Pilot Site Meeting

Patient-Centered Medical Home Project

1 / Call to order / Roll call
Attending: Sharon Beaty, Teresa Brooks, Doug Dreffer, Signe Peterson Fleiger, Heather Staples Lavoie (staff), Amy Schwartz (staff) / 5 min
2 / Old Business / Case Payment Issues and Update
Amy checked with carriers to confirm payment status. HPHC mailed the checks yesterday (3/21). Anthem mailed all checks at the end of January. Cigna will send checks at the end of March. Amy did not hear from MVP but will call again. If clinics still have outstanding payments issues they should contact Amy directly ()
Evaluation & Measures and Web Reporting System
Web reporting System:
User acceptance testing by early to mid-May. The RCC has all data from Onpoint.
We will update the group when we have more details. Intention is to design the system so it is close to previous system, limited training will be needed
Evaluation: Evaluation plan is being developed. At next meeting Signe will walk through evaluation process and measures. Sites will be interviewed to assess what clinics are doing (teams, process) and how this might translate into results. Next meeting will include a presentation by Signe. She would like sites to determine if sites will need a full IRB in order for staff to be interviewed. Signe will use some of the UNH analysis which was completed for the purpose of program continuation, but will also do more comprehensive analysis. Patient data will not be collected. / 10 min
3 / Claims Analysis and Program Continuation Follow Up / Site meetings and data refinement
Next site meeting should be an extended meeting, bring in others—should we continue results blinding or allow self-identification? How might we learn from each other and determine what are best practices. Part of the intent of this process was to improve operations and the comparison is important. Some of this data is being collected by the groups (Concord) to compare data against internal operations, but the comparison to a larger group (un-blinded) is helpful. Some groups may be consumed internally with data measures that are unique to their systems. Competing priorities? / 15 min
4 / Strategic Plan through 2011 / Pilot Extension potential
Target activities for 2011
ACO activities are of interest to the Medical Home sites. ACOs may take on some risk and gain sharing. Cost improvement may be one good focus that would be important to the carriers. Some proposed targets may be ER and re-admission rates. What the carriers have been paying in contrast to what they are saving has been low—what happens after December? Clinics are looking for a way to be financially viable? Is it important to focus on making the business case over the next months of the project? State and federal support for some centers (FQHCs) is dwindling and hurting the centers financially, important to make the business case for investment in primary care (even outside of medical home). / 20 min
4 / Other Business / New business items: None
Next agenda: Next meeting 4/26. Agenda and call information will be sent not less than a week before the meeting.
Items: Evaluation and strategic planning items for May agenda. If participants have agenda items, please send them to Amy Schwartz. / 10 min

New Hampshire Citizens Health Initiative § 501 South Street, 2nd Floor § Bow, NH 03304

Ph: 603-573-3373 § Fax: 603-573-3301 § Email: § www.steppingupnh.org