Title: / First Name: / Last Name:
Telephone No: / H / W / M
Post Code:

When completing this section please refer to the competency profile, skills and attributes associated with the role (these are contained in the application support pack)

Background and Relevant Experience (such as employment history, volunteering, experience and qualifications):
We’d like to know a bit more about why you’d like to become a non-executive director andwhat you think you could contribute to the role. Please tell us what your three key objectives are:

Our Values

Our aim is to create GREAT Homes, GREAT Neighbourhoods, GREAT People. We do this through a group of shared values:Genuine, Respect, Excellence, Achievement, Together (GREAT). In this next section, please explain briefly how you have demonstrated these values in the past either in a work or non-work situation; this information can help us in our shortlisting process.

Genuine: We care that we are being genuine and honest with people. Briefly tell us how you have demonstrated this value.

Respect: We value people’s differences and are considerate to their needs. Briefly tell us how you have demonstrated this value.

Excellence: We enjoy being the best and encourage innovation to always improve. Briefly tell us how you have demonstrated this value.

Achievement: We are proud to be a learning organisation and celebrate the personal development of our people. Briefly tell us how you have demonstrated this value.

Together: We work collectively to achieve the best results. Briefly tell us how you have demonstrated this value.


I confirm that I am not:

  • presently or previously disqualified from acting as a Company Director or Charity Trustee;
  • an un-discharged bankrupt;

In addition I confirm that I am not:

  • a member of a local authority and have not been in the preceding four years;
  • an officer of a local authority;
  • an employee and either a director, manager, secretary or similar officer of a company which is under the control of a local authority;
  • under 16 years of age;
  • in arrears on my rent account or failing to maintain any agreed payment plan;
  • in breach of my tenancy conditions;
  • currently and have not previously been the subject of action by my landlord Gedling Homes;
  • the subject of any criminal charges and have not been convicted of a criminal offence.

Please note that convictions regarded as ‘spent’ under the terms of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 need not be disclosed. The New Charter Group reserves the right to carry out DBS and bankruptcy checks on any applicant taken forward.

If Yes, please provide details:
Are you related to a Board Member or employee of / Yes / No
Gedling Homes or the New Charter Group?
Are you employed by the Gedling Homes? / Yes / No
Do you have an interest in any organisation which has / Yes / No
contracts or does business with Gedling Homes or the New Charter Group?
[By interest we mean are you an employee, director/ shareholder or a close relative of an employee or director/ shareholder]

I confirm that, to the best of my knowledge, the facts I have stated above are true and correct:


Completed application forms should be returned to:

The HR Department, Cavendish 249, Cavendish Street, Ashton-under-Lyne, OL6 7AT or

with Tenant Non-Executive Director Recruitment in the subject line

Closing date for applications: 10th February 2017

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