Maximum possible points based on development.
Considerable development
/No evidence of development
10 - 8
/7.5 - 5
/4.5 – 0.5
All drafts submitted. Final report shows considerable evidence of development during the writing process. / Most drafts submitted. Final report shows some evidence of development during the writing process. / Few drafts submitted and therefore little evidence of development during the writing process. / No drafts submitted, therefore no evidence of any development during the writing process.Maximum point band adjusted according to content and language criteria.
Content and Organisation / Language10 / Excellent work
- Rich in ideas / research / argumentation.
- All the required parts included*.
- Well organized and structured in terms of headings and subheadings.
- APA Conventions of documentation correctly used..
- Linkers used correctly and appropriately.
- Wide range of structures and lexis used.
- Almost no mistakes in grammar, lexis, spelling and punctuation.
- Language appropriate to the task and genre
8 / Good work
- Quite rich in ideas / research / argumentation.
- Most of the required parts included*.
- Mostly well organized and structured in terms of headings and subheadings.
- APA Conventions of documentation correctly used most of the time.
- Linkers used correctly and appropriately most of the time.
- A very reasonable range of structures and lexis used.
- A few mistakes in grammar, lexis, spelling and punctuation.
- Language used mostly appropriate to the task and genre.
6 / Satisfactory work
- Sufficient ideas / research / argumentation.
- Some of the required parts included*.
- There is a clear pattern to the work, but further organization and structuring clearly needed in terms of headings and subheadings.
- APA Conventions of documentation correctly used some of the time, but some problems in this area.
- Linkers used correctly and appropriately some of the time
- An adequate range of structures and lexis used.
- A number of mistakes in grammar, lexis, spelling and punctuation.
- Language used appropriate to the task and genre some of the time
4 / Weak work
- Insufficient ideas / research and argumentation.
- The majority of the required parts are not included.*
- Poorly organized and structured in terms of headings and subheadings.
- APA Conventions of documentation often not observed.
- Linkers used incorrectly and inappropriately most of the time.
- A limited range of structures and lexis used.
- Many mistakes in grammar, lexis, spelling and punctuation.
- Language used often inappropriate to the task and genre.
2 / Very weak work
- Minimal or irrelevant ideas / research / argumentation.
- The majority of the required parts are not included.*
- Almost impossible to comprehend due to lack of organization.
- APA conventions of documentation not observed.
- Linkers either not used or inappropriately used
- A highly restricted range of structures and lexis used
- Full of grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, and spelling mistakes.
- Language used inappropriate to the task and genre.
0 / No final report submitted
*Required parts:Cover page; Table of contents; Abstract; Introduction; 3 Chapters (i.e. body parts 1, 2, 3); Conclusion; References.
See general procedures for notes on applying the two-tiered assessment criteria.