range and skill needs.

Cllr. Tull hoped that a lot of people will come along to the activity day on 5th September.

51/11/12 Underwood Road update – possible provision of a retail outlet

There will be a meeting on 2nd August to discuss a possible retail outlet at Underwood Road.

52/11/12 Eastern Area Vision – report from last meeting: Cllr. Mary Bedwell

Cllr. Mary Bedwell stated that there were discussions regarding the height of the Ikea building and volume of traffic.

The following projects were put forward including a possible swimming pool, a shop, tennis courts and a kiosk.

53/11/12 Cow Lane

Extracts of the Inspector’s decision made on 30th June 2011 were enclosed for Members’ information together with a copy email from Stuart Higgins of WBC. The Clerk has a full copy of the report if required. Cllr. Mary Bedwell suggested a sign to be erected.

54/11/12 Chairman’s Remarks

Cllr. Tull informed councillors of the ‘Getting Started’ session and requested a £500 fund for equipment, leaflets, stationery, rental and running costs from the Amenities fund.

Cllr. Somner suggested setting an email auto reply for the parish office at Christmas.

There being no other business, the meeting closed at 9.30pm


Chairman Date

Council Minutes 25th July 2011