Anthony I. Jack CV 19 January 2019 page 1/18
Curriculum Vitae
Anthony I. Jack
Full Citizen of United Kingdom and United States of America
Citizen by descent of New Zealand
Academic History:
2014 – PresentDirector of Research, Inamori International Center for Ethics and Excellence
2014 – PresentAssociate Professor with tenure
2012 – PresentSecondary appointment in
Department of Neurosciences
Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
2010 – Present Secondary appointments Department of Neurology
Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
2010 – 2012Secondary appointment Department of Bioethics
Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
2008 – PresentSecondary appointments in:
Department of Philosophy,
Department of Psychology
Case Western Reserve University
2007 – PresentAssistant Professor
Department of Cognitive Science
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, OH, USA
2002 – 2007Post-doctoral Research Associate
Department of Neurology
Washington University School of Medicine
St Louis, MO, USA
Supervisor: Maurizio Corbetta
1998 – 2001Post-doctoral Research Fellow
Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience
& Functional Imaging Laboratories
University College London, UK
Supervisors: Christopher D. Frith & Timothy Shallice
1994 – 1998PhD student
Department of Psychology
University College London, UK
“Perceptual Awareness in Visual Masking”
Supervisor: Tim Shallice.
Examiners: John Duncan & Herman Muller
1990 - 1994B. Sc., Psychology & Philosophy
Balliol College
Oxford University, UK.
1989 –1990Student Science Research Assistant
HarwellPhysics Laboratories, UK.
Peer reviewedArticles:
Boyatzis RE, Rochford K and Jack AI (2014) Antagonistic neural networks underlying differentiated leadership roles. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 8:114. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00114
French, S. E., & Jack, A. I. (in press). Dehumanizing the Enemy: The Intersection of Neuroethics and Military Ethics. In D. Whetham (Ed.), The Responsibility to Protect: Alternative Perspectives: Martinus Nijhoff. Due in print late 2014
Jack, A. I. (in press). A scientific case for conceptual dualism: The problem of consciousness and the opposing domains hypothesis. In J. Knobe, T. Lombrozo & S. Nichols (Eds.), Oxford Studies in Experimental Philosophy (Vol. 1): Oxford University Press. Due in print Oct 2014
Jack, Anthony I., Philip Robbins, Jared P. Friedman, and Chris D. Meyers (2014). "More than a feeling: Counterintuitive effects of compassion on moral judgment," in J. Sytsma (ed.),Advances in Experimental Philosophy of Mind, London: Bloomsbury, 125-179.
Kubit, B. & Jack, A. I.(2013) Rethinking the role of the rTPJ in attention and social cognition in light of the opposing domains hypothesis: findings from an ALE-based meta-analysis and resting-state functional connectivity.Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.
Jack, A.I., Boyatzis, R., Khawaja, M., Passarelli, A. & Leckie, R. (2013) Visioning in the Brain: an fMRI Study of Inspirational Coaching and MentoringSocial Neuroscience
Jack, A.I., Dawson, A.J., Norr, M.E. (2013) Seeing Human: distinct and overlapping neural signatures associated with two forms of dehumanization. Neuroimage, 79C, 313-328. doi: S1053-8119(13)00468-0
Jack, A. I., Dawson, A., Begany, K., Leckie, R. L., Barry, K, Ciccia, A, Snyder, A. (2012) fMRI evidence of reciprocal inhibition between social and physical cognitive domains, Neuroimage, 66C, 385-401. doi: S1053-8119(12)01064-6
Jack, A. I. & Robbins, P (2012). The phenomenal stance revisited. Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 3 (3): 383-403,
Sestieri, C., Sylvester C.M., Jack A.I.,d’Avossa G., Shulman G.L., Corbetta M., (2008) Independence of anticipatory signals for spatial attention from number of nontarget stimuli in the visual field. J Neurophysiol.100(2):829-38.
Sylvester C.M., Jack A.I., Corbetta M., Shulman G.L. (2008) Anticipatory suppression of non-attended locations in visual cortex marks target location and predicts perception.J Neurosci. 28(26):6549-56
Sylvester C.M., Shulman G.L., Jack A.I., Corbetta M. (2007) Asymmetry of anticipatory activity in visual cortex predicts the locus of attention and perception. J Neurosci.27(52):14424-33.
Jack, A. I., Patel, G. H., Astafiev, S. V., Snyder, A. Z., Akbudak, E., Shulman, G. L., & Corbetta, M. (2007) Changing human visual field organization from early visual to extra-occipital cortex. PLoS ONE 2(5): e452
Jack, A. I., Shulman, G. L., Snyder, A. Z., McAvoy, M., & Corbetta, M. (2006). Separate modulations of human V1 associated with spatial attention and task structure. Neuron, 51(1), 135-147.
Robbins, P., & Jack, A. I. (2006). The phenomenal stance.Philosophical Studies, 127(1), 59-85.
Gallagher, H. L., Jack, A. I., Roepstorff, A., & Frith, C. D. (2002). Imaging the intentional stance in a competitive game. Neuroimage, 16(3), 814-821.
Jack, A. I.,Roepstorff, A. (2002). Introspection and cognitive brain mapping: From stimulus-response to script-report. Trends In Cognitive Sciences, 6(8), 333-339.
Summerfield, C., Jack, A. I., & Burgess, A. P. (2002). Induced gamma activity is associated with conscious awareness of pattern masked nouns. International Journal Of Psychophysiology, 44(2), 93-100.
Jack, A. I.,Shallice, T. (2001). Introspective physicalism as an approach to the science of consciousness.Cognition, 79(1-2), 161-196.
Edited books/collections:
Boyer, P., Robbins, P., & Jack, A. I. (2005).The brain and its self.Consciousness and Cognition, 14(4)
Jack, A. I.Roepstorff, A. (2004) Trusting the subject?The use of introspective evidence in cognitive science. Volume 2 Journal of Consciousness Studies, 11(7-8)
Jack, A. I.Roepstorff, A. (2003) Trusting the subject?The use of introspective evidence in cognitive science. Volume 1 Journal of Consciousness Studies, 10(9-10)
Editor refereed papers / Commentaries / Book reviews
Jack, A. I. (2013). Introspection: The tipping point. Consciousness and Cognition, 22(2), 670-671. doi: 10.1016/j.concog.2013.03.005
Jack, A. I. (2012). Is It at All Possible to Think Emotionally and Logically at the Same Time? Science and Religion Today.
Jack, A. I. (2012).Setting a New Default for Brain Health Using fMRI. Neurological Institute Journal, 5(1), 23-27
Jack, A. I. (2011).Describing Inner Experience? Proponent Meets Skeptic.Philosophical Psychology, 24 (2), 283-287
Robbins, P., & Jack, A. I.(2006) An unconstrained mind: Explaining belief in the afterlife.Behavioral And Brain Sciences, 29 (5), 484
Jack, A. I., Sylvester, C. M., & Corbetta, M. (2006). Losing our brainless minds: How neuroimaging informs cognition. Cortex, 42(3), 418-421.
Jack, A. I. (2006). How well do you know yourself? Trends In Cognitive Sciences, 10(10), 433-434
Boyer, P., Robbins, P., & Jack, A. I. (2005).Varieties of self-systems worth having. Editorial. Consciousness And Cognition, 14(4), 647-660.
Jack, A. I., & Robbins, P. (2004). The illusory triumph of machine over mind: Wegner's eliminativism and the real promise of psychology. Behavioral And Brain Sciences, 27(5), 665-+.
Jack, A. I., & Prinz, J. J. (2004). Searching for a scientific experience. Journal Of Consciousness Studies, 11(1), 51-56.
Roepstorff, A., & Jack, A. I. (2004). Trust or interaction? Editorial. Journal Of Consciousness Studies, 11(7-8), V-XXII.
Jack, A. I.,Roepstorff, A. (2003). Why trust the subject? Editorial. Journal Of Consciousness Studies, 10(9-10), V-XX.
Jack, A. I.,Roepstorff, A. (2002). The 'measurement problem' for experience: Damaging flaw or intriguing puzzle? Response to schooler.Trends In Cognitive Sciences, 6(9), 372-374.
Jack, A. I. (2001). Consciousness lost and found: A neuropsychological explanation. Mind & Language, 16(1), 101-107.
Technical manual:
Jack, A. I. (2003) How to use the 3T Allegra.Washington University Internal Document.
I pioneered the use of the Siemens Allegra 3T scanner at Wash. U. for BOLD studies, and authored the first version of this manual. It includes practical instructions, results of tests to optimise the scanner, and discussion of analysis issues. The first version of the manual which I authored has served as a basis and model for later versions, to which many have now contributed and which continues to be updated.
Manuscripts under review
Naasan, G., Hudson, R., Leckie, R.L., Albo, Z., Lerner, A. & Jack, A.I. fMRI of the Capgras Delusion and asymmetry of the fusiform face area.
Jack, A.I., Taylor, S., Boyatzis, R. & Friedman, J.A novel dual-process account of religious belief.
Feng, I.J., Jack, A.I.,Tatsuoka, C. Dynamic adjustment of stimuli in real time fMRI.
Manuscripts in preparation (working titles)
Shepherd, K. A., Rabinovich, R., Fresco, D.M., Jack, A. I.Individual differences in cognitive reappraisal and affect labeling predict neural activity associated with linguistic processing of emotional informationPostersand talks presented. Manuscript in revision
Jack, A.I.,Boyatzis, R.E., AbouZeki, D., Passarelli, A., Dawson, A.J. Coaching with compassion alters neural mechanisms of stress processing. Posters and talkspresented, manuscript in preparation.
AbouZeki, D., Boyatzis, R.E., Passarelli, A., & Jack, A.I.Coaching with compassion helps you see the big picture: fMRI reveals neural overlap between different styles of coaching and visual attention. Poster presented. Manuscript in preparation
Jack, A.I.,Consciousness and Callousness: moral concern distinguishes scientific from folk conceptions of the mind. Presented at multiple conferences, manuscript under revision
Tillem, S., & Jack, A.I. ALE Based Meta-Analyses of Social, Mnemonic, and Action
Related Processes Support the Opposing Domains Hypothesis. Multiple poster versions presented – comprehensivereview and meta-analysis paper. Manuscript in revision
Gabriel, J., & Jack, A.I.Individual and gender differences demonstrate a trade-off between empathetic concern and physical reasoning abilities. Poster presented, manuscript in revision
Friedman, J., & Jack, A.I. Are you sure you don’t believe in God? Divergent relationships between dogmatism and prosocial sentiments in the religious and non-religious.Poster presented, manuscript in revision
Tubi, M., & Jack, A.I.Exploring the Function of the Inferior Pre-Central Gyrus: Left-Right Asymmetry in Abnormal Populations. Poster presented, manuscript in revision
Jack, A.I., & Smyth, S.F. The Role of the Default Mode Network in Self Perception and Social Attachment.Manuscript in revision
Norr, M.E., & Jack, A.I. Yoga increases, video games decrease, facial emotion recognition. Presented talk, manuscript in revision
Jack, A.I., Youngner, S.J., Norr, M.E., Zirngibl, W., Waller, S. & French, S. Moral Boundaries and the Neural Basis of Prejudice: Common Neural Circuitry Associated with Body and Social Schema Violation. Poster presented, manuscript in preparation
Kubit, B., & Jack, A.I.Does Neuroscience Threaten Our Humanity? Endorsement of Non-Medical Uses of Neurotechnologyis Associated with Anti-Social Personality. Poster presented, manuscript in preparation
Wu, C., Ray, S., Jack, A.I. On functional annotation of the human brain by combining resting state connectivity and activation foci.Poster presented, manuscript in revision
Jack, A.I. A New Problem for Cognitive Subtraction: using rest to distinguish activation from suppression. Presented talk, manuscript in preparation
Fellowships and Awards:
2014Forestry service Research Contract (with Richard Boyatzis) “Emotional Intelligence and Neurological Activation CharacteristicsOf Incident Team Commanders in the National Forestry Service” Approved for phases I and II: $93,000.
Anticipated for phase III:$ 86,040
2013/2014WP Jones fund in College of Arts and Sciences.A novel objective test of experiential reasoning.Principle Investigator, awarded $3,900
Competitive grant for Junior faculty at college of Arts & Sciences.
2012Spitz Brain Health Fellowship. Use of fMRI to optimize brain health interventions.Principle Investigator, awarded $50,000
Competitive grant open to researchers across the University.
2011/2012Alliance grant (Provost’s Office, CWRU) Examining the Activation of Neural Substrates When Coaching/Mentoring Students through Inspiration or Compliance. co-PI with Richard Boyatzis, awarded $49,063
Competitive grant open to researchers across the University
2011/2012 WP Jones fund in College of Arts and Sciences. From neuroimaging to human performance: biological limits on empathy and analytic thought. Principle Investigator, awarded $3,966
Competitive grant for Junior faculty at college of Arts & Sciences.
2006-2010National Science Foundation grant: “Collaborative Research: Theoretical and Conceptual Advances in the Cognitive Neuroscience of Self Representation” Principal Investigator, awarded $52,444.
2004-2005Institutional National Research Service Award 5-T32-EY13360-04, from the National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health
1999Summer Institute in Cognitive Neuroscience, Dartmouth
1998-2001Wellcome Trust Postdoctoral Fellowship in Cognitive Neuroscience
1997 European Summer School in Cognitive Neuroscience, Trieste, Italy
1994-1997Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Councilpostgraduate grant for PhD research.
Collaborator funding supporting Neuroimaging costs
2013 David Fresco, Joe Callabrese, Shirley Moore. Collaborative pooling of funds for imaging research on Depression. $20,000 direct
2013 David Fresco, PI, Internal Award. Dissociable neural markers of anxious depression.$10,000 direct
Funding supporting student summer research
The SOURCE office at CWRU has awarded five undergraduate students summer salary to work exclusively on projects in my laboratory, through competitive applications with my sponsorship as a mentor.
Declined Funding Applications
The Mind in Conflict: Integrating Scientific, Philosophical and Applied Approaches to Dehumanization. Letter of Intent to Templeton Foundation. $2,700,000
Spitz Brain Health FellowshipHOPE intervention pilot. Pilot project to manualize an intervention for elderly depressed men which combines Richard Boyatzis’s Coaching with Compassion intervention with Martha Sajatovic’sTargeted Training in Illness Management intervention. $50,000
Coaching Others to Develop an Inspired Personal Vision. New Paths to Purpose,University of Chicago, Program Funded by the Templeton Foundation. $250,000
The New Science of the Soul: Combining Philosophy, Neuroscience and Psychology to Found a New Experimental Theology. Templeton Foundation $400,000
The Mind in Conflict: Integrating Military, Scientific and Philosophical Approaches to Dehumanization, Soul Perception, and Moral Conduct. Templeton Foundation. 2,700,000
Biobehavioral Markers of Response to Self-Management of Depression.NINR P30 grant. $95,000
Neural Correlates of Mindfulness Enriched Behavioral Activation for Major Depression. Depressive and Bipolar Disorder Alternative Treatment Foundation. $300,000
Neural Mechanisms of Emotion Regulation Therapy for Anxious Depression.CTSC letter of intent. $50,000
Application of a Novel fMRI Social Cognition Network Analysis in Chronic Pelvic Pain.CTSC letter of intent. $50,000
Evoked Potentials in the Brain’s Default Mode Network. Interdisciplinary Alliance Investment Grants. $50,000
Neural Basis of Effective Helping.Interdisciplinary Alliance Investment Grants.$50,000
Optimizing Education through Brain Research. Spenser Foundation. $40,000 2012-2013
Realizing Potential with Compassion. Templeton Foundation. $400,000 2011-2013
Neural basis of individual differences in Social and Spatial cognition. National Science Foundation 2010-2013 $590,000
Designing effective interventions for heterogeneous cognitive profiles in ASD Autism Speaks. 1/2011-1/2013 $120,000
CRCNS: Global Functional Annotation of the Human Brain via Integration of Diverse Data Sources NIH/NSF 2010-2014 $650,000
Interventions in Ageing NIH Challenge grant 2010-11
Biological and cultural constraints on Moral Imagination.Templeton through University Chicago. $300,000
The John Merck Scholars Program 2010-2014 $300,000
Targeting High LH in Menopausal Women with Cognitive-Related Deficits Alzheimer’s Association 2010-2011 $250,000
Appreciative Inquiry: Building an Affirmation Model of Health Behavior Change, NIH, 2010-2015 subcontract for $200,000
Neural systems supporting compassionate vs. Compliant coaching 7/2008-7/2009 Presidential Research Initiative $58,325
Neural Architecture of the Mind-Body Problem.James S. McDonnell Foundation Scholar Award. $600,000 2009-2015
Characterizing the Continua of Consciousness and Choice 1/2008 - 1/2010STARS TempletonFoundation $100,000
Tailoring individual therapies for adolescents using Virtual Reality and fMRI. Autism Speaks. 1/2008-1/2010 $120,000
Talks/Posters (since latest appointment):
Nov 8th, 2013 "Cognitive neuroscience of the balanced, and unbalanced, mind" 4th Annual CET coaches conference, Cleveland, Ohio
October 26, 2013 “Developing Wisdom to Offset Aging: Brain Imaging Reveals
Mechanisms of Stress Inoculation, Empathy and Healthy Aging” From Neurodegeneration to Brain Health: An Integrated Approach, conference sponsored by UH/CWRU, Cleveland, Ohio
October 11 2013 “A Scientific Case for Conceptual Dualism: The Problem of Consciousness and the Opposing Domains Hypothesis” Opening talk (selected by peer review) for the Annual Experimental Philosophy Conference, SUNY University at Buffalo.
Sept 27th 2013 “What is neuro-nonsense? A snapshot a discipline in awkward adolescence” Dept. of Organizational Behaviour, CWRU
August 23rd, 2013 “The Two Halves of your Brain - What Brain Sciences tells us about Higher Cognition”. Think seminar for incoming first years at CWRU
May 25 2013 “ALE Based Meta-Analyses of Social, Mnemonic, and Action
Related Processes Support the Opposing Domains Hypothesis” Poster presented at Annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, Washington DC.
May 1 2013 “The Neural Bases of Dehumanization” New School of Social Research, Psychology Department
April 19th, 2013 Source Intersections Posters
Friedman: Are you sure you don’t believe in God?- winner 2nd place in Social Sciences
Gabriel: Individual and gender differences demonstrate a trade-off between empathetic concern and physical reasoning abilities
April 12th, 2013 Research ShowCASE
AbouZeki: Coaching with compassion alters neural mechanisms of stress processing
Feng: Dynamic adjustment of stimuli in real time fMRI
Tillem: Social Brain Meta-Analysis
Friedman: Are you sure you don’t believe in God?
April 4 2013 “Military Ethics and Dehumanizing the enemy” CWRU Public Affairs Discussion Group / Inamori International Center for Ethics and Excellence
Feb 22 2013 “Cultivating Empathic Design in an Analytical World” Wisdom 2.0 conference in San Francisco
Feb 11 2013 “The default network and the opposing domains hypothesis” University of New England
Dec 3rd 2012 “The default network and the opposing domains hypothesis” Rotman Research Institute, Toronto, Canada.
Nov 17th 2012 “How Analytic Tasks Suppress Neural Networks Used for Social Cognition, and Visa Versa” and “An fMRI Study of Followers Reactions to Moments with Resonant, Effective Leaders from Their Lives versus Dissonant Leaders from Their Lives “ Decision Sciences Institute conference in San Francisco, CA.
Nov 16th 2012 “What introspection teaches: the brain reveals two ways to understand the mind” Philosophy of Science Association 2012, Panel on "Introspective Evidence in the Study of Perception" San Diego, CA
Sept 28th 2012 “The neuroscience of hope. The hope of neuroscience.fMRI of coaching with compassion” School of Business, Aarhus University, Denmark
Sept 27th 2012 “The new science of the soul: the biological origin of the problem of consciousness, and why neuroscience will never solve the problem” Consciousness lab meeting, Aarhus University, Denmark
Sept 25th 2012 “fMRI reveals a fundamental division between social and physical cognition” MindLAB meeting, Aarhus University, Denmark
Sept 11th, 2012 “From philosophical paradox to the structure of cognition: the neural origin of the problem of consciousness” Cognitive Science Student Organization talk, CWRU.
August 24th, 2012 “The Two Halves of your Brain - What Brain Sciences tells us about Higher Cognition”. Meet the faculty talk for incoming first years at CWRU
August 4th, 2012 Symposium speaker and co-chair “Perceptions of consciousness: perspectives from philosophy, neuroscience and psychology” American Psychological Association conference Orlando, Florida
June 15th, 2012 with Shannon French“Honor, Empathy, and Dehumanizing Our Enemies: New Insights at the Intersection of Neuroethics and Military Ethics” European chapter of the International Society for Military Ethics, UK Defence Academy, Shrivenham, England
May 11, 2012 “Analytic versus social neural networks” Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence, Boston
April 20th, 2012 Source Intersections Posters:
- Scott Tillem & Anthony Jack: The social Brain: An ALE Based Meta-Analysis of Social Cognition in the Brain – winner 1st place in Social Sciences
- MeralTubi & Anthony Jack “Exploring the Function of the Inferior Pre-Central Gyrus: Left-Right Asymmetry in Abnormal Populations”- winner 2nd place in Social Sciences
April 19th, 2012 Graduate seminar in Bioethics"Bioethics from the perspective of the psychology and neuroscience of ethics", CWRU Department of Bioethics
April 13th, 2012Plenary talk. “Why don’t psychopaths believe in dualism? The role of opposing brain networks” Towards a Science of Consciousness, Loews Ventana Canyon Resort Hotel, Tucson, Arizona.
Feb 15th, 2012 Keynote talk: “Fear and the Balanced Brain: What differentiates healthy from dysfunctional fear?”Hillel Foundation event at Great Lakes Science Museum