Little Paxton Primary School
Pupil Premium Funding 2013 - 2014
Overview / The Pupil Premium is designed to ensure that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it most. The funding is allocated to Local Authorities and schools with pupils from Reception to Y11 who are eligible for free school meals (FSM), are looked after or have parents currently in the Armed Forces. From April 2012 the coverage of the Premium was widened to include those eligible for FSM at any point in the last six years.Total amount allocated to the school for the current academic year. / £35550
Explain how the previous year’s allocation was spent? / Ø To subsidise / pay for school day trips organised to enhance the children’s learning.
Ø To subsidise children to attend the residential visits:
Ø To provide additional individual or small group tuition programmes for those who need a boost to their learning in order to reach their potential:
Ø To support the cost of employing an inclusion worker to support pupils to overcome barriers to learning resulting from their behaviour / social issues / deprivation
Ø To support children’s learning in the classroom by providing extra TA support hours for the most vulnerable / needy in numeracy and literacy
Ø To pay for / subsidise visitors into school:
Ø To pay for a lunchtime cooking club for two FSM children as a behaviour improvement strategy – Autumn 2012
Ø To subsidise school uniform costs – Autumn 2012
Ø To ensure that the children who qualify for free school meals have their needs clearly identified and their progress closely monitored through school
Ø To purchase additional resources to support numeracy and literacy learning – in particular new reading books to support those who most need them.
How will the money be spent this academic year? / Ø To subsidise / pay for school day trips organised to enhance the children’s learning.
Ø To subsidise children to attend the residential visits
Ø To provide additional individual or small group tuition programmes for those who need a boost to their learning in order to reach their potential
Ø To ensure that the children who qualify for free school meals have their needs clearly identified and their progress closely monitored through school
Ø To purchase additional resources to support numeracy and literacy learning – in particular new reading books to support those who most need them
Ø To support the cost of employing an inclusion worker to support pupils to overcome barriers to learning resulting from their behaviour / social issues / deprivation
Ø To support children’s learning in the classroom by providing extra TA support hours for the most vulnerable / needy in numeracy and literacy
Ø To pay for / subsidise visitors into school
Ø To subsidise attendance at our SWIFTS wrap –around care club for a vulnerable child
Ø To support Y6 pupils by organizing extra booster and intervention sessions for numeracy and reading during out-of-school hours – Maths breakfast club and After school Reading Club run by teaching staff / HLTA
Ø Purchase of 3 additional iPads to support specific learning needs in the classroom of 3 children
Ø First Class @ Number training for 2 TAs + 1 extra session for 2 further TAs
Ø Reading intervention training for 6 TAs
Action / Cost / Impact
To subsidise / pay for school day trips / visitors / £865 / This enabled many disadvantaged children from across the school to take full part in the day activities and trips which their families could not afford – as per our charging and remissions policy. They were therefore able to access all the learning experiences.
To subsidise children to attend the residential visits / £280 / This enabled 2 children to take part in the Y4 Burwell residential trip and 2 Y6 children to go to Hilltop whose families could not afford the whole expense. We believe residential trips to be an integral, and very important part of our curriculum – as per visits policy.
SENCo release time to support high need children / £3870 / In-class support, 1:1 support and small group work.
Children more settled and able to access their learning. Some work ongoing for next year. Continuation with 2 x Y3 pupils needed.
To provide additional individual or small group tuition programmes for those who need a boost to their learning in order to reach their potential / £3500 / - Y1 reading Impact – levels / progress not available yet but teacher assessments up to Spring show improved rates of progress.
- Y2 reading – Impact levels / progress not available yet but teacher assessments up to Spring show improved rates of progress.
- Y5 Maths – ST - Impact levels / progress not available yet but teacher assessments up to Spring show improved rates of progress.
To ensure that the children who qualify for free school meals have their needs clearly identified and their progress closely monitored through school. / £570
(supply cover) / - Staff training time spent looking at qualifying children from each class
- Staff fully aware of need to track all children and to highlight progress of vulnerable groups
- Pupil progress meetings and data analysis focuses on all groups of children
To purchase additional resources to support numeracy and literacy learning / £3720 / - Purchase of dyslexia-friendly reading books – parents and staff agree that this have enabled some children to improve their reading – both attainment and progress
- Maths resources – eg Large-scale Numicon for EYFS to enable those with manual dexterity problems to use the system & also those who learn better outdoors,
- First Class @ number extra resources
- Spelling & Grammar resources For KS2
- Larger print / dictionaries & thesauruses
- Y6 homework / study books
To support the cost of employing an inclusion worker to support pupils to overcome barriers to learning resulting from their behaviour / social issues / deprivation / £3480 / Inclusion worker works an extra 8 hours per week to support vulnerable children. Impact on children’s confidence to make friendships and social skills which, in turn, has enabled them to focus on their learning. Improved rate of progress seen in Reading, Writing and Maths.
To support children’s learning in the classroom by providing extra TA support hours / £5914 / - Y2 - SEN child – able to access curriculum through having 1:1 support at key times during the day
- Y1 & Y2 –facilitated 1:1 work and small group sessions
- Y6 –– used to run grouped English & maths sessions
- Y5 –- reading group intervention in preparation for Y6
- Y1– facilitated 1:1 work and small group sessions
Play leader employed to work with high needs children at lunchtimes / £1140 / - Children more closely supervised
- Children kept occupied and so become less bored and get themselves into less problems with others
- Children’s social skills have improved
Purchase of outdoor equipment for play leader to use with groups at lunchtimes / £680 / - As above
TA hours to support more able children to extend and challenge their learning / £350 / - Children have made accelerated progress in phonics, reading, writing and maths
To subsidise attendance at our SWIFTS wrap –around care club for a vulnerable child / £193.20 / Identified family in need. Agreement to fund 1 hour in the morning and 1 hour in the evening on 2 days per week to enable older sibling to attend secondary school full time.
Impact: On days when SWIFTS attended, child was in school on time having had breakfast and then had tea before going home in the evening. This meant that sibling could attend school full time. Our pupil had 2 guaranteed meals per day. She was more settled in school and able to access her learning more effectively and more consistently.
To support Y6 pupils by organizing extra booster and intervention sessions for numeracy and reading during out-of-school hours – Maths breakfast club and After school Reading Club run by teaching staff / HLTA / £4874 / - Maths breakfast club:TD – Impact – improved confidence (actual results not available yet)
- Reading Club: BP, JC, DH & TD – Improved ability to tackle the questions and understand what is being asked (actual results not available yet)
- L6 Reading group intervention (with Priory Junior) (actual results not available yet)
Support for Looked after child-
Release time to attend review meetings, planning meetings, to complete documentation and to meet with outside agencies / £450 / - LAC is fully supported and integrated into school. All outside agencies fully informed of her progress and attainment. All agencies working closely together.
Purchase of 3 additional iPads to support children with specific learning needs in the classroom / £780 / - Children able to access individualized programmes of study
IPad staff training –attendance at 2 x LA courses – supporting high needs pupils using Ipads within classroom setting / £950 / - 2 teachers and 2 TAs more au fait with APPS available and how to use them to support learning in both class and 1:1 situations
Purchase of APPS and ICT software to support specific needs in learning particular focus on spelling, reading and basic maths skills / £625 / - More resources available to support individual needs and to enhance learning. Children enjoy using the APPS and programs and so are enjoying their learning
First Class @ Number training for 2 TAs & 1 session for extra 2 TAs / £1480 / - Most impact evident in confidence to attack problem solving work. Increase in attainment by an average of 3 APS across groups
Reading interventions training for 6 TAs / £1850 / - TAs more skilled in promoting good progress in reading – they understand the progression of reading skills much better
Total / £35571.20