SECTION 305 NGEC Executive Board


February 15, 2011
8:30am EST
Annual Meeting
Facilitator / Bill Bronte, Chair, S305 NGEC Executive Board
Attendees / Board Members: Bill Bronte, Mario Bergeron, Rod Massman, DJ Stadtler, Mark Yachmetz, Alan Ware, Ron Adams, Caitlin Hughes Rayman, Ray Hessinger, Scott Witt, Pat Simmons, Joe Kyle, Tammy Nicholson (Kevin Lawson via proxy to Tammy Nicholson) Support Staff/Observers: Leo Penne, Shayne Gill, Steve Hewitt, David Ewing, Ken Uznanski, Nancy Greene, Rob Edgcumbe , Greg Gagarin, John Tunna, Kevin Kesler, Dharm Guruswamy, Allan Paul, Andrew Wood, Stan Hunter, Michael Coltman, Stephen O’Connor, Francisco Gonzalez III, Lauren Trimble, Rachel Thompson, Andrea Ryan, Meagan…Chad Edison, Jeff Gordon Industry Representatives: Mike Pracht, Frances Nelson, Norman Forde, Caroline Gliwa, Gene Germaine, Rich Herrschaft, John Quinn, William Smith, Joe Moore, Ken Takeda, Maurice Andriani, Anand Prabhakaran, Chuck Wochele, Joe Quigley, Wolf Reinmann, Roger Patton, Jack Martinson, Robert Furniss, George Mekosh, Larry Salci, Jim Coston, Scott Braverman, Al Bieber, Ted Krohn, Richard Curtis, Bob Doyle, Kevin Bahnline, Richard Trail, John Hill, Kevin Dow, Rodney McGhee, David Stieren, George Barr, Thomas Volpe, Jack Straub, Virginia Verdeja, Jitendra Tomar, Don Itzkoff, Paul Racine, Fran Hooper,
absentees / Board Members: Kevin Lawson (proxy to Tammy Nicholson) Support Staff/Observers: Paul Nissenbaum, Marvin Winston, Drew Galloway, John Bennett, Robin McCarthy, Rich Slattery

Discussions and Decisions made

Welcome/Chairman’s Report – Bill Bronte, NGEC Executive Board Chair:
Chairman Bronte welcomed the Board Members, support staff, and observers attending the first Annual Meeting of the Section 305 Next Generation Equipment Pool Committee (NGEC); and thanked all for their participation in the work of the NGEC. Mr. Bronte noted that the Committee had accomplished a lot over the past year, but still has a long way to go. He touted the successful development of the first PRIIA Specification – the Bi-level car; the development of the Single level standalone car spec (to be considered for approval today); as well as the work that has been done on the Diesel-electric locomotive specification; as examples of a truly collaborative effort among Amtrak, the FRA, the states and the rail manufacturing and supply industry.
Mr. Bronte elaborated by stating, “now we need to begin to procure equipment. We need to get the procurement process started. We need to track changes to the specifications; develop configuration management plans; explore funding and financing options; standardization”, and more. “There are many challenges ahead, this is only the beginning”.
Mr. Bronte then introduced our host – FRA Administrator Joseph Szabo – and, on behalf of the Committee, thanked him for his tremendous support, and that of his staff, Mark Yachmetz, John Tunna, Kevin Kesler, Karen Rae, and others who have played such key roles in the success we have had thus far.
Administrator Joseph Szabo:
Administrator Szabo welcomed the Committee to the USDOT facilities, and thanked the Board and all Committee members for the hard work to date. Mr. Szabo noted that, with what is in the President’s budget proposal, it is clear that the work of this Committee has just begun.
Administrator Szabo described the elements in the President’s transportation budget as “a transformative vision for travel in the future. We now have a President who says that passenger rail should be an integral part of the vision.” The President has stated that his goal is, within 25 years, to give 80 percent of Americans access to high-speed rail. To implement the President’s vision “we are proposing $53 billion in funding over the next 6 years including over $8 billion in Fiscal Year 2012, which begins in October.”
“This is the type of multi-year commitment that made the Interstate Highway program a reality. Through it we will become a reliable and stable market for rail infrastructure and passenger rail equipment.”
He acknowledged that the industry needs to know that there is stability in order to be willing to locate here in the US. He cited the intent to replace Amtrak’s aging Fleet and establish “an entity of entities that, working with FRA, the States and the private sector, procure the passenger rail equipment needed for our emerging high-speed rail corridor development.”
“This is where the Section 305 Committee is so important.”
He advised the Committee to “not repeat the transit experience, where there are all types and sizes” of components. FRA “will not fund assembly in the U.S. of rail equipment designed and manufactured overseas. We take our Buy American requirements seriously.”
“What we seek is the development of a domestic rail car manufacturing industry that covers the entire spectrum from design, to the manufacture of components and subcomponents, to assembly, and repair.”
“We see this industry as multiple companies competing to build what is essentially the same equipment.”
“We want commonality of design and standardization of components and parts that will permit multiple firms to build essentially the same, interoperable equipment and its components. As an example, while I am not saying we need a standard air conditioner, I am saying we need standard air conditioner requirements and configuration that will permit manufacturers to compete for the best design available today and use their ingenuity to come up with design enhancements in the future.”
The Administrator noted that, “I appreciate the work that has gone into developing the single car stand alone specification – but it does not quite get to where we want to be. The standardization effort that will refine the single car specification will be essential if this effort of the Committee will meet the requirements for Federal funding.”
Mr. Szabo emphasized “we are presented a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to literally change our world and realize the benefits that rail offers to our passenger mobility. The Secretary (USDOT Secretary LaHood) and I are counting on the Section 305 Committee to help lay the foundation for success”.
–  Roll Call – Steve Hewitt, Manager, S305 NGEC Support Services:
–  After calling for self introductions by all meeting attendees, Chairman Bronte asked Steve Hewitt, the NGEC Support Services Manager, to call the roll of the Executive Board Members to ensure the presence of a quorum. The roll was called, with all members either present or accounted for via proxy (Louisiana had provided its proxy to Tammy Nicholson of Iowa). The presence of a quorum was established.
Treasurer’s Report – DJ Stadtler, NGEC Treasurer and Chair of the Finance Subcommittee:
Mr. Stadtler reported that the estimated Committee expenses for the first 15 months beginning in January, 2010 through March 31, 2011, were approximately $625,000.00. He cited this as a “conservative estimate” and noted that he was pleased to say that the Board had been diligent in managing its expenses. He also expressed appreciation to the industry, the states, FRA and Amtrak for all of the “in kind” support provided to the Committee.
For the upcoming 12 months – from April 1, 2011 through March 31, 2012 the proposed budget for the NGEC amounts to approximately $1,175,000.00. This estimate includes the budgets submitted by the Technical subcommittee, the Finance subcommittee, the Administrative Task Force, and AASHTO for its support services. It also includes a contingency line of approximately $93, 216.00 for the Executive Board to allocate as needed. (Full Treasurer’s report presentation can be found on line at the AASHTO website at
Chairman Bronte stressed the point that there have been “lots of volunteers from many organizations” in this effort, but “major recognition goes to the industry for tremendous ‘pro-bono’ type support.” Mr. Bronte further noted that without the support and expertise of those “in this field, we could not have been as successful as we have been in getting to this point”.
Report from the FRA – Mark Yachmetz:
Mark Yachmetz reported that “we’ve been busy at FRA looking at a transformative initiative relating to the way we travel, and this Committee is important to that effort.” He noted that this is just the beginning and there is a lot of work to do to rebuild a stable rail industry in this country.
He stated that the “stars are aligning” for the Committee to ”nail down what we need to start implementation and begin getting equipment built”. He noted that the President’s budget and vision support this effort.
In response to a comment from Mr. Bronte in regards to the states willingness to assist FRA in developing a marketing strategy; Mr. Yachmetz noted that “we can’t ask people to lobby, but we can ask them to review our proposals and comment on them and make your views known”.
Proposed By-Law changes – Rod Massman, NGEC Secretary and Chair of the Administrative Task Force:
Mr. Massman reported that the task force had previously submitted technical amendments to the By-laws which were approved by the Executive Board at an earlier meeting; but because the By-laws currently state that By-law amendments can only be made at the Annual meeting of the NGEC; we are re-presenting those original changes for consideration today. He characterized these as “house keeping” amendments – previously approved and now re-submitted.
After a review of the proposed amendments, (posted on the AASHTO web site), Caitlin Hughes Rayman, Maryland DOT, made a motion to “re-adopt the amendments as presented”. The motion was seconded by Pat Simmons, North Carolina DOT, and, after a poll of the Board (all members voting in favor), Mr. Bronte determined that consensus had been achieved and the amendments were adopted.
Mr. Massman then presented a By-law amendment which would allow the Board to vote on By-law changes throughout the course of the year at other meetings of the Board, providing that Board members had received the proposed amendment 30 days prior to the meeting at which the amendments(s) were to be considered. As a point of clarification, Mr. Massman also noted that this particular amendment had met the 30 days prior notice requirement, having been distributed to all Board members by Steve Hewitt on January 10, 2011.
Ron Adams, Wisconsin DOT, made a motion to accept the amendment as presented and Ray Hessinger, New York State DOT, seconded the motion; and after a poll of the Board (all members voting in favor) Mr. Bronte determined that consensus had been achieved and the motion carried. The amendment was adopted.
Report from Amtrak – Stephen Gardner:
Stephen Gardner, Vice President of Policy and Development for Amtrak provided an overview of Amtrak. (Stephen’s presentation has been posted on the AASHTO website at
Mr. Gardner noted that Congress is focusing on austerity, which presents a challenging legislative environment. He did, however, also note that the Administration’s decision to focus on High Speed Rail is significant in that it continues the precedent that was established with the Recovery Act. Amtrak strongly supports it as a visionary step, and one that has the potential to change the way America travels.
Stephen also noted the importance of the 305 Committee to the future of passenger rail in America. He commented that Amtrak intends to use PRIIA specifications for additional equipment procurement and that the Committee has a lot of work ahead as well as a lot of questions to answer including; “how to manage, allocate and finance”. Amtrak is, Stephen said, “proud to be a part” of the 305 Committee.
Convening the Executive Board Business meeting – Bill Bronte:
Chairman Bronte proceeded to call to order the Executive Board business meeting. He pointed out to all attendees that the business meeting of today’s session is more about conducting the regular business of the Board; and it focuses more on decisions and actions than the Annual Meeting. He emphasized that there is no intent to encourage attendees to leave, in fact, “we welcome your attendance” as well as your input.
The Chairman noted that a quorum was still present, as established earlier in the day when Mr. Hewitt had polled the Board.
Approval of the Meeting Summary/Minutes of the February 10, 2011 conference call meeting of the Executive Board-Bill Bronte:
Caitlin Hughes Rayman, Maryland DOT, made a motion to accept the meeting summary/minutes of the February 10, 2011 Executive Board conference call; and Mario Bergeron, Amtrak, seconded the motion. After a poll of the Board, (all members voting in favor) Chairman Bronte determined that consensus had been achieved and the minutes were approved.
Standardization Report – Rob Edgcumbe, Consultant to Amtrak:
Rob Edgcumbe has been facilitating a working group to develop standardization recommendations to present to the Board. The group is comprised of Dale Engelhardt, Amtrak, Kevin Kesler, FRA and Stan Hunter California DOT with additional input having been provided by Jack Martinson, Bombardier, Anand Prabhakaran, Sharma Associates, and Michael Burshtin, Amtrak.
Note: The complete presentation and the Standardization Report produced by the working group is posted on the AASHTO website at
The group has been meeting every two weeks to discuss the various factors impacting the issue of standardization, and has produced a report on a proposed way forward.
Mr. Edgcumbe described some of the issues to be addressed as: