Area to Volume Exploration


Group Members______

You will work with your group members, but each student will turn in their own paper.


The class is having a day celebration, and your group has been assigned the task of bringing in the cookies. You go to the supermarket, and you see this cookie display case:

Large cookies have a 6 inch diameter. Medium cookies each have a diameter of 3 inches. Small cookies each have a diameter of 2 inches. The bakery will box the cookies so that you can get the largest one in one box, four medium cookies in one box, or 9 small cookies in one box so they look like this:

1 Large Cookie 4 Medium Cookies 9 Small Cookies

Your team’s mission is to determine which type of cookie will give the class the most cookie! (Hint: Find the area of the cookies in each package!)

Describe how you determined your team’s decision by showing all work.

Which package will provide the most cookie for your class?______


Cylinders versus Cones

Your class is having another celebration, this time it is time

to recognize volume. Your team is now in charge of providing
drinks for your classmates. Your paper cup options are shown
on the right.

When your team measures across the openings as shown, both
paper cups are exactly 20 cm across. The cone-shaped cup is
15 cm tall, and the cylinder-shaped cup is 6 cm tall.

Which cup will allow your classmates to hold more juice? ______
By how much?______

What can you tell about the relationship between the volume of both cups, considering that they both have the same diameter?




Cylinders, Cones, Spheres, and Composite Shapes

And finally, at the end of the unit, your class has one more celebration. This one is a night time ceremony in which you will be displaying candles that your class makes. The candles will be made from four different colored waxes.

Each team of students has a different candle to make. Your team is going to make the red candles, another team is making the blue candles, a third team is responsible for making the yellow candles, and a fourth team will be making the green candles. Each team’s candle will be in a different shape.

Your teacher has told you that the team who uses the least amount of wax will get a special treat.

Which team is getting the special treat? ______Show all of your work in the boxes provided. Round to the nearest tenth only in the final step of your work.

What do you notice about the different dimensions of the candles?