Engaging Indigenous learners in education through ICT


Get going with a blog

A blog is a website where you, or a group of people, can write comments and keep adding to them. A blog can be different things to different people, for example it could be a personal diary, a way of having a discussion with others, a space where lots of people can write their ideas about a topic, or a running commentary on a topic.

Take a look at some examples – go to http://cookingwithamy.blogspot.com or http://grandlakeoutdoors.blogspot.com.

To find blogs that might be of interest to you, go to http://blogsearch.google.com.

The most recent information added to a blog is at the top – blogs are organised so that you see new information first.

There are lots of different sites for blogging. These instructions explain how to set up a blog from Blogger.com, which is a free program available on the internet.

Note: Children should be supervised when using blogging sites.

Getting started

Go to http://www.blogger.com.

Select the ‘Take a quick tour’ link and read through the information about blogs.

You can create an account at the end of the ‘tour’, or you can go back to the homepage when you’re ready and select the ‘Create your blog now’ link.

To create a Blogger account, you first need to have a Google account. If you already have a Google account, log in. If you don’t have a Google account, create one by completing the form. Select ‘Continue’.

Name your blog. Try and think of a name that is relevant to what the content will be.
Select ‘Continue’.

Choose a template for your blog – scroll down to view all the options.
Select ‘Continue’.

Now you’re ready to get blogging. Select ‘Start blogging’.

Get blogging!

To start a blog, or a post, type the title into the title box, and a comment underneath. You can format the text using the formatting buttons above the main text box. You can also add photos or videos using the buttons beside the text formatting buttons.
Select ‘Publish post’ when you are ready to send your comments to the website.

The blog site has now been set up. The internet address for the site of this blog is

When you select the comments link, you will see a screen like the one shown below. You can add your comments, and select ‘Publish your comment’ to send it to the website for others to see.

Create a new post

To create a new discussion, or a new post, select the ‘New Post’ link on the top menu

To finish up

To finish up, select the ‘Sign Out’ link at the top right of the screen.

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