PROPOSED REVISION TO: REG 02.20.6 Course Repeat Regulation
Rationale: In response to Chancellor Woodson’s PRR review initiative, we are requesting this
regulation be separated into two REGs –one to cover multiple attempts of the same course without grade
forgiveness (described in REG 02.20.6) and one to cover the Grade Exclusion process with grade
forgiveness (described in the new REG 02.20.XX). The revisions to the Course Repeat regulation are
intended to limit the number of unsuccessful course attempts by students and to provide an opportunity
for intervention and prevent further negative impacts to students’ GPA.
Consultation Process:
4/25/11Vice Provost of Enrollment Management and Services authorizes transmittal of PRR for review
4/26/11 Academic Policy Sub-Committee of the Faculty Senate approval
5/5/11Council of Associate Deans approval
8/17/11General Counsel preliminary review
______Provost review
______General Counsel final review, if changes have been made
______8/23/11__EOM, or official with delegated authority to review PRR
______University Council (notification)
Policies, Regulations and Rules / Authority
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
Undergraduate Course[MGJ1] Repeat Regulation
PRR Subject
Courses, Undergraduate
Contact Info
Department Registration and Records (919)515-2572
History: First Issued: 1966. Last Revised: 1993.
Additional References:Listing of Approved Substitute Courses for the First Year Course Repeat Policy REG02.20.XX Grade Exclusion
1. General regulationELIGIBILITY
1.1. Undergraduate Sstudents may repeat a course for credit once without permission if the previous attempt was completed with a grade of D+ or less. Students must have permission from the Dean of their respective college to attempt a course for credit more than twice.
1.2 A student must obtain his or her adviser's approval before repeating any course previously passed with a C- or better. No approval shall be given when:
(a).The student wishes to repeat a course in which a grade of A or B has already been earned;
(b)The student wishes to repeat a lower division course that they have passed with a grade of C- or better after having successfully completed an advanced course dealing with the
same subject matter;
(c)The student wishes to repeat a lower level course that they have passed with a C- or better which is a prerequisite for an advanced course that they had already successfully completed; or,
(d)A student wishes to take an introductory course after they have successfully completed an advanced course dealing with similar material.
1.3. Students should not register again for any courses in which they have IN grades; such registration does not remove IN grades; and the completion of the course on the second occasion will automatically result in an F for the uncompleted course.
Students must have permission of their Dean to attempt a course for credit more than twice.
Except as noted in the Grade Exclusion rule, grades for all attempts will be included in the who repeat a course, regardless if the grade previously made, will have both grades counted in their cumulative grade point average.
1.24. Undergraduate students may be allowed as many semester hoursattempts as are appropriate in the departmental curriculum for courses that:
1.2.1.(a)are Are titled seminar, special problems, special topics, independent study or research (and are usually numbered 490-499 or 590-599), and
1.2.2. (b)cover Cover topics different from those studied when the courses were taken previously.
Unless a course satisfies one or the other of the above conditions, the semester hours will be counted only once toward the number of hours required for graduation even though students repeat and pass the course both times.
Except as provided in the regulation on Grade Exclusion (REG 2.20.XX), grades for all attempts will be included in the cumulative grade point average.
1.3. The adviser's approval is required for students to repeat any course previously passed with a C- or better. No approval can be given for repeating a course in which a grade of A or B has already been earned; nor will it be given when:
1.3.1. students wish to repeat a lower division course that they have passed with a grade of C- or better after having successfully completed an advanced course dealing with the same subject matter;
1.3.2. students wish to repeat a lower level course that they have passed with a C- or better which is a prerequisite for an advanced course that they had already successfully completed; or,
1.3.3. students wish to take an introductory course after they have successfully completed an advanced course dealing with similar material.
1.4. Students must not register again for any courses in which they have IN grades; such registration does not remove IN grades; and the completion of the course on the second occasion will automatically result in an F for the uncompleted course.
2. First Year Course Repeat Effective Date - Fall 1998
(For courses first attempted Fall 1995 and afterwards) (Link to: Previous version)
2.1. The first-year course repeat policy is a policy of forgiveness that helps new NCSU undergraduate students maintain good academic standing. The policy is necessary because new students lack familiarity with the University, and as a result, they are more likely to make errors in their choice of courses and total course load.
2.2. Effects
2.2.1. The eligible student who repeats a course while electing that the first-year course repeat policy apply will have the grade points and the credit hours attempted and earned on the first completion of the course removed from the calculation of the cumulative grade point average and from the calculation of the total hours attempted regardless of the grade earned on the second attempt. The modification of the cumulative grade point average which will result from the removal of the grade points and credit hours attempted and earned on the first completion of the course will be calculated and recorded on the student's record after the second completion of the course.
2.2.2. The course title and grade for the first completion will be shown on the official record with a code (R) to indicate that it was repeated and that the first grade was removed from the computation of the cumulative grade point average.
2.2.3. The recorded grade point average of the student for the semester in which the course was originally taken will not be changed.
2.2.4. Repeating a course and exercising the first-year course repeat policy does not retroactively change the status of the student as to semester academic honors, academic warning, probation, or suspension in prior semesters.
2.2.5. Many graduate and professional schools recompute grade point averages in the process of considering an applicant for admission to such programs. This recomputation of grade point averages may include restoring the cumulative grade point average effects of initial attempts at courses repeated under this policy.
2.3. Eligibility
2.3.1. the initial attempt and the repeat under this policy must be an NCSU course;
2.3.2. the course being repeated was completed for the first time after the 1995 Fall Semester;
2.3.3. the course being repeated must be at the 100- or 200-level;
2.3.4. the student received a grade below C- in the course that is repeated;
2.3.5. both attempts of the course were for letter grades; no unsuccessful audits or credit-only attempts may be repeated nor may repeats under the policy be made for audit or credit-only;
2.3.6. the student has not received credit for an advanced course dealing with the same subject matter as the course being repeated; and,
2.3.7. the first attempt of the course must have occurred within 12 months of the student's initial enrollment in any classification at NCSU; this period is not lengthened by voluntary or involuntary failure to enroll in subsequent semesters or summer sessions, nor by enrolling at less than a minimum full-time load, following the initial date of enrollment;
2.3.8. the second attempt is for the same course or for an approved substitute course (see "Listing of Approved Substitute Courses for the First Year Course Repeat Policy");
2.3.9. the second attempt occurs in a regular semester or summer session which ends within 12 months of the completion of the first attempt of the course; if the course is not available during that period or if the student is not enrolled when it is available, then the second attempt must occur in the next regular semester during which the student is enrolled at NCSU and the course is available;
2.3.10. the total number of courses repeated by the student under this policy will not exceed two (2) courses nor will the total of the hours of such courses exceed eight (8) hours, nor will the total number of courses repeated under this policy combined with those repeated under the Course Repeat Without Penalty Policy exceed three (3) courses nor will the total hours of such courses exceed twelve (12) hours;
2.3.11. the Notice of Exercise of First Year Course Repeat Policy is filed by the student with the Department of Registration and Records on or before the "last day to drop a course without a grade for courses at the 400 level and below" of the semester or summer session in which the course is repeated.
2.4. Procedures
2.4.1. Students are advised to consult with their academic advisers in making the decision to elect a course repeat under this policy.
2.4.2. The student must submit a Notice of Exercise of First Year Course Repeat Policy to the Department of Registration and Records on or before the last day to drop a course without a grade at the 400 level or below of the semester or summer session in which the course is repeated. Forms may be obtained from faculty advisers, departmental coordinators of advising, associate deans for academic programs, and the Department of Registration and Records
2.5. Warning Regarding Timing of Filing Necessary Forms
This policy requires the election of the repeat under the policy to be made early in the semester during which the repeat of the course is being attempted. Thus, requests to either apply the course repeat policy to a course repeated in a prior semester, or to reverse a prior application of the repeat policy are inconsistent with the policy.
[MGJ1]RE02.45.2 Governs graduate course repeats.