1. Any absenteeism will be reported to your immediate supervising official, within two hours after you should have reported for duty in case of a morning shift, and 2 hours before you are due to start on any other shift.
2. A medical certificate must be handed in within 48 hours (two days) after you should have reported for duty, in the case of ill health, irrespective if you qualify for sick leave or not.
3. Any staff member that absents her/himself for 1(one) day or more without contacting the employer and/or without producing a valid sick certificate will be subjected to a first written warning being given. A repetition of this offence will render you liable to a final written warning being given and might ultimately lead to your dismissal.
4. Any staff member that absents her/himself for two (2) days without contacting the employer and/or without producing a valid sick certificate will be subjected to a first and final written warning. A repetition of this offence during the next 12 months might result in dismissal if found guilty at a disciplinary hearing for failing to provide a valid reason for committing the offence.
5. Any staff member that absents her/himself for 3(three) days or more without contacting the employer and/or without producing a valid sick certificate will be subjected to a disciplinary hearing that might result in dismissal should the employee be found guilty and not being able to provide a reasonable excuse for not complying.
6. All safety, general company and health regulations will be adhering to.
7. All employees will make themselves available and submit to searches of your person and possessions when required by the company by a person/security designated. It is recorded that such searches will be done in private and will under no circumstances be conducted by the opposite gender.
8. As the Company places great importance on the safety and security of its employees, the Company’s security controls will be strictly applied. You will be required to submit your person, possessions and locker to random searches conducted by management from time to time. Any form of sexual harassment will be met with the severest form of discipline and if found guilty will be dismissed.
9. (a) You will also subject yourself to a breathalyser test should we believe that you are under the
influence of an alcoholic beverage. Should you exceed the limits laid down by law, you will be
subject to summary dismissal without the option of notice, if found guilty at a hearing.
(b) Should we believe that you have partake, or, are under the influence of narcotics or a prohibited
narcotic, you will subject yourself to a blood and/or urine test. Should you prove positive on (a) and/or
(b), you will be subjected to possible prosecution and summarily dismissal.
A refusal to comply with these request/s will led the company to believe that you are, on the balance of probability, guilty of the offence/s.
10. Any form of assault on a fellow worker will be met with the severest form of disciplinary action. If
found guilty of such misconduct will be subject to summarily dismissal without the option of notice.
11. No member of staff will be allowed to use the telephone (this will include cell phones) during working hours without obtaining permission from your immediate supervisor.
12. No member of staff will be allowed to leave the workplace, during working hours without obtaining permission from your immediate supervisor.
13. No member of staff will leave their workplace without being signed off by a Manager.
14. Any staff member that are found with company property in their possession will be charged with theft and be subject to summary dismissal.
15. No staff member will partake, remove, and displace any foodstuff, or any property of this establishment without the consent/permission of his/her immediate supervisor. Being found guilty of this offence will result in your dismissal without the option of notice, if found guilty at a hearing. Charges of theft will be laid against you at the Police.
16. No member of staff will change their shifts without approval from your immediate supervisor.
17. Continual late coming will result in disciplinary action and ultimately dismissal.
18. Should we believe that you are involved in any form of sabotage, theft or deliberately trying to do the company harm in any way, and where we believe the trust relationship between the parties are in question, will subject yourself to a polygraph test. Should you, however, refuse to undergo the polygraph test, we will then assume that you are on the balance of probability, guilty of the offence in question and which might lead to your dismissal.
19. Refusal to obey a lawful instruction from you superiors will result in misconduct and insubordination charges being brought against you and might result in your dismissal.
20. Disrespectful behaviour or the use of foul/derogatory language against a supervisor/manager or co-worker will be seen as gross misconduct, and being found guilty may lead to dismissal.
All the above are subject to disciplinary action/s being taken.