Windy Ridge 4th Grade Band Handbook for August-December (RECORDER)

J Welcome to Band with Miss Jaques! J

I am very excited to have you in my class and am looking forward to a fun filled year! To make sure that we have a successful year there are a few things that we need to go over. Please make sure to read over all of these items (parent/guardian and student) and then fill out the last page. Students will be tested on all items in this handbook and the last page needs to be returned to Miss Jaques no later than Friday, August 26th.

We are going to discuss all items related to 4th grade band from August until December. In December, after we finish our recorders, we will then switch and get a Band Handbook that is for January through the end of the school year.

1) What is 4th Grade Band?:

In 4th Grade Band you will get to come to band twice a week during your “specials” time. Depending on your 4th grade teacher you will either get to see Miss Jaques on Mondays and Thursdays or you will get to see her on Tuesdays and Fridays.

For the first half of the school year you will get to learn all about music and band through learning a recorder. Then for the 2nd half of the school year you will get to be on an official band instrument.

2) Supplies:

There is a $25.00 4th Grade Band Supply Fee to get your child all of the needed supplies for band through December. This fee will provide your child with pencils, color pencils, and their very own recorder, recorder book, and recorder cleaning supplies (they will get to keep the recorder, recorder book, and recorder cleaning supplies). This fee needs to be turned in no later than Friday, August 26th. If you need extra time or finances are hard please make sure to fill out Miss Jaques’ financial help form that is on her website or in class on the bookcase where the fish is.

If this supply fee or financial help form isn’t turned in by Friday, August 26th then you will be responsible for ordering your child the required supplies, which will end up costing more since Miss Jaques is getting a package special pricing. If the required supplies are not ordered through Miss Jaques (financial help form would be okay as well) or purchased on your own if you miss the deadline, your child could be removed from the band program.

These supplies will be used on a daily basis and can be left in the band room or taken home. If they are taken home then it is your child’s responsibility to bring them to their next scheduled band class.

Your child will receive a grade for having all of their supplies every time they meet for band class.

Pictures of the supplies your child will receive:

3) Band Classroom Expectations (Rules):

-Be Responsible (having all band supplies daily, keeping the band room clean and organized, not touching instruments that don’t belong to me, and putting away all food, drinks, candy, and gum in garbage or bag before entering the band room)

-Always Participate

-Never Give Up

-Demand Our Best! (OUR = Team/Helping all our classmates and fellow band students)

4) Grading:

40% of a Student’s Grade is Practice (their only homework):

To be successful in band one MUST practice. J If a student practices they will easily earn a good grade in all grading categories. Each band student is required to practice at least 60 minutes a week starting the week of September 12th (there will be a mandatory practice chart that will require your signature). This is the only homework students will receive in band.

To complete their practice time, students are allowed to take home their recorder and practice or they are able to attend an after school practice with Miss Jaques. Starting the week of September 12th students may stay after school any Monday from 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm with Miss Jaques to have help and practice. If students stay for the after school practice they will need to be picked up at 5:00 pm sharp in the car rider loop (unfortunately, students cannot leave early). Please be considerate of Miss Jaques’ time, especially since she lives 45 minutes away (if your child is picked up more than 3 times late they will not be allowed to stay for all future after school band practices).

40% of a Student’s Grade is Participation:

Students earn 100 points a day for participation. This includes having all supplies, always trying, participating in a positive manner, completing in-class activities, and always getting better with their playing.

This is a chance for me to check to see who is reading their handbook. J On the back of the band handbook signature form put down the date of your (student) birthday.

20% of a Student’s Grade are Assessments:

Students will have a weekly written and/or playing assessment every Thursday or Friday (the day they have band). These assessments will be posted every Monday in the classroom and Miss Jaques will also post them on her website the previous Friday (

Concerts (when they occur they will be a part of the practice grading category):

The most fun part about band is the concerts! Since a student works so hard to be able to perform at a concert, it is mandatory that all band students attend every concert. For 4th grade band there will only be 2 concerts for the entire school year. One of these concerts will be in December on recorder and 1 will be in May on their band instrument. Also, for each student to feel proud of their accomplishments it is very important that at least 1 family member attend each concert. To help plan out your schedule please make sure to look over the calendar section in this handbook to plan accordingly.


  • Long Sleeved Button Down White Dress Shirt that has a COLLAR (tuxedo shirt works the best and can be found relatively cheap at Burlington Coat Factory—GIRLS look in the boy’s department if you can’t find one)
  • Long Black Dress Pants
  • Black Socks or Black Stockings
  • Black Dress Shoes

In the event of an emergency on the day of a concert, the parent/guardian must contact Miss Jaques (407-296-5100 ext.4102228) as soon as possible (must be before the concert starts).

Any student who must miss a concert, for whatever reason, will be required to complete an alternative assignment.

5) Band Newsletter, Band Website, and Contact Information:

Miss Jaques has many fun filled events planned for this year. To make sure that you are kept up to date Miss Jaques will be sending home a Band Newsletter every month. These Band Newsletters will always be given to your child, e-mailed to all parents/guardians that provide their e-mail address, and will be posted on Miss Jaques’ website (

Also make sure to check Miss Jaques’ website on a regular basis. Miss Jaques will post all important items on this site and updates it at least every FRIDAY. This website also has links to music sites that can help your child’s progress with music. J

In addition to the newsletter and website Miss Jaques will be trying a new reminder app that lets her send out reminders that you can receive through texts or e-mail.

If at any time you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact Miss Jaques:

Website: E-Mail: Phone Number: 407-296-5100 ext.4104228

6) Band Calendar

Every Monday (starting week of September 12th):

*ANY band student can practice after school till 5:00 pm (do not have to come every Monday and have to be picked up in the FIRST CAR RIDER LOOP no later than 5:00 pm---unfortunately, cannot leave early). If there is no school on a Monday, this practice will occur on Tuesday for that week.

Every Thursday or Friday (the day your child comes to Band):

*Practice Proof is due (60 minutes a week) starting Thursday, September 15th or Friday, September 16th

*Playing and/or written assessment(s) (these are always posted on Miss Jaques’ website and on the board in the classroom)


15: School Starts


5: No School

8: Band Open House- stop by any time between 5:30-7:00 pm. This is only if you have a Band question and is just a stop by and ask event. You will need to enter from the doors on the side of the band room that are in between the little cave area before the parking lot on the side of the school.


13: Bonus Band Spooky Concert with Orchestra and Drama. This is an OPTIONAL event where students can see band, orchestra, and drama perform. J Start time of Concert is 6:00 pm and end time of concert is approximately 7:30 pm (concert is free and we would love to have you attend).

13: End of 1st 9 Weeks

14: Students No School

20: 1st 9 weeks Superior Party (invite required)

28: No School


23-25: No School


5: No after school practice this week

6: Winter Concert at Windy Ridge Cafeteria (MANDATORY FOR ALL BAND STUDENTS)

Students must be in concert uniform in the band room by 6:30 pm (students are allowed to stay after school if needed)

Start time of concert is 7:00 pm and end time of concert is approximately 8:00 pm (it is MANDATORY that all band students stay for the entire concert)

16: End of 2nd 9 weeks

19-Jan.3: No School


T.B.A.: Band Open House with music stores Band Room & Music Shack. This night will be available to you to try to help you and your child get their Band Instrument and supplies. J

5: 2nd 9 weeks Superior Party (invite required)

16: Student’s No School


20: No School


16: End of 3rd 9 Weeks

17: Student’s No School

20-24: Spring Break

30: 3rd 9 weeks Superior Party (invite required)


28: No School


12: Band Concert from Favorite Popular “Radio” Music in Windy Ridge Cafeteria (MANDATORY FOR ALL BAND STUDENTS)

Students must be in concert uniform in the band room by 6:00 pm (students are allowed to stay after school if needed)

Start time of concert is 7:00 pm and end time of concert is approximately 8:00 pm

25: 4th 9 weeks Superior Party (invite required)

29: No School

31: Last day of school

All dates are subject to change. Students will receive notice of all changes.

Please detach and return to Miss Jaques by Friday, August 26th with your $25.00 SUPPLY FEE (or financial help form)

Information & Consent Form

Student Name: ______Grade: ______

Every Day Classroom Teacher Name (their 4th grade teacher name): ______


Contact #1:

Name: ______Relationship to Student: ______

Contact Number(s):______

E-Mail Address: ______

Contact #2:

Name: ______Relationship to Student: ______

Contact Number(s):______

E-Mail Address: ______

Band Newsletter and “Remind” App:

Please circle any e-mail address above that would like to receive our monthly band newsletters.

There is a new app that allows Miss Jaques to send reminder texts to a class period. These would only occur for important upcoming band dates that relate to your child’s band class. If you would like to receive these reminders please circle ALL contact numbers that should receive them. Also, if you are okay with your child receiving these reminder texts please list their cell phone number below:


Parental Consent for Photographs/Videotaping

Miss Jaques is planning several educational activities/performances throughout the school year. I grant permission for the student named above to participate in all Windy Ridge Band Department activities from August 15th, 2016 through May 31st, 2017. I also understand that my student may be photographed/videotaped in conjunction with these activities for educational/publicity purposes.

Rehearsal/Concert Agreement

The success of any music program is dependent on teamwork, with each student completing his/her assigned task. Following is a quote from the Orange County Public Schools' course descriptions for performance-oriented classes. "As a co-curricular performance-oriented activity, attendance is required for rehearsals and performances beyond regular school hours."

These include:

-2 School Concerts and rehearsals as required (may have 2 mandatory practices after school right before the scheduled concerts---will give you information/date well in advance)

It is understood that attendance at these functions are mandatory, and an unexcused absence may result in lowering the student's grade. Exceptions to this policy are:

Religious holidays

Disabled students whose disability prohibits participation

Documented illness

Family emergency (approved by School Administration or Miss Jaques)

Also, to have a successful Band Program students must always practice, participate in a positive manner, and be present during in-class time instruction to make sure that students are aware of all details relating to all band events. In the case of a student not participating correctly or missing class time (due to excused or unexcused absences and also includes any school suspensions) Miss Jaques may need to not have your child participate in band events.

I have received a copy of “Windy Ridge 4th Grade Band Handbook 2016-2017.” I understand all items discussed and understand that if any conflicts arise I will make sure to contact Miss Jaques as soon as possible. I acknowledge that I will be held accountable for all information contained within this handout.


Printed Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian Signature